Sentences with phrase «outward symptoms»

"Outward symptoms" refers to physical signs or indications that can be observed or seen on the outside of a person or thing. Full definition
Even younger or seemingly healthy cats will benefit from these tests due to the fact that outward symptoms of disease usually do not present until the disease is more advanced.
Your cat may have one or all of these symptoms or not show outward symptoms that you can notice.
It could take weeks or months for outward symptoms to manifest.
If the case is more severe and goes untreated it can lead to more outward symptoms.
Neither the environment nor how you raise your puppy can cause hip dysplasia, however, it could play a role when and perhaps if he / she develops outward symptoms.
Look for obvious outward symptoms such as pain, problems urinating, flaky skin in the area, redness, swelling, bleeding, or skin discoloration that wasn't there before.
These issues can result in nutritional deficiencies, which may or may not be expressed by outward symptoms, and are often only recognized when a significant loss of wellness occurs or when the disease process becomes quite advanced.
I have had Candida for a long time now with outward symptoms self diagnosed through internet research and a nose for yeast.
These heart conditions often go undiagnosed, as people typically don't experience outward symptoms.
«It is only the greatest outward symptom of decay amid a whole series of inner symptoms, which perhaps had remained hidden and invisible to the eyes of most people, or which like ostriches people did not want to see.»
Left untreated, these tangles, in most cases, become toxic to neurons, and is associated with memory loss, cognitive difficulties, and other outward symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.
Although Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia share many of the same outward symptoms, they're associated with different processes in the brain.
Outward symptoms usually don't appear until the liver cancer has reached its final stages.
When outward symptoms begin to show, more than 85 % of the acini, the cells producing the digestive enzymes, will have atrophied.
The pain could also be from a bone fracture or even a herniated disc, and shivering may be the only outward symptom.
Rear - end crashes can do a lot of damage to the body, and sometimes things like whiplash or brain injury don't manifest outward symptoms right away, according to Mayo Clinic and WebMD.
Even if your horse does not show outward symptoms of dental problems, it's likely that he has developed sharp points on his teeth which can interfere with his ability to chew hay and grain easily.
Chest tumors can grow to a substantial size before causing obvious outward symptoms.
There's also the dreaded «Silent Coeliac», where the person doesn't get any outward symptoms but still has the internal damage — this means their diagnosis is much harder to identify and it also becomes much harder to know if you've been glutened by mistake!
For unknown reasons, this miscarried twin is reabsorbed into the mother's body, but causes no outward symptoms of miscarriage.
Many people, however, exhibit no outward symptoms during an outbreak.
Otherwise healthy dogs or cats may have tapeworm infections with no outward symptoms.
You can't ask your pet how she / he feels; you can only observe his / her behavior and treat the outward symptoms.
In healthy adult dogs it will likely cause no outward symptoms.
Treatment timing was in the preclinical phase (no outward symptoms and Stage B2 heart disease) instead of clinical phase (patients exhibiting clinical signs and at Stage C heart disease); and
Knowing if your dog has a temperature can be difficult, but sometimes there are outward symptoms, which include but are not limited to:
The outward symptoms don't occur until the growth inside has caused a lot of damage.
It mimics many other conditions — there is no outward symptom that will be unique to FCE.
It is possible for there to be issues which do not show any outward symptoms, yet could still endanger the health of your pet under anesthesia.
We have five dogs, four of them seniors, and regularly have our vet give them «senior wellness checks» (physical exams, blood work, etc.) because, after 30 + years of being owned by canines, we've learned that things can start to change rapidly once a dog reaches a certain age, and very often before any outward symptoms are evident.
It takes years for the dog to show outward symptoms by which time the infestation is advanced and has started to clog the blood vessels leading to the major organs which can have serious consequences and can be fatal.
Brucellosis does not always have outward symptoms, your dog could carry it and you never know.
Excessive humping, along with excessive licking or biting at their erogenous zones, can be outward symptoms of internal health problems.
Cats infected with whipworm usually have very light infections and do not show any outward symptoms.
And, one can not tell a book by its cover - a pup with parvovirus will be contagious to other dogs several days before showing any outward symptoms of this disease.
Bloodwork is a preventative tool that aids in diagnosis prior to outward symptoms.
But even though they don't show us much in the way of outward symptoms, chronic dental / periodontal disease can cause severe and often irreversible damage to internal organs.
Your pet may have no outward symptoms but parts of the tapeworm may be seen as small, white, rice - shaped segments around the rectal opening, in feces or on your pet's bedding.
Also, the majority of cats with significant oral disease show no outward symptoms.
Chemical and electrical burns are especially serious because, while the outward symptoms of the burn may not appear severe, the inside of the body can be affected.
If you read your pet's temperature as above this level but they never showed outward symptoms, they could still have internal organ and brain damage that shortens their lifespan.
Beattie argues that a pair of depressed parents will create a depressed child; that is, their outward symptoms will overwhelm their child and carry over into his or her psychopathology, causing the child to suffer from the same disorder.
Does her anxiety or its outward symptoms significantly impair her social, academic, or other functioning?
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