Sentences with phrase «outs of their case better»

However, this judge should assume, as most do, that prosecutors know the ins and outs of their case better than anyone.

Not exact matches

They're doing it through dozens of workshops held in community centers, libraries, YMCA's, and municipal buildings, where anywhere from 40 to 60 women (and sometimes a few men) work their way through a two - hour curriculum that teaches them how to figure out how much they should be paid, how to make their case to an employer, and how to gracefully exit a negotiation that might not be going well.
They've made the case that you get a lot of value out of engaging people, whether it's through referrals back or whether it's people feeling a better connection.
Be prepared — it's much better to have a compass to get out of the woods (just in case) than to have to eat your friends to survive.
In any case, it's generally a good investment of the modest amount of time it takes to pay attention and be polite unless the people pitching haven't done their homework, don't appreciate or want to hear about the magnitude or difficulty of what they're setting out to do, or just aren't really prepared to effectively present and defend their ideas.
If you are taking out the loan to invest in a growth opportunity, you need to calculate the best - and worst - case scenarios for that investment and compare that against the true cost of the loan.
«In a best - case scenario, in terms of their chances of winning in court, they would not completely suspend the refugee - admissions program but require some kind of additional screening procedures for refugees and start rolling those out,» Yale - Loehr said.
And in this case, it had a good outcome: He's been promoted several times since then, and I stay out of the software programming.
The researchers believe that this dichotomy might be a classic case of the «licensing effect,» whereby people give themselves permission to behave badly after a noble move (or vice versa)-- in a sense, balancing out of their good and bad self - image.
The president then alleged that Obama bypassed a court rejection in order to carry out the wiretapping, before suggesting that a «good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!»
In studying the stories of these individuals and other thought leaders and influencers, what I've found interesting is that in many cases the way they found their purpose and voice, and their biggest successes, wasn't the result of a well - thought - out strategy; it was by simply responding to demand.
I'd bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!
He lays out the case that difficulties (within reason; no one is singing the praises of real suffering here) are good for learning, creativity, and even happiness:
You may want to review some of the best SEO companies out there in case you need help.
An affidavit filed in support of Winner's arrest as well as the case against her laid out some of these alleged blunders, and security experts pointed out others.
Help those athletes perform better on the track, while out biking, or in the case of Phelps — swim more swiftly in the pool.
Case in point: Dotdash's home and food - focused brand, The Spruce, is now one of the strongest properties of its kind on the internet, simply because Dotdash set out to do something that it didn't believe was well - served in the marketplace.
A new iPhone case with a flip - out keyboard may tip the balance in Apple's favor by offering the best of both worlds.
Sometimes saying nothing is better than saying something, which is certainly the case when it comes to promoting an out of date award.
«If the government wheeled out a significant medium - term infrastructure program, I don't think I'd have a big problem with it — they can borrow very cheaply and there's a pretty good case to be made that there's lots of demand for infrastructure.»
«Your worst - case - scenario thinking won't get better until you get it all out of your head.
In some cases, they will mistrust parents whom they feel squandered opportunities in boom times, she says, while others from wealthier upbringings may think their family's good life is hopelessly out of reach.
I would recommend modeling cash flow under at least three scenarios — best case, worst case, and something in between — extending each model out at least six months, and updating them every couple of weeks.
You can also check out the best iPad cases for every type of person and read why we love the Apple Pencil.
Then they cast about for things to buy and in most cases they are trying to figure out what's the best use of their cash.
In some cases, switching out team members and bringing in new blood may be the best way to improve the energy and engagement of the team, though we've found that this is often unnecessary.
While there are numerous cases studies of business blogs (I like to think Online Marketing Blog is one) providing tremendous value, blogs are simply software tools and what you get out of them is in proportion to how well you know how to use them.
These media already give the news that the public needs and are much better about screening out lies, whether because of regulations (in the case of radio and newspapers) or traditions of responsibility (in the case of most print media).
However, as Finextra points out, the hype cycle is calming down as bankers and financial institutions come to recognize that blockchain is best applied to use cases such as cross-border payments, where the risk of relying on outdated technology outweighs hesitance to try a new solution.
This story fits in so well, what you said Stalin did, was exactly what Blockstream people did, they all kicked out the real people that supported and promoted the actual original idea and system (in this case Bitcoin system) and then using censorship, propaganda and army of USEFUL IDIOTS to fight their dirty wars, try to take out the original idea, and replace the system with some other shit that will benefit them.
My paper consumption went down 40 percent, and since I pay $ 45 or $ 50 for a case of recycled copy paper, that printer paid for itself out of paper savings in well under a year.
Worst case scenario: your prospect either doesn't respond or opts out of your emails, acting as a list scrubbing mechanism that only helps your email marketing efforts by weeding out leads who wouldn't have been a good fit for your products / services anyway.
Even if you plan on being out of the home well before in the introductory period ends, it is crucial that you check the interest rate cap before signing the loan, and make sure that it is something you would be able to afford to pay in case your plans change unexpectedly.
But in this case, the system uses a combination of prior maps as well as the lidar, which sends out a signal and gathers data on the range and intensity of objects in its path and around it in order to determine where the vehicle is driving in real time.
These responsibilities include: (i) fostering processes that allow the Board to function independently of management and encouraging open and effective communication between the Board and management of the Company; (ii) providing input to the Chairman on behalf of the independent Directors with respect to Board agendas; (iii) presiding at all meetings of the Board at which the Chairman is not present, as well as regularly scheduled executive sessions of independent Directors; (iv) in the case of a conflict of interest involving a Director, if appropriate, asking the conflicted Director to leave the room during discussion concerning such matter and, if appropriate, asking such Director to recuse him or herself from voting on the relevant matter; (v) communicating with the Chairman and the CEO, as appropriate, regarding meetings of the independent Directors and resources and information necessary for the Board to effectively carry out its duties and responsibilities; (vi) serving as liaison between the Chairman and the independent Directors; (vii) being available to Directors who have concerns that can not be addressed through the Chairman; (viii) having the authority to call meetings of the independent Directors; and (ix) performing other functions as may reasonably be requested by the Board or the Chairman.
It is only a master who can make such a blunder, and perhaps that is the best consolation we can have out of it, since in that case we have a right to hope that we'll see the same creative hand get even with itself.»
Well it is true that some people seek sorcerers to implement Jinn that are satanic demons into mankind or his house or his business to finish him or make his life miserable or to stop flow of his business income... In such case it is either you are religious enough and say your prayers often then it becomes hard for this to harm you or otherwise you need to find some one who practice exorcism to remove this evil... But many are just pretending to be good at it and help you not but squeeze money out of you with tales and stories... There is another type of possessions and that is not through a sorcerer but directly by coincidence what man is at his weakest moments and those weakest moments for a possessions are when you come through a great fear or when cry or laugh loudly in hysteria, or during a certain moment of mating... or even when sneezing loudly... That's why there are prayers to be said on daily basis to guard you from such things and specially if passing haunted places such as deserted houses but most evil ones are residents of public toilets and market places... Some of them even would claim that you have made a wrong action by which you have killed a dear one to them and for that they have possessed you and that is mostly night time such as throwing a cigaret butt to a dark place or stepping killing an insect or even an animal at night which could have been one of them or possessed by one of them... So this is true thing happening to many who suffer unexplainable illnesses or sufferings which could look like mental illness that comes and goes as pleased...
Being alive devoid of the strategies to the difficulties you've sorted out by way of your good review is a critical case, and the kind which could have adversely affected my entire career if I had not come across your web site.
I, particularly, don't believe that is essential to demonstrate the point, but you seemed to think it was important, so I thought I'd point out the progression away from the curse of the fall in these areas as well, in case you find that that really is a significant indicator.)
If in the case of the movie Contact again, even if Foster's character stayed with him, bought him presents, took care of him when sick, got him b - day cards or cried at his funeral, someone could always say «Well she could be a psychopath and is just pretending to love him because its expected of her or she expects to get something out it like inheritance.»
The more we understand what causes a disease the more hope we have of finding a cure or a way to prevent it, or in the best case scenario, of wiping it out as we did smallpox.
A review of Kierkegaard's treatment of the temporal «moment of vision» or «instant» (Augenblick) in this work is probably the best insulation against supposing too quickly that what Heidegger means to bring out about Dasein by insisting that in each case we «are» it is the simple subjective immediacy of psychic life.
Insurance companies are well aware of the phenomenon in which people who take out insurance against, say, burglary, are known (on average if not in every case) to modify their behaviour so that the risk of being burgled increases.
Since it is five steps away from atheism out of a possible six, lovers of the letter of orthodoxy who might feel inclined to attack case two as little better than atheism, or as a blasphemous or at best a crudely inept doctrine, might pause, before indulging in such judgment, long enough to consider — and I am confident they will not have done so before — what the five steps really mean.
But a whole body of literature out there, some of it highly intelligent and well informed, makes this case.
I find it odd that aetheists feel so directly personally offended by Christian symbols... they are not offered as an «attack», unless you see the sharing of beliefs as an attack upon your own beliefs, in which case I think there is a deeper problem... This billboard IS a direct attack, and as many others have pointed out there is a better way to share your belief as an aetheist.
I put this case study out there because you are certain that jesus and god set the moral standard of «good», the furthest end of the spectrum that good can be.
It is difficult to condone violence, but in many cases it is understandable, and in all cases it should lead men of good will and discernment to seek out the reasons for it.
Case in point: For years I predicted that Oregon's assisted suicide law would not result in doctors and patients with long standing relationships working out what is best for end - of - life care.
That we need to start a revolution because Obama won... this is why the republicans lost... catering to the extreme far right, extreme religiious, extreme Tea Baggers... the tea partty members in the house will continue to create more problems for the GOP untill they show they are going to work with this President instead of against him... Boenher better get a grip on his House or he will find himself out of a job... and the GOP better distance themselves from this NUT CASE TRUMP...
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