Sentences with phrase «outside relationships»

Sometimes these challenges come from within the relationship — like differing styles of communication — and sometimes they come from outside the relationship — like financial problems caused by job instability.
This forces you to seek comfort from people outside your relationship.
If the couple is married, one spouse's sexual needs may be stronger than the other, forcing one spouse to go outside the relationship for sex.
It will be hard to step outside relationship norms you've established and propose something new.
I think that the personalities of the mothers and daughters influence the relationships a great deal and sometimes life experiences outside the relationships impact them as well.
The stress - reducing conversation is for handling stresses outside the relationship.
However, sex can play a major role in such outside relationships.
There is no person outside your relationship who can tell you to give up or give it another try.
Couple relationships work best when the individuals are resilient, have inner - strength and maintain an identity outside the relationship.
A victim's lawyer can absolutely assure his or her client that information will not be shared outside their relationship unless the client approves both the content and the context of the disclosure.
They look at the world outside their relationship through a shared window of openness and honesty.
Some people may find that sex outside the relationship leads them to bond more strongly with someone other than their spouse.
One potential solution is to seek additional fulfillment outside the relationship — from friends, work, or hobbies, for example.
Critical outside relationships include those with suppliers and customers.
When it comes to savings, because the couple has separate savings accounts, travel and gift money that goes toward other partners outside their relationship isn't an issue.
Focus on your own autonomy and identity, engaging with yourself as an individual outside the relationship and to appreciate your relationship for all it really is or isn't.
If you think you're in the right frame of mind and having a busy companion wouldn't make you wander outside the relationship, there is no harm dating a millionaire.
Understand their needs and draw a line between your preferences outside the relationship.
Even when you are coping with issues outside your relationship, be sure to check in frequently with your partner and let him or her call some of the shots.
Since you're taking risks outside the relationship, why not take more risks within the relationship?
It is possible that you will start to distance, and seek enjoyment outside the relationship.
If you have trouble working through things on your own, you might consider getting help from someone outside your relationship.
In session I am able to stand outside the relationship looking in, and because of this, the couples in the room are able to do this too.
Couples can feel safer with each other than in general, which ironically allows for worse behavior than would happen outside the relationship.
When resources are spent in areas outside the relationship, the relationship can be compromised.
There can by lying, stealing, cheating, spending outside the relationship and so on.
Finally, if you notice yourself starting to look elsewhere, to be attracted to people outside the relationship, you are probably feeling a significant level of distance in your relationship.
Whether or not you've stepped outside your relationship, or your partner has, affairs can hurt relationships.
But a part of doing it oneself effectively is to use needed resources from outside the relationship.
«Pornography can also lead to a decrease in relationship trust and a higher likelihood of affairs outside the relationship,» they write.
Have you asked for an open relationship, where affections and intimacies are shared outside the relationship with others?
Here's an idea: how about two people who love each other and are committed to each other forget what anyone outside the relationship thinks and make sex an expression of love to each other doing whatever makes them mutually happy, remembering that it's no one else's business what their love - making looks like.
A lack of interests outside the relationship leads to boredom, according to the Wall Street Journal's 2012 interview with Terri Orbuch, a psychologist and research professor at the University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research.
Partners may also be involved with people outside their relationship by way of texting or «sexting» messages on cell phones.
These include: • Failed attempts to increase closeness or intimacy • One or both partner's difficulty expressing feelings • Betraying partner's experience of sharing feelings and not getting any response or a negative response • Betraying partner's tendency to go outside the relationship through work, drug / alcohol use, friends, etc. • Common negative cycles that prevent closeness such as blame / withdraw, criticize / shut down, or mutual blame
Especially when things are tenuous with our loved one, it can be tempting to look outside the relationship for relief or enrichment.
The more you can deal with the stressors outside your relationship — and bypass complain - o - logues — the more mental bandwidth you'll have to deal with any problems within your relationship.
Whenever your spouse / partner consumes most of your focus / energy (this frequently occurs during the infatuation stage of early love), you have little left over for your friends, family, interests, hobbies, work / career, etc; and inversely, when couples are too disconnected, you become vulnerable to outside influences and the danger of getting your intimacy needs met outside the relationship is heightened.
Usually when couples are hyper - focused on (and intensely connected to) each other, some other area of their life outside the relationship gets neglected.
She ultimately decides what her life may be outside her relationship as a means to understand herself.»
Furthermore, the Bible makes clear that all s @x outside this relationship is abhorrent in God's sight - whether that's heteros@xual or ho-mo-s@xual.
They also get to experience compersion, what the poly community calls «the joy people feel for their partner, as he or she discovers satisfaction outside the relationship
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