Sentences with phrase «outweigh potential side effects»

Because of this, we do not feel that the benefits of this vaccine outweigh potential side effects, and so do not recommend it except for high risk situations.
They contain little sugar and are rich in vitamins and minerals so the benefits outweigh the potential side effects as long as you enjoy them occasionally and in moderation Merry belated Christmas and a Happy (+ Healthy!)

Not exact matches

Researchers said that despite the benefits of sexual activity outweighing risks, the potential of erectile dysfunction as a side effect from various cardiovascular protective medications and the risk of a drop in blood pressure from combining certain heart medications with erectile dysfunction medications should be clearly communicated to patients.
In general, the potential for positive effects of long term CR use may be outweighed by negative side effects.
Untrusted and untested performance enhancing * drugs should be avoided at all costs, as the potential side effects of these substances can far outweigh the advantages.
Thus, the benefits of vaccination of cats and dogs in these environments far outweigh the potential risks for adverse side effects from the procedure.
Because, says Cornell, the potential damage posed by Lyme — including severe arthritic - like symptoms and rarely renal failure — outweighs the minimal odds of vaccine side effects.
Steroids are widely thought to cause side effects which outweigh their potential for good.
Furthermore, drugs may have undesirable side effects that can outweigh their potential benefits, so it is imperative to consult with a knowledgeable veterinarian.
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