Sentences with phrase «over a day»

It simply goes on for over a day on a single charge.
The longest we ever got out of the F1 on a single charge was just over a day of use.
It is a great time to give those areas a quick makeover before the holidays take over our days.
It doesn't matter what he answers, but by choosing something, he has gained an element of control over his day and won't feel powerless.
It packs a 4,000 mAh battery that could easily last over a day with moderate to heavy usage.
Honor says that you can get a little over a day out of this battery, even with heavy usage.
In our short usage, the battery easily last long over a day on good usage.
The promotion has only been open for just over a day, but we're delighted to report that it has already raised over four hundred thousand dollars!
I had a child who cried less and less day over day for a few days and then he didn't cry in his crib anymore.
After a quick recap of the some of the exercises we went over the day before, we gathered back out on the track for another go at the heel - toe exercises.
His angel made sure to come over every day with food and water.
Your job as a parent is not yet over the day after you found a childcare service in your local area.
Sometimes it lasted well over a day while there were days when I ended up charging it twice.
Deep within the crust, at depths of 40 or 50 kilometres, earthquake - like events can occur over days rather than minutes.
Gently touch him all over every day; don't forget his paws and toes.
If you're interested in handing over the day - to - day responsibilities of being a landlord to a professional team of property manager, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Only about 11 groups stopped by over both days, he said, about half what he would have expected last year at this time.
What if your neighbor came over every day and helped himself to you refrigerator?
For drugs given more than once daily, doses should be spread out over the day as evenly as possible.
The battery has enough juice to deliver over a day backup on a single charge.
We've been playing around for over a day now, here are our initial thoughts on it.
Looking back over this day, I really did eat most of my favorite foods.
That is, six or seven treatments of five minutes each spread over the day will be more effective than one treatment lasting for thirty minutes.
Or your love might develop over days or weeks as you get to know each other.
We set up a launch cycle that generates an increasing volume of sales over the days before our exact launch.
One thing to keep in mind over the day is to never go hungry.
You can also try spreading out the 500 calories over the day so that you can have snacks throughout the day.
I faced battery calibration issue and after a full drain / recharge I am getting over a day of backup with moderate usage.
These events take place over a day, providing detailed focus on each topic.
An inverse share index ETF would seek to give a positive return over a day when the share index goes down.
Make sure that you start slowly once again and increase time over days.
Understanding how your natural attention and enthusiasm varies over the day is the key to unlocking your higher productivity.
The process may happen over days, but your time spent is actually quite minimal for such a phenomenal end result.
If you think about it, it would not be fun to have to pull people over all day.
Pay someone # 8 an hour — it's quite a big difference over a day, or a week.
Also remember that any dietary changes should be done slowly over days to weeks, especially if there is a history of recurrent gastrointestinal problems.
For those of you reading this and wondering if you are in trouble, rest assured that it's not something to lose sleep over these days.
As mentioned earlier, the prices of this digital currency are extremely volatile, so spreading out your purchases over days or weeks could be helpful.
Over the days following the collision, her neck pain did not decrease.
If you are still concerned, keep an eye on how much food they actually eat over the day.
But when more information was provided over the days, that gave this change context, I could form a more balanced opinion.
«But if you measure objective performance, you see a build - up of impairment over days,» he says.
Being a studio manager gave me a sense of pride, responsibility and ownership over the day - to - day processes.
Dig deep and invest in your relationship, even if it's just to go over your day together.
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