Sentences with phrase «over abundance of food»

There is an over abundance of food and no work or stimulation to acquire it.
Funny how those that went to church then sat around eating an over abundance of food and candy bragged about whatt a beautiful service they saw and heard but some were out on the streets doing a beautiful service.

Not exact matches

And for children with food allergies, the abundance of treats available over the holidays can be deadly.
«Senator Klein never talks politics or policy over food without paying the tab out of an abundance of caution.
They compared the abundance of microbiota in rats given continuous access to either a healthy diet or junk food with a group cycled between the two diets, healthy for four days and junk for three, over 16 weeks.
This answer from genetics matches up well with ecological modeling of the abundance of passenger pigeon food — acorns, beechnuts and other forest mast — in North America over the last few thousand years.
This time of year cabbage is in abundance, and though it's usually passed over for other more glamorous vegetables, it's actually a stand out food all on its own!
Grains are found in an abundance in dog foods which leads to excessive consumption of them by the dog over the course of his life.
On Saturday October 29, they'll have over 40 beer vendors and 100 varieties of beers to sample, numerous food trucks, live music, and an abundance of DJ's for a unique, 21 - and - over evening.
Dru Peters of the York County Chapter of Buy Fresh, Buy Local, talks about the local foods that are available throughout York County and the unexpected challenges of buying locally - sourced foods after getting used to the abundance of foods from all over the world on grocery store shelves.
With over 500 producers based in the region, there's a stunning array of foods and beverages to try within the abundance of local restaurants, cafés, markets and food festivals.
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