Sentences with phrase «outward symptoms of disease»

And, one can not tell a book by its cover - a pup with parvovirus will be contagious to other dogs several days before showing any outward symptoms of this disease.
Even younger or seemingly healthy cats will benefit from these tests due to the fact that outward symptoms of disease usually do not present until the disease is more advanced.

Not exact matches

Some people with celiac disease are harmed by even trace amounts of gluten, whether or not those people display outward signs or symptoms.
As with many diseases, many people who contract Leishmania, the parasite, may develop leishmaniasis, the disease, with varying symptoms, or perhaps even show no outward signs of the disease.
Although Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia share many of the same outward symptoms, they're associated with different processes in the brain.
Non-overweight individuals in their late 60s, 70s, and early 80s who have no outward symptoms of Alzheimer's are more likely than their heavier peers to have biological markers (or biomarkers) of the disease, the study found.
These issues can result in nutritional deficiencies, which may or may not be expressed by outward symptoms, and are often only recognized when a significant loss of wellness occurs or when the disease process becomes quite advanced.
Treatment timing was in the preclinical phase (no outward symptoms and Stage B2 heart disease) instead of clinical phase (patients exhibiting clinical signs and at Stage C heart disease); and
While some dogs live for years with chronic leukemia without showing any outward signs of having the disease, some nonspecific symptoms are associated with both chronic and acute canine leukemia.
Most outward signs and symptoms do not occur until the later stages of the disease.
But even though they don't show us much in the way of outward symptoms, chronic dental / periodontal disease can cause severe and often irreversible damage to internal organs.
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