Sentences with phrase «over human sin»

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Human beings have to be made over; sin has to be eliminated.
He belongs to our race, sharing our propensities and temptations, bearing our human responsibilities and enduring our human weakness; yet in him the sin of Everyman, the inward - looking self - centeredness which bars the way to communion with God because it tries to establish and justify itself over against God, is overcome.
Pushing it to the extreme, maybe Noah should kill any new baby girls to keep the human race from starting over and cursing the world with their sin.
Any God worth worshiping wouldn't choose one person over another for «blessings», and also wouldn't punish a whole species of humans for the sins of a few.
As humans in a broken sinfilled world we often struggle with «The Desires of The Flesh» found in Galatians 5:16 - 26, which are: «Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions,...» Because we are human, but we CAN CHANGE, because Christ forgave us at the cross of EVERY sins as Jeremy states over and over in his message.
The idea is that Jesus was tempted with all types of human sin, sexual, psychological, demonic, whatever, but that He triumphed over them.
does the possibility of a creator equate to a being that watches over human interaction and judges «sin»?
Human sin — our sin, my sin and the tennis - racket solution for bats — all spill over to the massive despoiling of nature.
Jesus Christ, is and it will be forever more the unique object lesson of living, the human being not ever, although we may be Christians we don't leave of to sin, for the very her writing she says Aerquémonos confiadamente at the throne of your handsomeness in order to reach forgiving in order to the perpetual help, in as much as not tenemos one God which not it can feel pity for of we, rather one which fué tempting all over, but without sin, according to the letter at the age of Hebrews, and the apostle John she says, whether various hubiere sin, solicitor tenemos in order to with the parent to Jesus Christ the that's right, not ever not any human being it will be the best object lesson not other than The Christ Jesus, nor Buddah bo Mahoma nor none, we don't follow to humanity rather at a God which fué tempting all over but without sin, not ever we owe put her scope in the humanity not other than in the.
It is absurd that we want to deny the fact of this «sin»; that is, the domination of freezing over retreating human beings.
As time goes buy the kind defenders of free will over their rejection to «dead» here and colossians 2:13 tend to resort to a familiar defense, that of labeling it a Calvinist viewpoint and that its almost a cultist view point to hold.Very sad yet very much the defense of many christians.Dead may i suggest is dead, the inability to respond, does not mean that prior to being saved one could not read scripture but because of this spiritual deadness its not profitabel / meaningful - we just can not continue to revise the meaning of dead to fit a view point - because natural man has not been born again this deadness (spiritually) shows itself as «none seek after God», in this condition they are» slaves to sin» and the spiritual things of God (the bible) is «folly / foolishness» even the gospel is judged by natural man as «folly / foolishness «(1 cor.1: 18) Please stop with this weak / common defense called Calvinism - many believers are truly turned off by such a defense.We must not forget the man's «free will» is what took the whole human race down in the garden; i would hope we can rise above our love affair with the human will.
Skills and technology of all kinds may be admirable, but the tyrannical or greedy use of human power over nature is a failure deriving from human sin, not from God's intention in creation.
Primarily, therefore, the «man» and «son of man» of Psalm 8 is also the king, whose sacred office endows him with the resources of divine power not just over his human subjects but over all other creatures within his domain; and it is only his sins which cause this power to be withheld.
Luther was writing a personal letter to his gentle Melancthon, whom he always suspected of being a little weak - kneed — what he went on to say was a further developed and rubato version of the words already quoted, advice of the kind that Staupitz had also given Luther — «Do not brood over your sins which are an inevitable part of our human condition; look rather at Jesus the Saviour.»
Yea, what is more (and herein lies all the concession one can make to human understanding and human thinking), one might praise the pagan who really managed to despair, not over the world, not over himself in general, but over his sin.
God agrees to be «handed over» to our sacrificial process, to bear our original sin and to carry the burden that no human alone can bear.
Elsewhere he claimed jurisdiction only over sin, but inasmuch as most human endeavor is tainted with sin, the pope's area of possible jurisdiction was large.
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