Sentences with phrase «over behavior»

Android N provides more control over the behavior of notifications.
In the past, each medium used to act like a watchdog over the behavior of its competing media.
As a dog's owner and primary handler, you have an incredible amount of influence over his behavior choices.
What governments or sets of courts have jurisdiction over behavior in 3D Internet applications?
Don't let your frustration over a behavior problem get the best of you because your relationship with your cat will suffer.
Now you mentioned that you've expressed your frustration over his behavior and he hasn't changed.
You may show your happiness over the behavior and your dog is intelligent enough to know your good mood.
It will also give you a certain level of control over her behavior — resulting in a safer, more polite dog.
Private dog training will also go over behavior modifications such as house breaking older dogs, chewing, potty training puppies, inter-relationship with dogs and children, inter-relationship between dogs, socialization to their environment and change, socialization with other dogs, sounds, surfaces and fear issues.
Alice Hoffman's novel Turtle Moon has a character named Lucy, a young divorced mother distressed over the behavior of her teen - age son.
Sometimes, I send my kid to his room because I am so over his behavior that I need to remove him from the situation so that I can figure out how did effectively redirect / provide consequences.
The in home training will also go over behavior modifications such as inter-relationship with dogs and children, inter-relationship between dogs, socialization to their environment and change, socialization with other dogs, sounds, surfaces and any dog aggression issues.
Liberty, so defined, requires in the first instance liberation from all forms of associations and relationships — from the family, church, and schools to the village and neighborhood and the community broadly defined — that exerted strong control over behavior largely through informal and habituated expectations and norms.
Quindlen was moved to her defense of survival over behavior by Vice-President Quayle's moralistic judgment against Magic Johnson, and in this she has a point.
He is a different kid than he was around Christmas time, when we were pretty much beside ourselves every night over his behavior at school.
Isaac comes to mind when I see other moms I know struggling over the behavior or nature of their two or three or four - year - old child.
Guys from very yong age educate themselves about woman in order to learn how to gain their interest but sadly we don't see many women study men sexual nature or over all behavior since guys chase after them anyways and they don't feel the need and this is source of many problems.
As a new election cycle approaches, and the political «silly season» begins to take over the behavior of would - be candidates asking for your vote, let us be reminded to preserve our own sensibilities.
These results suggest that mPFC activity plays a critical role in exercising control over behavior when a stop signal is presented.
While puzzling over this behavior, Frail and Kulkarni learned that Jeremy Goodman of Princeton University already was predicting this effect.
Nevertheless, well reputed pages that require payment for access will also watch over the behavior of the members and the possible disruptive characters that lurk on dating sites.
Such excessive expressions signify a psycho - political state, one that resembles a neurotic person who agonizes over this behavior and that feeling but never burrows down to deeper causes and structures.
Her guilt over her behavior toward her mother triggers one of her better qualities - a sense of compassion and a willingness to stand by those in difficult times (like Birdwine's battle with alcoholism).
Aside from that, its revenue growth is slowing, and it faces a number of lawsuits over its behavior as a franchisor.
This week was a volatile one given Goldman's (GS) settlement over its behavior related to mortgage backed securities sales that many analysts and pundits alike hailed as surprisingly low.
It can be tempting to gloss over behavior problems or to hide incidents that weren't the dog's fault, Barnett admits.
Finally, there may be no other reason than he is a dog; it is thought this is a hold - over behavior from the dog's ancestors that necessitated eating of feces in order to not draw the attention of predators.
No need to put up with unruly doggie manners — or despair over behavior problems like fear, aggression, or protectiveness of toys and food.
They're easily excited and, when in an agitated state, they may have little control over their behavior if they haven't been taught to inhibit their impulses.
Due to this game being a direct sequel with very few graphic changes, nothing changed over the behavior of the 1 - Up Mushroom, though like the Super Mushroom and the newly introduced Poison Mushroom, these mushrooms now have eyes, which continue to be present in most installments afterwards.
Values are the principles that guide the Museum's philosophy and they preside over its behavior beyond temporary or short - term circumstances: any concept, action, or goal is imbued with these values, whose character is essential and permanent.
Authoritarian parenting styles are also less responsive to the emotional needs of children, focused on exerting control over behaviors instead of finding solutions to issues as a team.
Nowadays, though we're hunched at computers instead of hunting game, we still instinctively seek patterns in the events that have happened most recently, while memories of older occurrences have less influence over our behavior.
And so then, they're less able to exercise control over their behavior in order to moderate their drinking.»
Franice's family was outwardly distressed over her behavior, but the diminutive «Diana» seemed pleased with her hunting success.
So far, we ‰'ve gone over the behaviors and toy preferences of two other types of dogs including the high - maintenance player and the medium player dog.
The class would offer several resolutions: quality time with her on a one - on - one situation not only in class but also in training time at home; embedding some obedience behaviors where you become a leader of your relationship with her; getting control over her behaviors so that you can quickly stop unwanted encounters with the Cocker at home.
Feeders can also exercise control over the behavior of feral cats, by gradually moving their feeding stations into less - trafficked areas.
Third, we know that suggestion administered as in this therapy by a person with status, exercises a powerful control over behavior.
Further, animals follow their instincts but people have control over their behavior, if they choose to exercise that control.
I suppose that this «beliefless obedience» sprang from the realization that though I could not control my feelings of belief, I could at least exercise some control over my behavior: regular attendance at worship services was a highly tangible way of indicating to myself that I was continuing to pursue the journey of faith.
Your child has the ultimate control over his behavior and choices.
They also benefit from learning how to gain and maintain control over behaviors and impulses independently.
Once we can talk about feelings, the feelings which are on the non-verbal side of the brain connect to the words on the other side of the brain and we have so much control and therefore, we have control over our behavior.
With such an undeveloped little brain, they are about as close to their genes as any human will ever get and have little control over their behavior.
@user1873 For personal deductions, it is the same idea - control over the behavior and ability for social engineering.
To test how the brain exercises this inhibitory control over behavior, the authors trained rats to press a lever to obtain sugar pellets.
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