Sentences with phrase «outside of marriage»

The bible in no place makes the declaration that all sex outside of marriage between a man and a woman sinful.
Single women argue both for their right to have children outside of marriage and their right to raise children with no father on the scene.
If we could lower their unintended pregnancy rates to the level experienced by college - educated women, we could reduce the proportion of children born outside of marriage by 25 percent.
There is a difference between a more accepting attitude about sexual relationships outside of marriage and advocacy of «free love»!
This is a religious community that prohibits any physical contact outside of marriage between a man and a woman.
I worry about the kid being sexually abused and hearing that sexual activity outside of marriage is wrong.
There is an increasing consensus about the value of intact two - parent families, together with an understanding of the social risks posed by increases in births outside of marriage.
The consequences of relations outside of marriage are disease and unwanted pregnancy.
In today's society more people are choosing to live together outside of marriage.
Put simply; many people start to look outside of their marriage for romance and intimacy if it is lacking within.
The proportion of first births that occur outside of marriage is only 12 percent for those who are college graduates but 58 percent for everyone else.
For moral, personal or religious reasons, a parent might feel uncomfortable about the child living in a home the other parent shares with someone outside of marriage.
Sometimes if this cycle goes on for too long we look outside of the marriage for the support we need.
The affair might look like a long - term sexual relationship where a spouse is emotionally and physically involved with a person outside of the marriage.
«It's like somebody sending a letter to your wife saying you've got another 10 girlfriends and five kids outside of marriage,» he says.
It teaches that sexual expression outside of marriage could have harmful psychological, social, and physical consequences.
What about sex outside of marriage when the marriage itself is still in force?
In fact, a majority of births to women under 30 happen outside of marriage — and divorce rates for those who do marry have blown past 40 percent.
Many Middle Eastern countries forbid casual dating outside of marriage.
I would view them, if they continued their sexual practices, the same I would a man who was living with a woman outside of marriage.
And it's true that there's a lot more sex outside of marriage nowadays.
Sometimes couples feel so disconnected they might find comfort outside of their marriage which can lead to infidelity, separation or divorce.
It follows, second, that sexual intercourse should take place only between husband and wife, and not outside of marriage.
Sex outside of marriage period... not defined as sinful unless the law of love is being broken.
Then don't be concerned when your partner continues to get experience outside the of the marriage.
I refuse to live with a bum outside of marriage — period.
If you're asking for forgiveness for your improper conduct outside of your marriage, that's a different matter.
Children born to marriages outside of that marriage system are ineligible.
I was a member of a church where if two people made a baby outside of marriage, they held a closed meeting of members only, no visitors.
But I soon got bored of my marriage and began to secretly have fun outside of marriage.
Or maybe we can explore the idea that couples can, and often outside of marriage.
The concept of committed men and women looking for romantic adventures outside of their marriage dates back through the ages.
If you find yourself thinking that the grass looks greener outside of your marriage, make sure you understand the landscape before you jump into a divorce.
I happen to think that women are a lot more open minded about seeking help outside of the marriage while men want to do things internally, you know.
You've been putting all your energy outside of your marriage and into an affair.
Should the people with a higher drive compromise on their sexual needs or should they seek sexual fulfillment outside of their marriage?
These patterns of sexual behaviors outside of marriage severely harm the relationship.
Having relationships and friendships outside of your marriage is key to keeping your marriage strong and healthy.
I work with partners who are devastated by the discovery of betrayal, infidelity in media or by a partner's choices outside of the marriage.
Another typical situation is when a mother with a child born outside of marriage wants to have the child take the father's last name after marriage.
Having close relationships outside of the marriage and leaning on those relationships in tough times are habits that can help a marriage thrive.
Therefore, any sexual activity outside of marriage is wrong, as is any «unnatural» means of birth control inside marriage.
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