Sentences with phrase «outside the art world»

One of the things I always worry about is that you end up dragging and dropping things from outside the art world into it.
He committed suicide in 1948, still relatively unknown outside art world circles.
Within the art world, you get invited to dinners, but it's actually helpful outside the art world.
Or rather there was, but virtually nobody outside the art world knew about it.
Both of these artists got their start outside the art world.
The fact that he comes from outside the art world — that his primary interests are nature and spirituality and healing — is what makes him so intriguing.
Anderson became widely known outside the art world with her single «O Superman», which reached number two on the UK pop charts in 1981.
Initially trained as a sculptor, Anderson became widely known outside the art world with her single «O Superman», which reached number two in the UK pop charts in 1981.
Martínez Celaya has had numerous gallery exhibitions and exhibited his work outside the art world at institutions such as Berliner Philharmonie, Berlin; and the Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine, New York.
Stunning developments both inside and outside the art world in recent months have been so wildly unpredictable that one might either conclude, as some have, that reality is actually a giant computer simulation that has started to get buggy, or that the global emergency of Donald Trump's election has catalyzed an Accelerationist collapse in which the establishment comes apart at the seams and a new order rises in its place.
So why have so few outside the art world heard of painter Marlene Dumas?
You and Jeff Koons both had your porn moments, and they were controversial inside and outside the art world for both of you.
Wurm and his work became known outside the art world when the alternative rock band Red Hot Chili Peppers released the video to their song Can't Stop, which was obviously inspired by Erwin Wurm's art.
As a result, some have begun reaching out to scientists, futurists, game designers, and other specialists outside the art world.
And for Thornton, unlike a rash of other contemporary painters, the work is less about making specific references to art history and calculated departures from it, than in developing a broader vocabulary that draws inspiration from far outside the art world.
«I think this is the only one which people outside the art world will understand.
Titled «One Image, One Minute: Significant People Present Significant Images,» this unique fundraiser invites you to look and listen to various people in and outside the art world respond to images that have made a major impact on their lives.
His relative lack of fame outside the art world had a great deal to do with media expectations and journalistic templates, she argued.
Less surprising is that she did it in relative isolation, spending her last 37 years in New Mexico — which only added to her mythology and popularity outside the art world.
Bringing these materials into a gallery context, Ochoa intends to both connect with viewers outside the art world and question traditional exhibition strategies.
By featuring works from three generations of artists — Faramarz Pilaram (1937 — 1983), Parviz Tanavoli (b. 1937), Chohreh Feyzdjou (1955 — 1996), Shiva Ahmadi (b. 1975), Shahpour Pouyan (b. 1980), and Barbad Golshiri (b. 1982)-- the exhibition sheds light on the delicate balancing acts required for those working outside the art world's dominant North American - Western European axis.
Curating has been a key concept both in and outside the art world in the past few years, with the remit of what a curator does having changed and expanded with each new exhibition or -LSB-...]
Thompson and Eilshemius both garnered critical acclaim for their work, particularly posthumously, but they nevertheless remained relatively marginalized and practically unknown outside the art world.
I think a good way to do that is to try to find ways of seeing things and working from outside the art world that one can then, sometimes, transpose into the art world and see if it casts a new light on what is at stake.
Six years after he won the Turner prize, Leckey remains little known outside the art world — but he has quietly become one of the most influential artists in Britain
Along the way, she is joined by a roster of voices from both inside and outside the art world, including MoMA curators, conservators, and educators; Thelma Golden, Director and Chief Curator of the Studio Museum in Harlem; artists such as Martine Syms, Jo Baer, and Carolee Schneemann; famous friends, including Hannibal Buress, Samantha Irby, Mark Morris, Questlove, RuPaul, and Tavi Gevinson; and even Abbi's three - year old niece, Stella.
By the close of the 60s, however, events both within and outside the art world were shifting art discourse decisively away from that model and bringing it under fire, increasingly associating modernist autonomy with art for art's sake, with mere decoration, and with engaging formal problems that had little or nothing to do with lived experience.
Essays from outside the art world — by Anita Hill, Peter James Hudson, W.E.B. Du Bois and Zadie Smith — narrate a series of interwoven stories about Reconstruction, civil rights and the vulnerable body in urban space, fleshed out with vivid archival photographs and documents.
We facilitate connections in and outside the art world, offer hands - on production and technical assistance, and professional development opportunities.
In 2007, when «White Canoe», his nocturne of a boat reflected in a lake, sold at Sotheby's for $ 11.7 m, Peter Doig had been painting quietly in Trinidad for nearly a decade and was barely known outside the art world.
Curating has been a key concept both in and outside the art world in the past few years, with the remit of what a curator does having changed and expanded with each new exhibition or biennale.
Ruba Katrib is a curator who's actually making a difference in and outside the art world.
By highlighting the collective production process, found both in and outside the art world, do it contributes to Kunsthal Aarhus» COLLECTIVE MAKING series (2015 - 2016).
IB: You're right — it reaches audiences who are outside the art world.
All these things, when they're administered from outside the art world, collapse under their own authoritarian tendencies.
He completed only a few paintings a year and eschewed publicity, preferring to work outside the art world's mainstream.
Varda invited various people in and outside the art world to respond to photographic images for one minute.
Her inner calling led her outside the art world's ordinary boundaries.
While Stark was included in the 2011 Venice Biennale, her name is not widely known outside the art world.
In spite of having won the Turner prize, Leckey has remained little known outside the art world, while his standing within it, where he is revered by many younger artists, seems, if anything, to have grown.
Her work in the 1970s was controversial, delving into issues of gender roles within and outside the art world.
Price helped put Christenberry in touch with the outside art world before and after he graduated.
And yet, Ms. Freilicher, who is 73, still remains largely unknown outside the art world, appreciated mostly by other artists and by writers with whom she became friends as a young woman in New York during the 1950's, when Frank O'Hara wrote a whole cycle of poems about her, and Larry Rivers slit his wrists after she left him.
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