Sentences with phrase «over a longer time frame»

In the Canadian market in particular, momentum investing can often be a successful tactic in obtaining great returns over a long time frame.
But over longer time frames bond investors also have to be aware of inflation risk.
Again, this makes sense since stocks have proven to be an investor's best bet to beat inflation over longer time frames.
To be honest, the performance over longer time frames is still respectable.
Actually, any strategy with a bearish outlook is typically bad for the long term because markets tend to move in a positive direction over longer time frames.
It's a way to spread the expense of high cost items over a longer time frame.
All of this makes it important for clients to look at the rankings over a longer time frame, lawyers say.
Should you pay more alimony for a shorter period or a lesser amount over a longer time frame?
I don't know exactly what's going to happen, but simple math based on the current level of interest rates leads me to believe that these risk premiums will be much wider in the future over longer time frames than they've been in the recent past.
«We think short - term measurements are poor assessors of long term ability, and believe sounder judgements are made scrutinising results over longer time frames» Allan Mecham
We think the silence comes from the fact that dual - class share companies have actually been good performers over a long time frame and that the structure allows good management teams to drive the strategic direction of a company without the distractions from parties more concerned about short - term results.
Paying off your debt over a longer time frame might increase your total interest cost even if the rate is lower; avoid this by accelerating your repayment with extra principal payments
The report said the board had failed to challenge management strongly enough, and its «strong confidence and trust in senior management's «high IQ» and their ability to «take care of all things» meant that the board also did not challenge management strongly, or hold them to account over longer time frames».
Spreading the initiatives over a longer time frame would reduce some of the pressure in the short term but likely increase the deficit over the medium term.
Because the flexibility in our framework allows it, we reserve the right to choose our policy tactics so that our actions don't significantly worsen financial stability concerns by opting for a policy path that aims to return inflation to target over a longer time frame than normal.
We chose to analyse the coverage of infant feeding by the media for one month only, and it may be useful to compare the portrayal of breast and bottle feeding over a longer time frame.
This wide - ranging data set allowed them to assess the impact of PND over a longer time frame than has been hitherto examined.
A new NASA ice - elevation monitoring satellite called ICESAT, scheduled for launch in 2001, will help scientists watch for climate - change trends near the poles over a longer time frame, he notes.
That lets mosquitoes spread out already - minimal leg force over a longer time frame to reach similar takeoff speeds as fruit flies, the researchers found.
SOLIS and GONG are synoptic facilities for solar observations over a long time frame.
Still, it's odd to see EA keep so quiet on the game for so long instead of hyping over a longer time frame.
Instead of fighting them over it, work with them to reach the perfect balance between their daily work and their training regime — spreading a challenging course over a longer time frame, properly scheduling instructor - led training sessions, etc..
First Eagle Funds are a family of value funds that have outperformed the market by significantly over a long time frame.
2) To what extent should I use the valuation measure that makes the most rational sense to me vs. the one that gives the best empirical match to market behavior (fine to reference mean reversion in the answer, but I expect that one can fit data over a long time frame and still find important differences between the two).
Consistent entry and exit signal executed consistently with discipline over a long time frame starts to separate you from the gamblers and the gamers.
If you start saving at age 25, here's the nest egg you could amass by 65, assuming a 7 % annual return, which is a reasonable expectation over a longer time frame.
In summary, Investment Dollar Cost Averaging is just a technique to lower the risks in equity investing by spreading your purchases over a longer time frame compared to lump sum investing.
It is possible to invoke circumstantial evidence that humans began to deliberately set fires to manage forests for game and clear them for agriculture about 10,000 years ago to suggest that humans have been affecting the earth's climate for a very long time already by recharging the atmosphere with CO2 annually, when formerly CO2 concentrations in air had fluctuated more greatly over a longer time frame.
Max Keiser has a much more bullish view, but over a longer time frame as the host of Russia Today's Keiser Report believes that $ 100,000 Bitcoin is an eventuality.
The cost of changes becomes more sensible if they're amortized over a longer time frame, and buyers stay at least five years.
Not only have mid-cap stocks generated higher absolute returns over the longer time frames, mid-caps have also provided these superior returns with less associated risk.
Over longer time frames, bonds returns tend to be very close to their corresponding average interest rates.
Another reason for the outperformance could very well be that over a longer time frame, giving good management teams the ability to run a business without concerns over meeting short - term expectations may lead to long - term shareholder value creation.
More importantly, by pulling money out of your traditional IRA first, you allow your Roth to grow — tax free — over a longer time frame.
First, they're not there because calculating them requires inputting monthly returns over a long time frame.
Over long time frames, Treasury notes «assumptions necessarily become more speculative.»
Even as they grow more scientifically prescient, people have a blind spot for certain inevitable disasters, either because they play out over long time frames, like global warming, or because they are rare, like tsunamis.
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