Sentences with phrase «outside investment in law firms»

Afterall the template for allowing outside investment in law firms is there for the taking, and has been for some time.
Yet, Australia remains a black hole when it comes to discussions in Canada about outside investment in law firms.
As a point of clarification to the opening paragraph of your post, in fact, no final decision has yet been made concerning outside investment in law firms or whether or not to permit alternate business structures in BC.
When outside investment in law firms is permitted in the UK starting next year, LPOs are expected to attract investors who see the potential profitability of these new process - oriented services.
In other words, Australia has not only pioneered outside investment in law firms, it has the longest and most robust track record with these structures.
Premier Property Lawyers has become the first alternative business structure (ABS) in the UK as outside investment in law firms brought about through the Legal Services Act (LSA) became possible from today (6 October).
Anyone who has an informed interest in alternative business structures (ABS)-- structures that permit outside investment in law firms — will know that Australia, not the UK, was the first country to allow outside investment into law firms.
I envision a Law Times article written about the Bencher vote allowing outside investment in law firms; a piece that could the track the Law Times wording for mobility with only minor adjustments.
The Law Society of British Columbia has already made the same mistake as the American Bar Association recently made by declining to allow outside investment in law firms.
Outside investment in law firms will soon be permitted in England and a conference on the implications of public ownership of global law firms is scheduled at Georgetown University Law School next April.
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