Sentences with phrase «over conflicts of interest between»

Elsewhere, I have written about the battle over conflicts of interest between the CBA and the Federation of Law Societies of Canada (FLSC)

Not exact matches

The analysis estimated a portion of the potential gains for IRA investors at between $ 33 billion and $ 36 billion over the first 10 years for one segment of the market and category of conflicts of interest.
«Based on the extensive public comments and evidence garnered during that process, the department determined that such conflicts of interest are widespread and could cost investors in individual retirement accounts (in one segment of the market alone) between $ 95 billion and $ 189 billion over the next 10 years,» wrote the Justice Department lawyers.
Hours after this article was published, chief inspector of probation Paul McDowell resigned over a perceived conflict of interest between his role and that of his wife, who managed probation contracts at Sodexo.
«I'm confident that over time, we will see a notable difference in perception and reality, as it relates to the integrity of these types of prosecutions, just because of the real, inherent conflicts of interest that exist between police officers and local prosecutors,» Jeffries said.
It has become a way of glossing over irresolvable conflict between groups with some interests in common, such as taxpayers (who want to save money), scientists (who want to spend it on exciting projects) and people with disabilities (who hope public funds will improve the quality of their life).
Due to the size and nature of the Firm's operations and the Firm's limited affiliations in the securities industry, the Firm does not expect that material conflicts of interest will arise between the Firm and a Discretionary Account over proxy voting.
In other words, the conflict of interest between credit cards that pay affiliate commissions and those that don't is a relatively minor subset of the vast conflict of interest inherent in selling credit cards for a living: the preference for credit cards over not credit cards, just like Expedia's conflicted preference for travel over not travel.
This deal, however, fell through due a conflict of interest between what Microsoft wanted the game to be (multiplayer - centric) and what the team over at Tequila works envisioned the project to be.
This result suggests that public divisions over climate change stem not from the public's incomprehension of science but from a distinctive conflict of interest: between the personal interest individuals have in forming beliefs in line with those held by others with whom they share close ties and the collective one they all share in making use of the best available science to promote common welfare.
Examining the vigorous public debates over the idea of bankruptcy, Telfer argues that the law was shaped by conflict over the morality of release from debts and by the divergence of interests between local and distant creditors.
This promises to set a major precedent considering the many factors at play: a doctor who is allegedly a pedophile, a conflict of interest between law and profession, and a case that happened over 10 years ago.
He resolves the conflict between his interests and his clients» interests by creating rationalizations (excuses, really), by emphasizing certain facts over others, by overestimating the quality of the work done, and by many other tried - and - true methods.
In April 2003, it further announced a separation of powers between ATSIC's policy making and service delivery roles as an interim measure to remove the potential for conflicts of interest in decision - making over funding.
In the four sets of provisions which these Native Title Reports identify as discriminatory - validation, confirmation, primary production, and right to negotiate - any conflict that arises between native title interests and non-Indigenous interests is resolved by ensuring that non-Indigenous interests always prevail over Indigenous interests.
In the four sets of provisions which these Native Title Reports identify as discriminatory: the validation, confirmation, primary production and right to negotiate provisions, any conflict that arises between native title interests and non-Indigenous interests is resolved by ensuring that non-Indigenous interests always prevail over Indigenous interests.
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