Sentences with phrase «outlines specific»

This document outlines the specific terms and conditions of the transaction and is acknowledged by both parties by the signing of the document.
This outlines the specific terms, conditions, and contingencies of the home sale.
Behavioral objectives: A behavioral objective outlines the specific measurable behavior that the student is expected to perform at the end of the training session.
Schema therapy, integrating several models of therapy, differentiates themes and patterns based on maladaptive beliefs, and outlines specific strategies to help overcome and heal even chronic issues that diminish self - esteem and negatively impact relationships.
During the last part of the day, Gary meets with the couple together and outlines a specific, practical plan based on the day's learning and insights, for improving the marriage and getting it to work best for both spouses.
Service Engagement and Retention for Women with Substance Use Disorders (PDF - 1,030 KB) Wisdom, Pollock, & Hopping - Winn (2011) U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Children's Bureau, National Abandoned Infants Assistance Resource Center Outlines specific engagement and retention strategies to decrease noncompliance and increase participation in outpatient substance abuse treatment.
The factsheet outlines specific actions that foster parents can take to create a welcoming home for all youth in their care and to promote youths» health and well - being in the community.
Adoptions of Native American children are governed by a federal law — the Indian Child Welfare Act — that outlines specific rules and procedures that must be followed when adopting a Native American child.
Four full days for the home visitor, plus an additional fifth day for supervisors and program managers, the training outlines the specific duties of the home visitor in their role within Healthy Families America.
Following the summary, the core qualifications section outlines specific skills the applicant has developed.
Next, the resume outlines specific applicable skills in the core qualifications section.
The FCRA outlines specific obligations for both providers and users of consumer reports.
The experience section outlines specific skills in cavity prevention, charting, dental examination and dental equipment.
The summary outlines specific qualifications including the management of production, quality, safety and cost control for chemical manufacturing company.
A well - written career objective outlines the specific actions to be taken to reach both long and short term goals.
A unique project management heading outlines specific software and technologies used in their past IT projects.
In most resumes, there is a resume key skills section that outlines the specific and relevant personal and professionals skills of the applicant.
This trader resume outlines specific accomplishments such as formulating a swap spread model and designing a trading template.
Well, this article outlines some specific things you can do to make your resume stand out.
The job description outlines the specific duties of the role, and you can also find information about the support skills and extra training that will make you more successful as a candidate on that document.
Your insurance company adds a schedule to your policy which outlines the specific sum paid for each injury.
An appointment is a contractual agreement that outlines the specific products the agency may sell.
It merely outlines the specific legal situations when it is not allowed to let your dog run free.
This plan outlines every specific requirement and rule that you and your child's other parent must follow.
The participation agreement outlines the specific employment activities that will likely lead to a permanent job.
However, the state of New Mexico outlines specific property protections.
How EPA Has Failed to Control Mercury Pollution From Cement Kilns,» the Earthjustice / EIP report outlines specific recommendations for EPA and state agency action based on the following key conclusions:
Today a report provided to IGN outlines the specific elements of Saints Row IV that raised a red flag to the Classification Board.
However, it outlines specific space, housing and outdoor access requirements for participants.
The Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009, also called the CARD Act, outlines specific protections for those who use credit cards.
This report outlines the specific PMC - approved objectives Federal agencies should support and implement.
Our report, Improving Early Literacy in Colorado: Realizing the Promise of the READ Act, outlines specific recommendations to the Colorado Department of Education and the State Board of Education on how to improve early literacy in Colorado and support educators teaching young readers.
The creation of a comprehensive report that outlines specific strategies to assist schools in challenging environments
The guidance «helps states and districts discover provisions and flexibility in ESSA» and «outlines specific policies, practices, and language that improve individual student...
The document outlines specific strategies and resources to support K - 12 and expanded learning collaboration to advance high - quality STEM learning.
The book Top 20 Teachers by Paul Bernabei and Tom Cody outlines specific roles with individual responsibilities for students to fulfill.
The organization gives each participant a «man - up plan» that outlines specific academic, behavior, employment, and personal - growth goals.
As a Registered Exporter Comvita receives a letter from MPI, which outlines specific duties for the products we export.
The report outlines specific suggestions for researchers and research funders, United States regulators and policymakers, and international organizations, that could help advance this promising new scientific approach for combatting insect borne human disease and insect agricultural pests while ensuring environmental safety and societal issues are addressed.
The new bill outlines specific appeals processes for private colleges, which are not otherwise required by law to guarantee students» due process rights.
Rachel outlines specific difficulties then gives you the tools to overcome them, while staying a connected, respectful and strong mama bear.
Four full days for the home visitor, plus an additional fifth day for supervisors and program managers, the training outlines the specific duties of the home visitor in their role within Healthy Families America.
The Bible outlines specific acts that God does forbid (lust being one of them) because they are considered destructive to mankind but more importantly, they are considered unholy in the eyes of God and are selfish in nature.
Like so many other Christian writers, Chrysostom painstakingly outlines the specific obligations of parents to their children — reading the Bible to them, praying with them and acting as models of the Christian life for them.
initiative, the group has released a Guidance report — a free online booklet that outlines specific steps business leaders and legislators can take to institute meaningful change.
You can alleviate the confusion surrounding ownership of the customer experience by outlining specific action items for each department at each stage of the customer journey.
Analysts who spoke to Reuters on Monday said some of their investor clients want Goldman management to outline a specific plan for how the bank will make up for falling bond revenue and drive returns higher.
On that last point, Musk has already outlined a specific timeline — he wants SpaceX to go to Mars by 2024 — though many have doubted he'll be able to meet such a tight deadline.
It's important to outline specific goals, but the contractor must provide their own tools, equipment, and facilities to complete the work.
In our report, we not only noted that AXP was already heavily undervalued, but also outlined specific actions AXP could take to boost its value by upwards of $ 50 billion.
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