Sentences with phrase «over his broken body»

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When leaders are constantly interrupting, talking over ideas, finishing sentences and projecting negative body language, it breaks the creative flow and deters innovation.
Sorry to break this to you but, Islam has been in Corvallis for over 30 years and many OSU students body and faculty are Muslims, as far as terrorism being Islam's best friend that is incorrect.
So as the Body of Christ, let's stop fighting each other and breaking ourselves apart over our differing aesthetics.
the blood of the martyrs fills the soil of our country from north to south and from east to west... many of the bodies are recovered and are broken between churches all over egypt and the rest of the world and by the way the movie was not made by Coptic Christians at least not orthodox anyway.
And to the broken body of Christ, whose blood was spilt over the lingering women who accompanied his dying.
Take, bless, break, give — the bread was taken and offered to God; thanksgiving was said over it — and here we need to recall that for the Jew, all blessings have always been in the form of a thanksgiving to God for the objects which are to be blessed; the bread was broken, as Christ had done at the Last Supper and as His physical body was broken on the Cross; the bread was given — distributed, so that the believer might partake of it and thereby, as the Church believed, partake of Christ Himself and become one with Him.
Before anyone could stop her, Mary, following a Jewish custom where wealthy people anointed the bodies of their loved ones with costly oil before burial, broke the vial and began pouring its precious contents over Christ's head and anointing his feet.
He would provide a profile of the early Church which was «a religious communion claiming a divine commission, and holding all other religious bodies around it heretical or infidel, a sort of secret society binding its members together by influence and engagement, spread over the whole world, a natural enemy to governments, intolerant and capable of dividing families and breaking laws.
My explanation of it is this: the subject works his emotions up to the breaking point, at the same time resisting their physical manifestations, such as quickened pulse, etc., and then suddenly lets them have their full sway over his body.
I took the day off from exercising because I haven't had a rest day in over two weeks and I'm just tired and my body needs a break.
I've been eating a lot more takeout pizza in general than ever before and my body is probably crying over it... time to break out the homemade dough and stuff it with veggies like these!
When you ingest these proteins, they are broken down into their individual amino acids and shipped all over your body.
They have struggled to get available bodies to play legal games over the last few weeks but will look to turn all of that around when we return from Spring Break on Sunday, March 11th.
Your baby's body can't easily break down and excrete caffeine, especially in the first few months of life, so over time it may accumulate in her system.
When the nurses gave my son a bath with Johnson & Johnson's Original Baby Shampoo, which scores a 5 out of 10 on Skin Deep, my son broke out in a horrible rash all over his body.
When my water broke at 34 weeks 2 days, I was cheering on our way to the hospital — finally it was «go time», finally the pregnancy was over and I was going to be the only occupant in my body.
This truck is built to last with a hard - to - break undercarriage and a protective, splash proof film over the whole body.
Over many years, Rubio's body broke down her calorie - packed diet into glucose, a sugar, which was absorbed into her blood.
Metastatic cancer cells have the ability to break free from tissue, circulate in the blood stream, and form tumors all over the body, in a way acting like blood cells.
But by modeling the dozens of biochemical reactions involved in synthesizing, transporting and breaking down glutathione in the body, the researchers found that the rarest ingredient changes over time.
Over time, the human body is constantly breaking down and building new bone tissue.
Over time, Mars» gravitational pull would have pulled that moon toward the planet until it reached the Roche limit, the distance within which the planet's tidal forces will break apart a celestial body that is held together only by gravity.
So, at the dawn of our universe — and I have to emphasize our universe, because there could be others — so, dawn of our universe, physicists think there was one type of force, one type of matter and that as the cosmos expanded, as space expanded, it cooled and things started to condense out like snow flakes, and over time that single force broke, it differentiated; and something similar happens in the human body as we develop from a single cell; we differentiate, different tissues form in our bodies, different layers of tissues.
They have generated excitement over the past few decades because scientists can study them in the laboratory to discover the genetic switches that control the development of specialized tissues in the embryo and fetus, and also because of their potential to replace body tissues that have broken down, such as pancreatic cells in those with diabetes or heart muscle cells in those with congestive heart failure.
Over time the cells colonize the shape, or the action of the body will break down the polymers.
This period was apparently associated with increased meteoric impacts (around 100 times more frequent than today) associated with the break - up in the Main Asteroid Belt of the L - chondrite parent body — the largest documented asteroid breakup event over the past few billion years.
The polymers are designed to break up over time in the body.
First of all, it is important to give your body a break every now and then, but I prefer whole food cleanses over juice cleanses.
Hormones get secreted from glands all over your body, but it is your liver that breaks down the hormones and makes them biologically active so they can go to work for you.
After all if Humpy Dumpty was a seasoned and committed yogi he would have been using that wall a billion times over to practice his inversions, therefore being versed in the art of falling so when it came time for the real thing, his body would instinctively know how to break that fall.
Over the next two to three days post-workout, your body heals the broken - down tissue.
The human body is designed to handle and respond to a certain amount of stress, but chronic levels take a toll on the body and over time will actually cause the body to deteriorate and break down, including critical functions needed to be well.
Unlike other flame retardants, this silica - based one is not bioavailable and won't break down over time or with body heat (it will only break down in the presence of flames).
And so, what we've been going over here is, and the whole idea of this is to say, «Yeah, there's, our environment tries to break our body down, we have the ability to buffer, counteract that, and we want it to be in a good balance,» and that's the beauty about laboratory tests because you can see that, and you can make the changes in your life to help get that balance without just being simplistic and saying exercise equals good.
The anabolic processes in the body shuts down and breaking down process or catabolic activities take over.
If you reduce the consumption of carbohydrates over a period, the body will begin to break down body fat for energy for everyday duties.
I like breaking through new strength ceilings, watching my muscles grow, and having control over the appearance of my body.
Vitamin C is easily broken down in the body, so there is no risk in taking in amounts that are over the recommended levels.
I took a break over the summer for a month as I was on vacation and traveling for work (so I was doing just running / body weight circuits).
Magazine article, the author describes her growing frustration over being strapped to a chair all day at the office unable to adequately exercises, and then her amazement upon speaking to her 50 - something year old fit hair stylist who goes to a place where she's strapped into special exercise machines, wears her regular clothes, doesn't break a sweat, and performs a full - body workout in 20 minutes.
Your liver is one of the hardest working organs in your body, responsible for performing over 500 functions, such as detoxifying every single thing you eat, breathe, drink and apply to your skin; producing bile; metabolizing hormones; breaking down red blood cells; and regulating cholesterol levels.
The premise is that you get stronger when you recover, and lifting weights over and over again without a planned break doesn't give your body the time it needs to fully recover.
In fact, doing excessive cardio is actually working against your results because you are stimulating excessive cortisol production in your body and breaking down lean muscle tissue... all of which leads to the slowing down of your metabolic rate over time and deposition of even more belly fat on top of what you already have.
Stress from our diets, our lives, and our thoughts... they all affect the body the same way by turning on the «Fight or Flight» Nervous System, which breaks a body down over time.
Because proteins are vital to the body's repair and building system, over time, as we age, the body will start breaking itself down when there isn't enough protein coming in from the diet.
As the weeks go by you'll lose fat from everywhere (thus increasing your «muscle definition»), but you have no control over the specific way in which your body breaks that fat down for use.
I have been body building for well over 20 years and I can honestly say that you have allowed me to break out of what I call the classical mess of weight lifting.
You can get a more intense workout by completing different squats, body pushups and lunges without taking a break; but also not getting over fatigued, since you're switching up what body part is working in each exercise.
One measured fluid, electrolyte, and renal indices of hydration over eleven days of caffeine consumption in human subjects, finding that doses of up to 6 mg caffeine per kilogram of body weight had no effect on body mass, urine osmolality (urine concentration), urine specific gravity (concentration of excreted materials in urine), urine color, urine volume, sodium excretion, potassium secretion, creatinine content, blood urea nitrogen (forms when protein breaks down), and serum levels of sodium and potassium.
Your body has broken down muscle, used its glycogen stores, and is searching for energy / food to rebuild so you can do it all over again.
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