Sentences with phrase «over chicken nuggets»

To bake, pour ghee, melted butter, melted coconut oil or melted lard / tallow over chicken nuggets.

Not exact matches

A single serving of vegan «chicken» nuggets, for example, contains over 100 mg more than actual McDonald's chicken nuggets — not good!
I am coming over this is not helping me at all at lunch time with nothing to eat but the mickey mouse chicken nuggets.
My mom bought chicken nuggets for me over and over again until I learned to like them, since she was worried I didn't eat enough meat.
He sent a wake - up call last season when kids watched with disgust as a chicken nugget was made, yet still chose the familiar processed food over a chicken drumstick.
As a result of his tenure at NHPS, they now boast that the pastas, breads, and rice that students eat are always whole grain; chicken nuggets and other breaded, highly - processed proteins have been replaced by chicken that is roasted on the bone; 100 % of their schools have salad bars, all of which serve fresh vegetables prepared from scratch; and, at the time of his departure in 2012, over 170,000 pounds of produce had been purchased from local farms.
But they showed kids step by step how chicken nuggets were made and im sure we all know chicken nuggets were made by the left over tissue of the chicken right?
I think the toy ban is silly and doesn't even solve the problem of the arsenic laden «chicken» nuggets with over 30 ingredients.
So when she took over the Berkeley public school cafeterias three years ago, she nixed junky chicken nuggets, burgers, and fries.
A few months ago, the blogosphere was in a tizzy over an episode in which a North Carolina «government inspector» allegedly forced a child to trade in her home - packed lunch of a turkey and cheese sandwich, banana, potato chips, and apple juice because the meal did not meet U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines; instead the child was forced to take the school meal of chicken nuggets.
My son is in second grade and their lunch menu consists of some variation of chicken nuggets at least twice a week, add about 4 other over processed entrees (hot dogs, corn dogs, mini tacos, hamburgers, spaghetti), and you have the entire month's menu, month after month.
They picked pizza as a «top 10 kid's food» 82 percent of the time, a 30 percent favorite over the next most popular item, second place chicken nuggets, which was picked 51 percent of the time.
Would they choose chocolate milk and chicken nuggets over a salad and tap water at a school cafeteria?
Cheddar bunnies and chicken nuggets are the norm over here.
«Eating left over chicken leg, cheese sticks, pretzel nuggets, assorted veggies.
In the unlikely event that the economics of chicken processing shift, such that it becomes reliably cheaper for schools to source items like patties and nuggets using Chinese - processed chicken over domestically processed chicken, then schools can freely buy such products, regardless of ingredient percentages.
To serve, spread some mayonnaise over the base of the pita, and top with chicken nuggets and salsa.
You can use it as a dipping sauce for things like homemade chicken nuggets, or even drizzle over a homemade pizza.
If you're intimidated by the thought of the time it takes to make Real Whole Food for yourself and your family, as opposed to throwing pasta in water or chicken nuggets on a pan, GET OVER IT.
I've marinated and battered and rolled my way through a few (okay A LOT) of chicken nugget recipes over the years.
Those eating even one ounce of chicken a day (think two chicken nuggets) had a significantly greater gain in body mass index over a 14 - year period than those who consumed no chicken at all.
+ Homemade chicken or fish nuggets — simply coat small chunks of fresh chicken or white fish in one coat of plain flour, one coat of egg wash and one coat of breadcrumbs then drizzle over a little oil and bake in moderate oven until golden and cooked inside... the cooking time will depend on size of meat chunks, so keep an eye on them.
And it was impossible for me to stop from reaching over and grabbing his chicken nuggets.
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