Sentences with phrase «over exaggeration»

Over exaggeration of one's ignorance in the hope it turns into brilliant football knowledge.
But putting it full of coal and waiting for an hour for it to be perfect for six peach halves seemed like heavy over exaggeration to me.
What is unethical is guilting and manipulating mothers into making the choice you want them to make through dishonest over exaggeration of the risks / benefits of formula vs breast.
Wired's picked up on a clever use of machinima (the «filming» of video in computer games or virtual worlds) by the folks at Bill Maher's HBO show to nail Hillary Clinton over her exaggeration of the danger involved in her trip to Bosnia in the 90s.
Also, watch out for key characteristics of poor breeding, poor genetics and over exaggerations of characteristics.
Ok, so... the title of this article may be an over exaggeration.
I think your basing this on an over exaggeration from the online gaming community.
Looking at mime, over exaggeration and clear...
Even if that is an over exaggeration, I figure that they will at least be «good», and therefore better than the Nexus 7 1st gen I own.
In reality, one over exaggeration can cause a hiring manager to doubt everything in a resume and reject the candidate.
The following are four reasons why it is not an over exaggeration to say that curb appeal is one of the most important qualities a home can have.
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