Sentences with phrase «over feelings»

The question is — can people get over that feeling of doing something wrong, even when they aren't.
Still, although it felt good to be doing something useful while my babies were in the hospital, I never got over feeling like a dairy cow rather than a person.
The program also teaches positive appraisal skills and assertion to give students a sense of control over their feelings and actions.
You too can give yourself that green all - over feeling by hitting up the link below and uploading a pic.
If you can get over feeling sorry for the children, they're a riot to watch.
I was very stressed out about that scene, and when it was over I felt great.
I never gloss over their feelings of loss and regret: these are feelings they need to feel and work through.
There can be some stress over feeling confident and beautiful.
However, patients emotional distress appeared to have causal priority over their feelings of being bothered by their functional restrictions.
It's a strange phenomenon because, along with the irritation, comes the guilt over feeling irritated by your loved ones.
Take him / her out for a fun activity or let him take a break so that he / she can move over the feeling of failure.
You need to get over that feeling immediately if this is your mindset.
Did you get a headache or hung - over feeling within the first three days of the detox?
If your new friend's story is repeated through numerous complaints and articles on the Internet, it is time to apply common sense over your feelings.
I was told just the powertrain but I called again because of this cat was just thoroughly gone over I felt this shouldn't have occurred do soon.
This action is due to him being angry over feeling like he was part of the family, but was actually disposable and ready to be replaced.
Over all it feels good in your hands and is more sturdy then it appears in the package.
She takes ownership over her feelings to solve puzzles and ultimately rescue her friends.
Regardless of the feelings that the parents may have for each other, the court, when deciding custody cases will prioritize the interest of the children over the feelings of the parents.
Shame over feeling «broken» can also make us uncomfortable bringing it up.
Probably, when your child is at his 4th age, she will have more understanding and control over her feelings and behavior.
No matter how long you breastfeed, the day you realize your breastfeeding journey is over it all feels like it went by too quickly.
She's struggling, but she plays it cool anyway, namely for one reason: she's over feeling sorry for herself.
We try to ignore our stress over these feelings, which can leave us feeling angry and worried all over again.
Can't get over the feeling that you want to quit being a stay - at - home mom.
I just can't seem to get over my feelings of resentment toward him.
Be sure to always place a thin towel over the felt when ironing, felt will melt.
Child ER was assessed by rating the intensity, duration, and frequency of the child's emotional experiences, competence to overcome emotions, and any concerns parents had in regard to the child's experience, or expression of, emotion (e.g., «Is there anything s / he does to get over feeling sad?»).
«I always knew I got some of my best ideas and sources of inspiration when I was having fun away from the business, so I had to get over feeling guilty about being away,» she says.
I know how they feel I am desperately missing Nolan and Hippo NOT welcome to our lives I just hope you don't have to wait 4 years FUKC said I was over those feeling just runs so deep,
Not only is water the best thing to flush toxins out of your system, one of the biggest factors of that hung - over feeling after overdoing is dehydration — the likely culprit behind nausea, headache, and bloat.
Be sure to always place a thin towel over the felt when ironing, felt will melt.
Deploying resources on those attorneys that have no natural predisposition to sales (e.g. they are highly introverted, have not developed a broad network of friends and business contacts, prefer to avoid situations that can lead to rejection, prefer to blend in over feeling comfortable in a spotlight) will be counterproductive.
When my shift was over I felt very guilty to be deserting the troops.
It was frustrating and having to retry what seemed like a very doable jump many times over felt like reason enough to quit the game.
You can't blame yourself for it, and you can't let the unbiased unfairness destroy you or take over your feelings during this process.
We choose politeness or being agreeable over our feelings and needs in social situations.
The discussion about evangelicalism here at this blog for the last few days has been interesting, though I admit to skim - reading many of the posts as I succumbed to that Eyes Glazing Over feeling that I get whenever the essence of evangelicalism is discussed.
The methods frequently employed in work groups to «get things done,» ride roughshod over feelings and stifle individual initiative.
What you are hearing as condescension is really just the frustration of thinking people who rely on evidence over feelings.
If the boys fought me to go down for a nap and fell asleep in my bed rather than their cribs, I'd vent my frustrations over feeling trapped in the room with them by running downstairs and grabbing whatever we had in the cabinets — bags of Goldfish crackers, boxes of baby biscuits — gobbling all the candy and then telling my partner we must have left the bag at the store rather than confess that I'd eating it all.
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