Sentences with phrase «over energy»

This is because the meters give more control over energy use, help with understanding bills and allows for people to see what the energy used costs.
Leaving some fossil fuels in the ground is the oft - overlooked option in debates over energy policy.
Such control over energy use means customers can make an average of a 20 % reduction on their resource intake.
Slowly, so - called «smart» structures are taking root as concern over energy costs and interest in green building grow.
I decided to pour the chocolate over these energy bites for two reasons.
A modern grid should incorporate investments in new technology and innovation and give consumers and communities greater control over energy costs.
While I poured a spoonful of melted chocolate over each energy bite, you can fully dip them in chocolate, or pass on the chocolate altogether.
Still, such measures are now being considered for global binding conventions, and involve political control over energy sources and markets.
Voters especially want more choice and control over energy usage, and expressed interest in adopting new technologies to enable those choices.
The debate over energy consumption and its consequences is constantly evolving, whether the subject is fossil fuels or renewables.
These planetary crises are being driven by unsustainable economic and development models, and the concentration of power over energy goods and services in the hands of a wealthy few.
A well - functioning internal market can help reduce the growing concerns over energy prices and costs, both for industry and for citizens.
Sometimes, amid the back and forth of discussions over energy policy, it's helpful to talk about the real - world impacts of various policy choices.
Do you place value on architectural features over energy efficiency?
They are beginning to generate and share green electricity over the energy internet, and share cars, bikes and public transport on the evolving logistics internet.
While governments argue over energy policy, a huge proportion of the world population is still stuck in energy poverty.
To speed up the simulations, researchers can inject energy into the system, which pushes the model over any energy barriers.
This is your body adapting to your lowered carb intake and switching over its energy sources to fat.
Further, since the heat is generally used locally, there is less associated line loss from distribution over energy grids.
Beyond the costs to build these facilities, operational costs are substantial and raise concerns over the energy requirements and their impacts.
They range over energy policy, climate change and threats to natural resources.
In policy debates over energy and climate change, the deck is automatically stacked against the free market.
I decided to pour the chocolate over these energy bites for two reasons.
The modern grid should incorporate investments in new technology and innovation and give consumers and communities greater control over energy costs.
While I poured a spoonful of melted chocolate over each energy bite, you can fully dip them in chocolate, or pass on the chocolate altogether.
More than two in five strongly agree that they would like more control over their energy sources and more options for energy services.
Using new technologies, the grid will give consumers more control over their energy.
An 18 - month fight over energy in Massachusetts just culminated in passage of a streamlined bill being called «a huge step» for clean energy and «transformational» for offshore wind.
For one thing, they already have it far easier in what really amounts to a titanic battle over energy choices and policies.
Jokes «about» climate change can in fact be «about» any of the dozens of subjects — family disputes over energy bills, travel and tourism, or changing consumer habits — that are directly impacted by climate change.
B. It, unlike the outputs of the various official «Climate Models» (which just do VERY rapidly what they are told to do — show that the planet will be doomed by ACO2 absent political control over all energy production and consumption), appears to hindcast historical data AND makes predictions which so far match observations reasonably well.
Driven by worries over energy security, for example, China has moved to boost energy efficiency, an effort that by 2020 could cut annual carbon emissions by about 300 million tons a year.
Take what you have learned from the scientists and imagine the world in a few decades from now, a few degrees warmer, with all the extreme weather, desertification, ocean acidification, mass migration, conflict over energy supplies, fresh water and so on, that have already begun, and that will only get worse the more we destabilize our climate system with greenhouse gases.
a Thai corporation in a CIETAC arbitration against a Chinese corporation regarding a dispute over an energy procurement and construction contract to build a boiler plant in Thailand.
WASHINGTON (Reuters)- A bipartisan group of U.S. lawmakers unveiled legislation on Friday aimed at forging a compromise between Democrats and Republicans deadlocked in the Senate over energy issues.
Into that political vacuum stepped B.C. Premier Christy Clark with her «five conditions» for oil pipeline support, a strategy the wily former talk radio jock used against Harper whenever it was convenient, and a Quebec government eager to assert its environmental review authority over Energy East.
The responsibilities of local governments give them large influence over energy use in their communities through land use and zoning, building requirements, property taxes and transfers, transportation investment decisions, economic and workforce development, and, in many cases, the provision of services such as water and electricity.
i have been on a bit of a health kick lately... (you would never know it by those s'mores brownies i posted, but hey - its all about balance) and have been obsessing over these energy bites or power balls or protein bites or whatever else you want to call them.
Massive adoption by Millennials and Post-Millennials is driving huge growth in the coffee category, especially for less - processed cold brews: sixty - seven percent opt for coffee over energy drinks when looking for an energy boost, with 43 percent drinking cold brew coffee drinks, personalized to their taste.
«This connection links two vastly different forms of light over an energy range spanning a factor of 10 billion,» said Massaro.
The need capitalize on opportunity means that sometimes, the reward - centered side will need to take priority over energy needs.
Probes show that there is no way through the energy field but there is a way to go over the energy field into the disturbance.
Over in the main part of the Capitol, lawmakers have been locked in a bitter stalemate over energy policy, with Republicans pushing for increased oil exploration, including expanded offshore drilling.
In not taking more control of the leak (leaving the operation in the hands of the polluter), in shying away from the fight over energy legislation, is Obama betraying a reluctance to take political risks for the sake of the environment?
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