Sentences with phrase «outside sources»

"Outside sources" refer to information or resources that come from other people, places, or things, rather than originating directly from the subject or situation being discussed. These sources can provide additional knowledge, perspectives, or evidence to support or enhance understanding. Full definition
Another reason for owning a business plan is to help an entrepreneur to intend funds from outside sources for the business or to impress your investors.
First, list your monthly income — your take - home pay if you get a paycheck, self - employment income, and any other outside sources of income.
Posts are all excerpts written by outside sources, presented without commentary.
While this proven team approach yields great dividends for our clients, we do not hesitate to seek guidance and opinions from other outside sources, as may be required for particular projects.
Yet stay within your area of expertise, he cautions, and rely on your leadership, staff, and outside sources for expertise you may not have.
Now, it has shifted to original content, a strategy that decreases its dependency on outside sources.
The self - directed part of career planning is exactly what it sounds like: driving the career planning on your own, without help from outside sources like a traditional career counselor.
We can assist you with arranging the travel insurance or you may purchase it through outside sources.
Though it's not recommended to list one's references on the actual written resume, when done carefully, outside sources in a video resume can add credibility.
You could literally get stuck forever if you didn't use outside sources and there was a hard or poorly designed puzzle.
As your company produces valuable content for your viewers, you will encounter many occasions when outside sources are (and should be) called on for additional authoritative insight.
It's not only outside sources that will show you the next direction to take.
Or are you receiving a lot of pressure from outside sources about how much your child «should» eat?
A person seeking accommodation is also expected to avail themselves of any available outside sources of funding to help cover expenses related to their own accommodation.
An analysis that does not disclose its methodology, or that uses premium data drawn from multiple outside sources, is likely to be unreliable.
I go back to my original premise in my own comment, and that is the assertion that rural areas need focused help from outside sources getting this problem under control.
When we add outside sources of toxins to an already busy liver, this is where imbalances can start to occur.
Plus, I feel I did not utilize outside sources as much as I should have and the books lacked a certain professional image.
Individual responsibility needs to be taught and then stressed, so that dependence isn't created on whatever outside sources of help might be available.
We've had the info verified by one inside source and two outside sources tied closely to the game as true and legitimate.
We may obtain additional information from outside sources at our own expense.
Check how it's accessed by staff and that it can't be accessed by outside sources.
I don't have the safety net of having that approval from outside sources like an agent or a publisher.
The human resources representative told me that in spite of making it clear to job seekers, through outside sources, more than 70,000 people had applied to jobs that didn't exist.
If you worry that your learner will be distracted by being online, then integrate the opportunity for them to answer using outside sources.
You can talk about what you're watching or pair the lessons you learn with other outside sources, like books and toys and outings.
Investors should know the true value of a house without relying solely on outside sources.
You will be expected to build literary analysis from the texts as well as outside sources of knowledge.
It comes from outside sources and from the books that I have written.
The only outside source the navigation app depends on is the «leader».
These oxidant molecules are natural by - products of our body's metabolic processes but can also come from outside sources such as smoking, pollution, or alcohol.
Rough electrical (everything inside walls) 4 different circuits, lights and furnace set up to run on 12 volt battery if necessary, refrigerator, oven and stove need outside source to run on 120
This Report draws on a wide range of World Bank documents and on numerous outside sources.
By bringing in this specialized outside source into my Real Estate business and dissect many aspects of my business, has allowed me to bring it to the next level with in months.
[36] To sum up, extensive copying and failure to attribute outside sources are in most situations practices to be discouraged.
Therefore, many companies rely upon outside sources, such as universities and star t - up companies (innovative acquisition vs. organic innovation) for innovation.»
As a business owner, you can't do it all, so outside sources often provide assistance in areas you may lack, including keeping track of money spent and money coming in, legal affairs and even motivation for how to push your businesses to the next level.
We felt that making the story about us was a bad move given how much of the information came from outside sources who deserve all the credit.»
Since filing for the race last year, Power has raised $ 5,920 from outside sources while putting $ 70,000 of his own money into his campaign.
The district needs to find outside sources of revenue to help pay for that help and is pursuing a $ 2.5 million closing - the - gap grant from the National Education Association.
The new announcement says that these advisory services include «advice concerning unsolicited offers from outside sources expressing interest in purchasing the Company.»
GCs of the future will conceptualise service delivery in terms of end - to - end solutions; namely the optimal combinations of people, process, tools and technology, and hybrid inside / outside sourcing models, to meet their client's business and legal challenges.
It is not required to reference outside sources, but if you do, make sure to cite information properly
Your financial advisor can work with you on maximizing outside sources of income, such as Social Security, to potentially reduce your reliance rate.
Look at a situation objectively, ask outside sources whom you trust to point out personal fault in a situation and always be quick to apologize if there has been any wrong on your end.

Phrases with «outside sources»

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