Sentences with phrase «over swine»

ooohhh... so glad you understand my anguish over the swine walls.
Around the world, pundits and even some politicians are calling for an end to «crying wolf» over swine flu.
Health secretary Andy Burnham faced criticism today that conflicting advice has been issued to pregnant women over swine flu.

Not exact matches

Satanist, So what's with your pals, Legion in the swine, goin» over the cliff??
And especially for casting the demons that surround me, at times, into the metaphorical swine; not only to display your authority over spiritual darkness, but your loving condescension toward me!
In global terms the forces of business which are in the process of taking over the affairs of human beings have created a momentum nothing less than a pandimonic progress of the Gadarine Swine.
Stepping over His seeds that get blown by the wind to find their way to fertile grounds Typical of swines trampling It's obsessive compulsion to grab at any straw to give a reason not to learn or understand Go back to posting under my handle and answering yourself Scott Get a life and try to grow Singular swine using multiple handles.
Remember that whole «pearls before swine» thing.And no, being an atheist doesn't make someone a swine... but trolling websites and blogs to throw up all your anti-Christian bile all over anyone with faith makes you, officially, a jerk.
Gordon Brown attended an emergency Cobra meeting chaired by health secretary Alan Johnson over the phone today to formulate the government's plans to deal with the possible swine flu pandemic.
There have been over forty cases of death in the last quarter of 2017 allegedly resulting from the outbreak of Swine Flu in our Senior High Schools.
Little more than a puppet to sinister Scottish adviser Canaris, he presides over a disjointed Britain ravaged by the apocalyptic Reaper virus (swine flu eat your heart out).
The lines show the path of swine influenza H1N2 along common hog routes over time.
Researchers at Imperial College London asked volunteers to donate blood samples just as the swine flu pandemic was getting underway and report any symptoms they experienced over the next two flu seasons.
Last spring, with fears rising over the H1N1 swine flu virus, researchers from the University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign and the University of Utah were granted emergency supercomputing time at the Texas Advanced Computing Center in Austin.
This so - called triple reassortant spread to Asian pigs, and many different variants soon began popping up in swine all over the world.
The H1N1 swine flu virus caused a pandemic in 2009, spreading to over 200 countries and killing more than 18,000 people.
Eight months after the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the swine flu pandemic officially over, an independent expert group has given the global health agency a decidedly mixed evaluation of how it handled the entire episode, from the outbreak's frightening beginning to its lackluster end.
The authorities in Europe appear ill - prepared over how to keep citizens informed about the spread of H1N1 swine flu
Even a limited sampling (31 whole - genome sequences) revealed extensive reassortment between the human - origin swine viruses and other swine and human influenza viruses over a 7 - year period.
People with asthma are more vulnerable to complications stemming from the flu — such as pneumonia — and are more likely to be hospitalized, which is why the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that all people with asthma over six months old get the seasonal and swine flu shot.
Its the latest wrinkle in a continuing debate over how to protect health - care workers from the H1N1 virus, also known as swine flu.
Although todays post is dedicated to my vegans... there's no doubt that ALL vegans, carnivores, and vegetarians alike would go batshit over the beautifully crafted food at The Gadarene Swine.
Much as an infuriated avian might send its own body crashing into a structure to get to some evil swine, Sony is throwing a very funny voice cast at its Angry Birds movie to win over the skeptics.
«From death loss to employee morale, we know the impact PEDv has had on the swine industry over the past 15 months,» said Rick Swalla, DVM, Pork Technical Services, Zoetis.
George Clooney had one in his younger days, Babe was a movie star and a recent episode of ABC's American Housewife featured a swine showdown with a couple arguing over having one in the house.
With the exception of projects generating energy from swine and poultry waste, qualifying facilities over 100 kW in size will be ineligible for a standard contract.
LOWER EAST SIDE — Bedford + Bowery will take over the Hester Street Fair this Saturday from 11 am to 6 pm, where there'll be an open bar from Brooklyn Brewery, snacks provided by Arrogant Swine, MatchaBar and other area eateries, and DJ sets by two former members of LCD Soundsystem.
Melissa — is it wrong for me to hope you NEVER paint over the last of the swine?
I feel your pain since I have swine colored tile all over my master bathroom — the floors, walls, counter, ceiling, and the toilet.
I still get a kick out of the swine colored walls... and sometimes I fret over them wondering how much swine I've allowed into my decor.
I think «swine» must also come in lead based paint — as it was ALL OVER OUR OLD HOUSE WHEN WE BOUGHT IT.
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