Sentences with phrase «over a couple of times»

I find it's easiest to do it in one quick motion, then thicken it up by going over it a couple of times.
I read the article over a couple of times thinking that the word must have been there and that I had just missed it but my search application couldn't find it either.
Turn the breasts over a couple of times to get as much of the mixture on the chicken as possible.
I'm going to have to read the essay over a couple of times, but at first blush, I'm very uneasy about the way Wright phrases this.
Since I'm a bit more on the shorter side I have to wear heels with them, but I still tripped over them a couple of times.
Write your message on the white paper using the white crayon, you'll need to press down hard and go over it a couple of times.
Maybe they aren't saying all this, but that is certainly the impression I got from reading it over a couple of times.
Place your dough into the bowl, turning it over a couple of times so it is coated in the oil.
One by one, place the coconut bars into the chocolate, turning them over a couple of times so every piece of the filling is coated in the chocolate.
It can also be a changing table cover or burp cloth if you fold it over a couple of times.
Read it over a couple of times, and if you notice a break in the overall flow of your resume, figure out where that link has been broken and fill it in.
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