Sentences with phrase «over conflicts between»

They want the Church to accommodate herself, smoothing over any conflicts between Catholic teaching and the culture of death.
This man has a hard choice to make — will he keep killing himself over the conflict between his feelings & religion, or will he stand for the rights of gays?
The Liberal Democrats are looking for a new leader following the dramatic resignation of Mr Farron over the conflict between his faith and political career.
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — Planning for a 9/11 memorial charity stair - climb at One World Trade Center is back on track after Gov. Andrew Cuomo stepped in to smooth over a conflict between the event organizers and the building's landlord.

Not exact matches

During a meeting I attended at my company, Confirm BioSciences, a conflict broke out between a team player and a technical person over a product's features.
For a long time, the debate over the fate of the Everglades had been painted as a conflict between environmentalists and the sugar industry.
Tom Forte, Maxim Group, and Liz Dunn, Talmage Advisors, weigh in on the conflict between Nordstrom and President Trump over dropping Ivanka Trump's apparel line.
Many North Americans without a partisan tie to the issue may just think of the conflict between Israel and Palestine as one of «those» conflicts «over there.»
Whether it's conflict between people, everyone freaking out over a rule change, or what have you, make certain that you're the one who remains calm, composed, and in control of your emotions.
One of the more impending crises is a conflict between Iran and Israel over Irans nuclear capabilities.
«North Korea could create a conflict, a crisis, between the U.S. and China, which clearly would not have happened over the past year.»
The analysis estimated a portion of the potential gains for IRA investors at between $ 33 billion and $ 36 billion over the first 10 years for one segment of the market and category of conflicts of interest.
Treasury yields inched higher Tuesday as a global rally for assets perceived as risky suggested that fears over a trade conflict between China and the U.S. were easing following a speech by China's President Xi Jinping.
«Based on the extensive public comments and evidence garnered during that process, the department determined that such conflicts of interest are widespread and could cost investors in individual retirement accounts (in one segment of the market alone) between $ 95 billion and $ 189 billion over the next 10 years,» wrote the Justice Department lawyers.
Many Social Democratic and Labour parties have jumped on the bandwagon of finance capital, not recognizing the need to rescue industrial capitalism from dependence on neofeudal finance capital before the older conflict between labor and industrial capital over wage levels and working conditions can be resumed.
This resulted in a conflict between the Government and the Parliamentary Budget Officer over his mandate and independence.
By: Tho Bishop This weekend's historic meeting between the leaders of North and South Korea offered hope for a peaceful resolution to a conflict that has gone on for over 60 years.
While Trudeau, Notley and other Kinder Morgan cheerleaders cite the Constitution for their claim that B.C. has no jurisdiction over interprovincial pipelines, Canadian courts have been much less categorical about paramountcy (the doctrine that federal law automatically prevails when there is a conflict between provincial and federal laws).
The bill seeks to remove marijuana from the federal Controlled Substances Act and resolve the existing conflict between federal and state laws over medical or recreational use of the drug.
The natural rights principles are central and primary, but they do not capture the broader vision of liberty Americans had from the beginning, let alone the dialogic conflict between various conceptions of liberty that developed over time.
There is only ONE MESSAGE on earth now that can definitely end the war and all kind of bloody feuds and conflicts within and / or between all Religions and Sects; and here it is for all Peace Loving and Truth Seeking intelligent Humans all over the world now:
The irony of the irrepressible conflict has been noted again and again by students of the War Between the States and its aftermath (which is hardly over in 1976).
Nonetheless, untold conflicts over shared space and equipment arise each year between child - care centers and host churches.
Reason and revelation may continue to squabble, notably in recent controversies over evolution, but these conflicts are contained and mediated by tradition, and few seriously expect our societies to guide themselves by anything except a dynamic interaction between these three intellectual forces.
The real conflict for Buber is not between philosophy and religion, but between that philosophy which sees the absolute in universals and hence removes reality into the systematic and the abstract and that which means the bond of the absolute with the particular and hence points man back to the reality of the lived concrete — to the immediacy of real meeting with the beings over against one.
Fundamental to this difference between Sojourners and The Reformed Journal over political involvement and strategy is a conflicting understanding of hermeneutics.
Over against these highly macroscopic designations, some studies have taken a much more specific spatial and temporal orientation, focusing for example on a specific event such as the overthrow of the shah in Iran or a series of related episodes such as the conflicts between Jews and Palestinians in Israel.
The current impasse in evangelicalism over social ethics provides us a model for exploring how a dialogue between conflicting theological traditions can aid theological formation as evangelicals seek to apply concretely their theoretical commitment to Biblical authority.
The conflict between those who value security over freedom and choose a fear - driven rather than hope - filled approach to governance.
The conflicts between liberal and conservative movements can be clearly traced over the past three centuries.
The family has enough societal sanction for inducing claustrophobia that conflict there — as between mothers and daughters in the kitchen or between fathers and sons over life styles — can blight a personality.
Edith is feeling anxious about it because she anticipates a conflict between the new pastor and one of the members of the committee over worship formats and styles.
The line between orthodoxy and heresy has developed over time and through theological conflict, and the line between heterodoxy and heresy is blurry.
If there was any precarious truce left standing between Israel and Hamas since the last major conflict over the Gaza strip four years ago, it has been destroyed in the past few days as rockets and air strikes have been launched from both sides.
In addition to relating details of some of the personal, sometimes quite extreme, interpersonal conflicts between some of the early figures in paleontology, the book also provides a good overview of how scientific estimates regarding the age of the earth and the development of life on earth have advanced over the last few centuries.
Over the weekend, many newspapers ran an Associated Press story by religion correspondent Rachel Zoll, about the emerging conflicts between same - sex marriage and religious freedom — such as are exemplified in the unfortunate decision last week by the New Mexico supreme court in Elane Photography v. Willock.
Over the weekend, many newspapers ran an Associated Press story by religion correspondent Rachel Zoll, about the emerging conflicts between same - sex marriage and religious freedom — such as are exemplified in the unfortunate decision last week by the New Mexico supreme court in Elane....
Zoroastrianism, while recognizing the conflict between good and evil discerned also by Christians, can not admit, without being untrue to itself, that in Christ, God, Who is supreme, revealed His love, and that in the incarnation, the crucifixion, and the resurrection He triumphed over evil.
The major embarrassment came from the conflict between the Spanish Crown and the emerging governments over the control of ecclesiastical appointments, especially to bishoprics.
His assertion that «unity prevails over conflict» finds its basis in the conviction that «the Gospel message always begins with a greeting of peace, and peace at all times crowns and confirms the relations between the disciples» (no. 229).
Resolve conflict between object of ss 45E and 45EA and industrial conduct permitted by Fair Work Act (Panel favours competition over restrictions)
It's also a place where there's the potential for small scale regional conflict — political at this time — such as between China, Vietnam and Japan over the Spratley islands in the South China Sea and the known unknowns around political instability in nuclear - armed Pakistan and that nation's relationship to its nuclear - armed neighbour, India.
A spat between Russia and Belarus seems to have spilt over into the dairy sector, as Moscow has whipped up a conflict that is pushing its neighbour to export its products to China.
Saillant, meanwhile, denied there was any conflict between the Brazilian football federation and PSG over their separate interests.
Central to the conflicts was a growing struggle between Netsch and Madison over control of the park district.
Despite how irrational they may seem, conflicts between mothers and daughters aren't struggles over nonsense.
This survey found that fathers were more much likely to feel conflicts between their working lives and personal lives in 2008 than they had been in 1977, while mothers experienced only a modest increase in these conflicts over the same period.
Several local and international websites, seeking relief goods, included it as a requirement for the over two million IDPs displaced by the conflict between militants and government forces in northwestern Pakistan.
The Russian armed forces are spread between these fronts, so they desperately need some political resources to keep control over all these conflicts.
In recent years, connections between climate and security were bolstered when President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State John Kerry spoke on the potential for conflict over climate - related resource scarcity and mass migration.
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