Sentences with phrase «over everything in life»

«The truth is, it's easy for [the job] to take over everything in your life,» Ryan said.
Capricorns are known for liking control over everything in their life.
The one thing that has the power over EVERYTHING in your life and will determine if you fail or succeed in any area.
I am one who prays over everything in my life, so I prayed over this issue.

Not exact matches

«I do a lot of work, I do a lot of travel and I pay over 50 % of everything I make in taxes, and I believe that's part of life and you should do it,» Wozniak said.
Everything is live, so there is no making 10 videos in a day and drip scheduling them out over the next 3 weeks.
[24:40] Most entrepreneurs attempt too many businesses in the beginning [24:50] Find your flagship, that you will commit everything to [25:20] Business is also about your own psychology [25:30] Master one thing at a time [26:30] Massive focus and big risks [27:00] The 3 beliefs you must have when starting a business [28:00] Learning how to maximize [28:20] The business you're in and the business you're becoming [28:50] The 80 % of what I do [30:00] The business you are in and the business you are becoming [30:20] Intertwining your personal and professional brands [31:30] The importance of intent [33:20] Tony's take on social media [34:00] Why Tony prefers audio over text [36:40] The value of Facebook Live [37:20] Tony's social media director weighs in on Instagram Stories [38:00] Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure [39:00] Learning how to master the mind [39:40] What's a magnificent life for you?
Doctrine Over Person means allowing the cult's teachings to take front and center stage over everything else you have experienced in your lOver Person means allowing the cult's teachings to take front and center stage over everything else you have experienced in your lover everything else you have experienced in your life.
And that this time in life with everything in chaos, that we would allow this, and let the atheist and non-believers take precedence over this.
When I do it, the beginning (when I was happily on fire for Jesus) and the end (when I am thrilled to be actively pursuing goodness without God) are simpler to describe, so I generally skip over the juicy part in the middle, when everything in my life was confused and uncertain.
Without God, we are torn in two directions: universities praise diversity, but students still form cliques; politicians promise a bright future, but our news programmes are distressing; people are obsessed with scientific explanations of everything, and equally obsessed with the sentimental love expressed in pop songs; sexual abuse with a minor is the most shameful of all crimes, but everyone has a right to complete sexual liberation once they reach the age of consent; we relocate all over the world, preferring to live anywhere but home, yet we still agonise over our local sports club; we own many things, and still feel we don't have enough; we believe in discipline at school or at work, but we all have a right to «let ourselves go» at the weekend; we tolerate everything, except people that don't agree with us.
everything is made up of atoms (don't believe me do some research) its the different variables of heat and light and things like that that cause different reactions to make different things and these things when they interact can create something completely different and you and slowly the process of mitosis or miosis starts to work and form stuff hell i learnt that in high school and it was a catholic one at that a millions of years ago i bet the universe was completely different and had things in it that our minds cant even imagine that have since changed over time from action and reaction to what we have today and in another million years who knows with all the different gases we pump into the air and the weather getting more intense on both ends of the scale life as we know it will be different the human race will have to evolve to survive and will probibly form into a slightly different species hell maybe well evolve into 2 different species like in the movie time machine
It is only when one loves life and the earth so much that without them everything seems to be over that one may believe in the resurrection and a new world; it is only when one submits to God's law that one may speak of grace; and it is only when God's wrath and vengeance are hanging as grim realities over the heads of one's enemies that something of what it means to love and forgive them can touch our hearts.
Too many corners of the Church have been infected with a legalistic, performance - based view of God in which God stands over our lives with crossed arms and a disappointed scowl, applauding only when we get everything just right and rendering judgment on everything we do wrong.
In John 18:5 - 6 Jesus sais «I AM he» and The power of his declaration of BEING GOD brought them to their knees... This clearly coincides with Exodus 3 when God appeared to Moses and Declared that his NAME was «I AM who I AM» Do you REALLY think that that is not by design??? Is this not also a very clear foreshadowing of the future (Romans 14:11, and Philliapians 2:10 - 11) Please oh please see how the Bible is so intricately intertwined and full of the The masters handiwork... Everything, all of life's questions are all within this book, not other sources, if one but will accept them, pray over them, and get the Lord's guidance... This is why I brought up 1 Cor 2:14, Which you took EXTREMELY out of context in the way I meant it to be discerned, which the verse itself explains I might begrudgingly add... John 8:24 after he tells them I am not of this worlIn John 18:5 - 6 Jesus sais «I AM he» and The power of his declaration of BEING GOD brought them to their knees... This clearly coincides with Exodus 3 when God appeared to Moses and Declared that his NAME was «I AM who I AM» Do you REALLY think that that is not by design??? Is this not also a very clear foreshadowing of the future (Romans 14:11, and Philliapians 2:10 - 11) Please oh please see how the Bible is so intricately intertwined and full of the The masters handiwork... Everything, all of life's questions are all within this book, not other sources, if one but will accept them, pray over them, and get the Lord's guidance... This is why I brought up 1 Cor 2:14, Which you took EXTREMELY out of context in the way I meant it to be discerned, which the verse itself explains I might begrudgingly add... John 8:24 after he tells them I am not of this worlin the way I meant it to be discerned, which the verse itself explains I might begrudgingly add... John 8:24 after he tells them I am not of this world.
1) I agree people need to quit crying racism all the time, get over yourselves people, not everything in life is racially motivated.
And, oh, this misery, that so many live on and are defrauded of this most blessed of all thoughts; this misery, that people employ themselves about everything else, or, as for the masses of men, that people employ them about everything else, utilize them to generate the power for the theater of life, but never remind them of their blessedness; that they heap them in a mass and defraud them, instead of splitting them apart so that they might gain the highest thing, the only thing worth living for, and enough to live in for an eternity — it seems to me that I could weep for an eternity over the fact that such misery exists!
I did not used to think I was, but when I realized I was not in control of my life I turned everything over to Christ.
this planet has known 4 mass extinctions and you people believe that god made those millions upon millions of species die off so that you could live, take over the planet, convert or kill off everything that gets in your way, and then finally kill the planet by removing its resources... which of course you believe god made for YOU!!!
I had known and believed that Jesus died for me along with everything else about the gospel, but I was being called out by the articles I read for the sin in my life and for my failure to make Jesus lord over my life.
Without God, we are torn in two directions: universities praise diversity, but students still form cliques; politicians promise a bright future, but all our news programs are distressing; people are obsessed with scientific explanations of everything, and equally obsessed with sentimental love in every pop song; sexual abuse with a minor is the most shameful of all crimes, but everyone has a right to complete sexual liberation once they reach the age of consent; we relocate all over the world, preferring to live anywhere but home, yet we still agonize over our local sports team; we own many things, and still feel like we don't have enough; we believe in discipline at school or at work, but we all have a right to «let ourselves go» on the weekend; we tolerate everything, except people that don't agree with us.
Knowing me, I'd knock it over and have cake everywhere (see also, flipping cakes, see also, everything I do in life).
The Italian said after Juventus» 2 - 0 win over Chievo Verona, «Everything in life has a price but it will be difficult to replace him.
No if the players, former players the board and over half the fanbase support a specialist in failure, then you know what you've become.A FAILING CLUB.You'll have to let those with the strength and amplitude of being able to live with everything that is going around the club do as they wish.We predict for change but change might not come for a long time.Wenger might not leave unless he is forced to.But the protess for change are weak and the board members are fine with his achievements I
In everything in life there must be a balance but for now its Profit (shareholders happy) over trophy (fans happyness) and in accounting where one side is less the other side then there will be problem at the long run...In everything in life there must be a balance but for now its Profit (shareholders happy) over trophy (fans happyness) and in accounting where one side is less the other side then there will be problem at the long life there must be a balance but for now its Profit (shareholders happy) over trophy (fans happyness) and in accounting where one side is less the other side then there will be problem at the long accounting where one side is less the other side then there will be problem at the long run.....
«I think I've seen that in Cleveland and also with a lot of young quarterbacks all over the league, because most of them have a lot of success their whole lives, and all of a sudden the NFL is a different game, and everything they thought they knew about themselves — that they were great leaders, and they could throw the ball and read defenses, and that their will would always overcome — they start to question those things and lose their confidence, and some never regain it.»
You've given them pretty much everything over the years, so it's hard to come up with new gift ideas for the young adult in your life.
Once again, older couples have had plenty of time alone together as a couple, and have had a lot of experiences to tide them over for when a little one comes into their lives and pretty much throws everything up in the air.
This cute Thanksgiving craft idea comes from Lindsy over at Preschool Alphabet and is a great way to get your kids to think about everything they're grateful for in their lives.
After presiding over one of the worst economic crises in living memory, Labour's answer to everything is still more borrowing, more spending and higher taxes.
I have, throughout my life, believed in the primacy of the whole over its constituent parts, and, therefore, in the importance of building and doing everything possible to preserve the institution over and above the personal interest of any individual within that institution.
William Hague made the by - now - familiar complaint that Blair routinely abandoned «everything he has claimed to believe in over 20 years in public life».
The cloud billowed southward, over the river, enveloping everything in the dust and debris of blown - apart lives.
OVER THE PAST FEW YEARS, researchers have come to realize the importance of the human microbiome — the roughly 100 trillion microorganisms that live in our gut — in everything from health and digestion to asthma and brain development.
Early on, I made a clear commitment to the extent that I could, to make sure everything in my life (that I had control over) contributed the least harm to the environment.
Of everything I've written over the years, this is one of the topics I feel the most strongly about because the way we are «protecting» kids is doing them a severe disservice in life.
We'll be doing these workouts and going over the nutrition challenge in the daily LIVE VIDEOS — so be sure to use the link in your email to get everything out of this challenge!
I am completely exhausted almost all of the time, I cry over ridiculous things, I am irritated way too often over little things, I stress about simple stuff, everything seems to bother me... even the sound of my children laughing, and some days I just feel indifferent to life in general.
So next time you feel like curling up into a ball, pulling the covers over your head, and hiding from the world because everything in life sucks, force yourself to roll out of bed and try a few of the natural mood enhancers on this list.
Novelty is what our DNA expects but in the modern world, we do the same things over, and over, and over... just sort of existing in life, on autopilot... so change everything (sleep differently, eat differently, move differently)... change what you do... what you see... how you think... how you feel... how you are... become a greater level of mind, body and spirit to become a greater version of yourself.
However, if this is not the case, then the only other thing that has significantly changed in my life is that I'm eating a lot fewer carbs — yet everything I've read (and not just on this site) is that a low - carb diet should help asthma, not make it worse (I did not have much weight to lose when I did the Two Week Test, but over the last few months, I've lost that little bit of extra weight and I've certainly lost fat and gained muscle, and I feel healthier — apart from the asthma — than before, so I would say a low - carb diet is working for me).
Theodora lost over 50 pounds, and shares everything from recipes and food to her love of running and more - all while living the coveted life in the city visiting ballets, balls and bars.
One who controls the mind is like a RAJA (KING) and has control over everything else in life.
People living sedentary lives eating 300g a day in carbs which is the SAD diet, are over eating and having all that increased insulin response shoving everything into their fat cells and they aren't excercising enough to utilize all those carbs.
Speaking of, it's been so crazy over here that I haven't been able to catch up on my post-LA trip — I feel like I've been in a constant game of catch up with work, and life and everything in between.
I'm at the point in my life where I will choose comfort over just about everything else, even when it comes to fashion.
Some of my best memories over the past few years have actually taken place around the kitchen table in my apartment, discussing everything from dating to drones — lest you not forget, we live in Washington.
I live in maxi dresses and maxi skirts — Long enough to cover everything while I bend over and pick up the kids, stretchy for mommy - bodies in flux, and waaaaay more comfortable than jeans (to me, at least).
I like to think that I'm over that now — for almost everything in my life I am, but my teenage son is doing is best to tear me down.
I know I'm not saving lives over here but in the story of my own tiny life, Design Darling has changed everything.
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