Sentences with phrase «ovaries become»

As you begin your IVF cycle with medications you should discontinue massage because you most likely will be very sensitive in the ovarian area as your follicles / eggs mature and ovaries become larger.
As your ovaries become less efficient, you will not produce an egg each and every month.
Instead, the number of ovarian follicles declines and your ovaries become less responsive to two other reproductive hormones, luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle - stimulating hormone (FSH).

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A nut is a simple dry fruit with one or two seeds in which the ovary wall becomes very hard (stony or woody) at maturity, and where the seed remains attached or fused with the ovary wall... Examples include almonds, pecans, walnuts, brazil nuts, cashew nuts, chestnuts, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pine nuts and pistachio nuts.
In addition to your baby's overall growth, the cells which will become either testes or ovaries are creating the internal reproductive organs now.
Polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS, also becomes less severe for many women after they give birth.
They emphasize that although abnormal tissue growth in endometriosis often spreads throughout the abdominal cavity, the tissue rarely becomes cancerous except in a few cases when ovaries are involved.
When the researchers paired female mice treated with the gene therapy with males, the females were still able to become pregnant — and have healthy babies — within the first six weeks, because of those follicles that had already started growing in the ovaries.
These egg - generating cells are germline stem cells — precursors that become either eggs or sperm depending on whether they end up in ovaries or testes.
The first is working out how to make the PGCs convert to mature sperm and eggs without transplanting them back into testes or ovaries; Hayashi is trying to decipher the signals that ovaries and testes give to the PGCs that tell them to become eggs or sperm, which he could then add to artificial PGCs in culture to lead them through these stages.
When the leaderless hives received decitabine in their nectar, the worker bees became much more likely to develop ovaries and lay eggs.
As the ovary turns into fruit, different ovary parts become different fruit parts; when fertilized, small structures called ovules become the fruit's seeds — and more fertilized ovules means more seeds!
What might become sperm ducts in males become the epoophoron in females, a cluster of useless dead - end tubules near the ovaries.
Of the seven rats that received the frozen ovaries, one that had been paired with a male became pregnant within 10 weeks.
Male toads also possess a special organ, which after removing of testes becomes an active ovary and the toad, in effect, becomes female.
«Letrozole may help women with polycystic ovary syndrome become pregnant.»
The mistakes often happen during an exchange of genetic material between the partners of each pair of chromosomes, known as crossing over, which occurs in the cells of the testes and ovaries destined to become sperm or eggs.
In Dunham's case, one of her ovaries had become stuck to her pelvic floor, near her rectum.
In Vanzant's case, her left ovary had become positioned so that it was absorbing the toxins being released from the colon.
This may pose a special problem for older women who have been on the pill for many years because their ovaries may have become resistant to resuming ovulation.»
Conventional wisdom says that insulin is the primary means by which testosterone becomes elevated in the body (it directly stimulates testosterone production in the ovaries).
When the ovaries shut down less estrogen is produced causing the body's hormone levels to become imbalanced.
High insulin levels cause follicles in the ovary to become more sensitive to LH, causing cysts in the ovary instead of ovulation, which can lead to high testosterone and low progesterone.
Women often become infertile due to endometriosis, because inflammation association with endometriosis may lead to scarring of fallopian tubes and ovaries.
Instead, all that is produced is many unmatured follicles, which end up becoming cysts on the ovaries.
When cells become numb to insulin, serum insulin levels rise, and high insulin seems to be directly toxic to the ovary, causing higher production of testosterone.
After ovulation the now - empty follicle becomes the corpus luteum (so named because of its appearance as a small yellow body on the surface of the ovary).
Endometriosis is one of the most common gynecological problems affecting an estimated 5.5 million women in North America, but this condition may occur at a subclinical level in half of all women following the Western diet, as discovered by autopsy.1 This disease occurs when the endometrial tissues lining the inside of the uterus spread outside of the uterus and become attached to the ovaries, fallopian tubes, the bowels and other internal abdominal parts.
Since the ultrasound became quite popular, it was discovered that as many as one in five women actually have cysts on their ovaries, and many of these women have normal cycles and periods with absolutely no health problems.
With thyroid disease, fertility is affected, including the ovaries and you may suffer an inability to become pregnant, or transition early into menopause.
For example, if the follicle migrates to the outside of the ovary, but does not «pop» the egg and release it, the follicle becomes a cyst, and the normal progesterone surge does not occur.
Women become less fertile as they age because they begin life with a fixed number of eggs in their ovaries.
A major issue pushed by the LGBT movement, trans - genderism (as opposed to trans - gender dressing) did not pop up the day before yesterday but became an issue as far back as 1930 when a surgeon in Germany performed the first and thereby a risky series of operations that changed a man's sex by removing his male parts and constructing a vagina with ovaries.
I thought the twitching ovary was Brown's way of letting the reader believe that there was hope, a spark so to speak, that Margie could overcome her motherless childhood and become a loving, caring, and fulfilled mother... Symbolizing that inside of Margie, was this ova, alive and waiting for the time when she would be or could be a worthy mother.
Surgery to remove just the ovaries before they become cystic is relatively easier compared to a full spay, in which the ovaries and uterus are removed.
A heat cycle is the time the ovaries prepare eggs to become fertilized.
For you who don't know what is spaying, it is a surgical removal of a female cat's internal reproductive structures and this includes its ovaries or the place where egg cells are produced, Fallopian tubes, uterine horns or the two long tubes where a kitten soon to be develop and grow, and a small part of its uterine body or small parts of uterus which is merged with uterine horns and become one body.
This work positions pet dogs, with their broad range of lifetime ovary exposure, to become biogerontology's new workhorse for identifying ovary - sensitive physiological processes that promote healthy longevity.
It appears that some females possess accessory ovarian tissue separate from the main ovary and this tissue becomes active only after the main ovaries are removed.
Spaying means surgically removing the uterus and ovaries so the female can't have heat periods or become pregnant.
Female guinea pigs, too, can lose hair symmetrically on both sides of their bodies from cysts that develop in their ovaries that can become large and painful over time.
Soon, at owner's requests, it became common for them to remove the pet's ovaries and uterus to prevent heat cycles, puppies and kittens.
If the particles become lodged in the ovaries, they can irritate the tissue, resulting in inflammation which can, in turn, become tumorous.
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