Sentences with phrase «output reduction»

Kuwait is committed to cutting output by 131,000 b / d in January in line with its commitments under OPEC's output reduction deal, oil minister Essam al - Marzouq said Thursday.
But it's also worth watching the key decision makers both in and out of the cartel as we approach the next OPEC meeting in May, during which producers will decide whether to extend the November output reduction agreement for another six months.
The expected reduction in overall gross output went from 0.5 % in the first scenario to ten per cent in the latter one — although some individual sectors would see output reductions of nearly 25 %.
For perspective, Wood Mackenzie notes that this represents 44 % of the combined output reduction by OPEC and its non-member partners.
Given that most shale drillers will only cut back when crude falls, OPEC's only option to get its message across might be to let the current output reduction agreement expire next March.
When you run your numbers for the cap - and - trade policies, you don't see output reduction as an abatement mechanism being that important, do you?
Over the weekend, OPEC agreed to an output reduction deal with 11 non-producing nations, which will combine in a historic agreement to remove nearly 2 % of global production from the market to drain supplies.
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