Sentences with phrase «over centuries»

Here we must hasten to point out that among Christian thinkers over the centuries the conception of God has varied considerably more in expression than is often popularly supposed, and theologians have always wanted to guard themselves against the implications of such crude and concrete images of God as may have been prevalent in the popular imagination.
Over the centuries, religion would become more clearly differentiated from the state, less influential in public affairs, and more characteristically individualistic and rational.
This is just another example of a huge amount of mumbo - jumbo dreamed up over the centuries by said humans to explain the as yet unexplained.
the Bible has many translations and english has changed greatly over the centuries.
In reality, there is no «real» gospel except as it has been transmitted to us in the Bible and through the faithful for whom it has had meaning over the centuries.
Then, armed with the best possible understanding of the meaning of the faith to Christians over the centuries, we must develop our own meaning — and seek to communicate it to others in ways they can understand in today's culture.
Over the centuries, the international dimension has been an integral feature of Western religion.
Over the centuries, biblical scholars have offered widely differing views about «the Gospel.»
The modern world has underestimated the wisdom about the inner life gained by human beings over the centuries and embodied in the religious traditions.
For it is possible to think that man is the image of God only insofar as man is a spiritual being, as indeed so many Christians have thought over the centuries.
The fact is that over the centuries we have learned and gained knowledge about how things work so just keep on saying that there is something else that created the whole shabang doesn't really explain anything either.
Vast stores of gold and jewels collected over centuries.
There's a lesson we've had to learn over centuries in the Church.
Over the centuries, but particularly in the last two hundred years, two reductive steps have moved medicine away from the complex social, psychological, and personal dimensions of illness.
Wars have been waged over the centuries.
Over the centuries Christians have developed two basic attitudes toward war.
Over centuries, the goal of paideia increasingly shifted from the public to the private realm, from capacitating persons for public and political action to preparing them for inward and religious transformation.
You also ignore the innumerable murders, rampant corruption and other crimes committed over the centuries by your «infallible», god - conversing popes.
For this tradition nourished over the centuries the slow emergence of the ideal of a civilized politics, a politics of civil conversation, of noncoercion, of the consent of the governed, of pluralism, of religious liberty, of respect for the inalienable dignity of every human person, of voluntary cooperation in pursuit of the common good, and of checks and balances against the wayward tendencies of sinful men and women.
Actually, you yourself are an atheist when it comes to 99.9999 % of the gods man has invented for himself over the centuries.
You yourself have no faith in the thousands of gods man has created for himself over the centuries.
Will, the number of copies of a book has no bearing on whether anything in the book is true or not, and it is a fact that the bible has been added to over the centuries.
I also note that they rarely are aware that the church's understanding of the terms has changed over the centuries, especially in the last century or so in response to critics of the Bible.
We do not know how many natural disasters may be due to the sin of man, perhaps cumulatively over centuries.
When one considers the numbers of innocents that have been barbarically murdered over the centuries over differing interpretations of this book, the seriousness of the situation can not be lightly dismissed.
It remains only to say that alteration of the wording of much of Christian worship, with the eradication of sub-Christian ideas that have been allowed over the centuries to creep in and still remain to deform worship, and with the necessary implementation of the traditional rites by new vistas of divine truth that have been vouchsafed to later ages, not least our own, is an urgent task for today's Christian fellowship.
And over the centuries, many persons have argued that this is an extremely difficult command.»
It was fascinating, and I think important, to see the development over the centuries of the philosophical rift which eventually grew between science and religion, as a result of which many scientists (although by no means all) abandoned any idea of a Creator God.
@Chad «I have never seen anyone successfully argue that Hitlers actions were anything other than motivated by german nationalism, however, I do think horrendous theology in Christianity over the centuries has contributed a great deal to anti-semitism, so I do think we as Christians have an ownership of a great deal of the holocaust and I wont shy away from that.
«The main reason followers of Jesus just inevitably find themselves gathering together over the centuries is to find people to love and with whom they can receive help to love God more.»
We have Greco - Roman wrestling today, but it has evolved a bit over the centuries, and so to understand what Paul was talking about here, we need to learn the rules for wrestling as they were in his day.
Over the centuries, pastors and theologians have proposed dozens of explanations as to why this happens.
These not only survived until modern times in many indigenous cultures, such as those of the New Zealand Maori and the North American Indians, but they often continued beneath the surface of the post-Axial faiths, despite strenuous efforts over the centuries to destroy them.
In particular, I believe that secular studies can benefit from the framework of values and the wisdom about man's ultimate commitments generated over the centuries in the experiences of prophets and saints and articulated in fresh, contemporary language by critical theological inquiry.
We tend to think most immediately of religions and sects that have sprung up over the centuries after Jesus.
Over the centuries, theological education itself has introduced generations to aspects of tradition or biblical history that manifest shifting accents, multiple meanings and constantly.
Over the centuries, couples entering into marriage have committed themselves in one way or another to the partner whom they have agreed to marry.
Why, over the centuries, have so many heterosexuals waited until the girl was pregnant to marry?
I have picked and chosen among a number of theologians and saints over the centuries to present this picture of the Christian belief in an afterlife.
Over the centuries ancient man learned to express his thinking about the world in the form of myths, or stories of the gods, in whom were personified the unseen forces he presumed to be at work in the phenomena he observed.
Do you even have the slightest idea of how your Bible was compiled over the centuries or who decided what to
Do you even have the slightest idea of how your Bible was compiled over the centuries or who decided what to include and what to exclude and on what grounds?
Like all religious movements, the teachings of Luther were inevitably nationalized, and that nationalism was a factor in the disunity of the Christian church over the centuries.
What Jesus taught has been so effed up in the retelling over the centuries that no one knows anymore.
The various cultic interpretations of the poems remind us that such poetry as this is never created new, but rather always draws from the articulate lover of last spring and the spring before and the spring before that, and so on back not merely over the years, but over the centuries and even the millennia.
I can not believe the absolute NERVE of any christian calling for gun control of any kind, not after they have slaughtered millions over the centuries in the name of Jesus.
But what I find interesting about the Christian vision is how over the centuries it has worked out most, and maybe all, of the conceptual pitfalls that go along with the concept of an eternal life.
But before we can see this, we must let go our hold of that traditional picture of Jesus which Christian thought and devotion has built up over the centuries and which reached its climax in the Christian mythology of the Middle Ages.
are you not just blindly accepting dogma that's been honed over centuries as truth when, in fact, it's just people's ideas about things they don't understand?
Some Christian scholars are now more interested in the text as we have it and in the history of how it has been used and understood over the centuries by the Church.
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