Sentences with phrase «outperform during bear markets»

His reasoning is that growth - momentum approaches typically do better during bull markets, while value - fundamental strategies tend to outperform during bear markets.
In most cases, value stocks tend to outperform during bear markets and are thus considered defensive investments.

Not exact matches

Many people concede that actively managed funds have a hard time outperforming the market, but they will imply that actively managed funds show their true value in small - cap funds, international & emerging market funds, and during bear markets.
Studies show that value strategies often fare better than growth strategies during bear markets and may even outperform growth strategies in the long run when risk is considered.
Even though this is a relatively short time span, the 26 calendar years since 1989 include two major bear markets, two strong recoveries and a strong U.S. bull market during the 1990s in which the S&P 500 outperformed all its competition.
According to GSAM, Liquid Alts outperformed equity by 23 % and fixed income by 16 % during bear markets.
They may underperform during ranging bull markets, but they are built in such a way that they should outperform when the bears take control.
The quality factor tends to outperform the overall market during bear markets; this superior performance pattern was present during the 2008 - 2009 downturn.
While individual results vary, on average, large - cap active funds have actually outperformed during the last three bear markets.
Studies have consistently shown that dividend - paying stocks significantly outperform nondividend - paying stocks during bear market periods.
This approach generally has been vindicated in the past, as value investors tended to outperform a majority of money managers over full market cycles; and this outperformance has been achieved principally during bear markets, by losing less than most.
This period includes two major bear markets, two strong recoveries and a strong U.S. bull market during the 1990s in which the S&P 500 outperformed all its competition.
This Golden / Death Cross Model outperforms buy and hold during a bear market because you sit in cash while «buy and hold» gets clobbered.
Of course during bear markets the strategy implemented by SCTO is going to outperform, however it will underperform during bull markets.
Timing allows the investor to outperform the market by protecting investment capital during severe bear markets, of at least -30 % to -55 % declines, and to take better advantage of rising markets by actively focusing on the cream of the crop.
This strategy outperforms buy and hold during a bear market because you sit in cash while «buy and hold» gets clobbered.
Value stocks tend to outperform by falling less during bear markets and growth stocks tend to outperform in the bullish phase.
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