Sentences with phrase «over geological time scales»

In that context, I find the results of Shaviv particularly interesting with their cosmic ray link: Shaviv (2005) carried out a similar analysis for 6 different time scales, ranging from the 11 - yr solar cycle to the climate variations over geological time scales.
Over geological time scales, the lack of correlation between CO2 and temperature places a clear upper limit of a 1.5 °C per CO2 doubling sensitivity.
As a matter of fact, over geological time scales, there were huge variations in the CO2 (a factor of 10) and they have no correlation whatsoever with the temperature.
«Over geological time scales, there were huge variations in the CO2 (a factor of 10) and they have no correlation whatsoever with the temperature.
First, the correlations over geological time scales are statistically very significant.
Figure 6: A summary of the 4 different signals revealing the cosmic ray flux climate link over geological time scales.
How can you claim to be able to identify human attribution when natural variations over geological time scales are so large as the graphs clearly show?
1) Reconstructed temperatures over geological time scales are noisy and less reliable the further you go back.
Specialised nutrient - acquisition strategies reflect plant adaptations to changing N and P status as soils change over geological time scales.

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For over twenty years, the dominant opinion in research was that this «mother of all disasters» happened abruptly and without warning, when seen on a geological time - scale — estimates suggest a period of just 60,000 years.
The geological search for ancient life frequently zeroes in on fossilized organic structures or biominerals that can serve as «biosignatures,» that survive in the rock record over extremely long time scales.
Pluto exhibits evidence for a variety of processes that act to modify its surface over time scales ranging from seasonal to geological.
Many senior dating over 50 sites promise love and perfect matches, here at Buzz50 Senior Dating we try to focus on you This document discusses the way radiometric dating and stratigraphic principles are used to establish the conventional geological time scale.
Temperatures over that period varied probably by less than 2 deg C, so the climate during which we developed our way of life was very consistent when compared with the long - term geological time scale.
The difference of more than two orders of magnitudes between sea level change on a human time scale and sea level change on a geological time scale is the result of several mechanisms affect sea level at different amplitudes and over different time periods.
Under human influence, the Earth's climate system is not only changing in its totality and over a geological time - scale, it is also rendered more unstable and unpredictable.
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