Sentences with phrase «over complexity»

I did like the large touch screen, though it was testimony to massive over complexity in every way they could think of.
But they will try and if they can they will win: simplicity over complexity every time.
In other words — she's a teenager, and «The Edge of Seventeen» is such a breath of fresh air because it's wise enough to not gloss over these complexities of young adulthood.
Efforts to drive public engagement by glossing over the complexity reached a peak in the mid 2000s, to my eye.
, who had in his previous title been backed against a wall narratively, and commercially forced to favor action over complexity.
To reduce Russian interference to buying political ads with rubles is to skate over the complexity of this issue: how do you know what is a political ad, for one, and simply looking at currency is almost certainly a relatively useless signal, for another.
The prioritizing of abstract principles and alleged or imagined biblical truths over the complexities of real life was an easy path for me to take.»
Good / Evil are relative terms that glance over the complexity of such seemingly «evil» acts.
Platon has become famous for his simplistic aesthetic: a modern iconography rooted in provocation of feeling over complexity, substance over style.
And we can not afford to let our inclination to celebrate and market unqualified triumphs over complexities create the inevitable and disempowering dissonance between our own lives and a false and unattainable caricature.
Honestly, I was about to get into a pissing match over complexity but really it's not worth it.
You must mull over the complexities of your dessert by having another brownie.
This site was set up in February 2010 by a group of nomadic bloggers who rarely agree over the complexities of how our club should be run, but are united in their attitude towards healthy debate and the need for a forum where we can all air those views without ridicule.
At last week's meeting, Rockey told Science Careers that implementation of this idea was doomed by opposition to the idea by some members of ACD and by worries over the complexity of implementation.
As far as the aftermarket cruise controls Kit speaks of... do todays cars with all their computerized over complexity even allow you to do an add on like that anymore???
BMW's online presence trips over the complexity of its offerings and a lack of good editors.
Though the Model X was plagued with early production over the complexity of electronically dual - hinged Falcon Wing doors and self - presenting front doors, Tesla has been able to address the majority of the issues through a series of Model X specific software updates.
To gloss over these complexities with the simplistic «CO2 is plant food» argument is an insult to the readers» intelligence.
This sleight of hand is achieved every time a reader locks onto the Web, by stressing velocity over reflection and brevity over complexity, preferring snippets of news and bytes of facts over lengthy discussions and elaborate dossiers, and by diluting informed opinion with reams of inane babble, ineffectual advice, inaccurate facts and trivial information, made attractive with brand names and manipulated statistics.
We take over the complexity of measuring, working out fabric quantities, making up of the soft furnishings, and installation of the finished product - and of course the responsibility for getting all these elements right.
While DAO models of fundraising will become more popular, aiding accountability, the failure of «the DAO» will mean that companies favour simplicity over complexity in the structuring of DAOs and smart contracts.
Numerous critics remarked on a return to form for Hitman, who had in his previous title been backed against a wall narratively, and commercially forced to favor action over complexity.
As we've argued before, e-waste infographics tend to gloss over complexity, and waste streams are notoriously messy and complicated.
This post is already too long, but by my analysis, the best church model in a postmodern culture is one that focuses on a few things: simplicity over complexity, service over power, humility over arrogance, generosity over greed, inclusion over exclusion, and loving relationships over faceless masses.
In light of all the over complexity..
Fluxus encouraged a do it yourself aesthetic, and valued simplicity over complexity.
If you buy into a history of postwar art in America that leaves out or marginalizes Saul and Lukin, then you are content to elevate linear simplicity over complexity, contradiction, and vitality.
Our PRIVATE CLIENT team prefers simplicity over complexity, delivering valued advice with a personal touch
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