Sentences with phrase «output results»

When combined with the electric motor generator, the combined output results in around 300 hp.
Her multifaceted output results in experimental films, performances, installations and writing that looks at geographically - informed socio - economic developments of modern architecture in different parts of the world.
Using the nearly $ 3 trillion drop in economic output resulting from the recent economic recession as a reference point, the author suggests that the achievement gap between the U.S. and academically top - performing countries «can be said to be causing the equivalent of a permanent recession.»
To output the results of the error check to a file called errors.txt, run the following command in the same directory as your EPUB package:
Artworks are considered digital paintings when created in similar fashion to non-digital paintings but using software on a computer platform and digitally outputting the resulting image as painted on canvas.
We find a similar story in the GPU department, where 1080p Manhattan Offscreen (ES 3.1) outputs results higher than we expected given Qualcomm's official numbers.
If the Fed were to respond to weaker real output resulting from a negative supply shock by taking actions to stimulate aggregate demand, higher inflation would be the ultimate result, not higher real output.
Despite the increase in speed, the enemies can easily overwhelm you with their long combos and high damage output resulting in many cheap deaths.
For a given target output the result is that arrays of panels have to oversized, currently a significant expense.
The energy output resulting from the company's investment in renewables exceeds the energy consumed at all LEGO factories and offices globally.
Tested connectivity and output of BJ and MF printers over local or Novell network connections, analyzed output results.
According to Aperture Magazine: Turning away from straight photography in the mid-1990s, «Ruff has taken up a study of the photogram, updating the form for the digital era by creating his works in a 3 - D digital studio environment and outputting the resulting images in the large scale he tends to favour.»
The point is — their belief system is conflicted — maybe not the «creed» you go by, but the output resulting from the various interpretations of the Bible and whatever else different Christians use to guide themselves.
It also records full 1080p high - definition video, just like the new iPad does, and you can output the results to an HDTV with the HDMI port.
You can decide which input you want, choose an action, and then select the output result of that action.
Spreading the capital cost over one third the output results makes it very expensive per kWh generated.
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