Sentences with phrase «outrage standards of decency»

«While I consider a three year penalty to be excessive and disproportionate for Mr. Lewis, I am not prepared to find that it is so at a level that would be grossly disproportionate and / or would outrage standards of decency.
«The criterion which must be applied in order to determine whether a punishment is cruel and unusual within the meaning of s. 12 of the Charter is, to use the words of Laskin C.J. in Miller and Cockriell, supra, at p. 688, «whether the punishment prescribed is so excessive as to outrage standards of decency
The cuts potentially jeopardized the health and safety of innocent and vulnerable children in a manner that shocked the conscience and outraged standards of decency.

Not exact matches

In Lord Simon's opinion, such an interpretation was borne out by the purpose of the legal rule, ie «that reasonable people may venture out in public without the risk of outrage to certain minimum accepted standards of decency».
Moreover, the purpose of the requirement that the act be of such a kind that it outraged public decency went to setting a standard which the jury had to judge by reference to contemporary standards; it did not require that someone saw the act and was outraged.
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