Sentences with phrase «over ledges»

SLICK TRAVERSALS AND TAKEDOWNS: Climb, hang, shimmy and leap your way across the game's vast environments to get the drop on enemies and deliver killing blows from behind cover, hanging over ledges and more!
You are now able to drop onto enemies to knock them out, pull the unsuspecting over ledges or railings, and grab people through fabric walls or tents.
Levels are just as detailed as previous releases and still feature the multi-level-ness expected from a Dead or Alive game, allowing for players to knock opponents over ledges, down canyons, and off of buildings for additional damage.
We found that steady throttle and a sawing action of the steering wheel worked well with the BTC system to get the SUV up and over the ledges.
Leaping over ledges and climbing buildings adds a great feeling of verticality to the experience along with the freedom to approach objectives in different ways.
Using the whip to stun enemies, or toss them over ledges is extremely satisfying.
The camera responds, peering precipitously over ledges, free - falling, flashing from first - person to slo - mo.
When you think about it, it is almost impossible not to have some form of contamination, because flour is everywhere — all over the ledges and surfaces as well as machinery.
«I fly so much now that I'm not scared of being in a plane, but I don't want to look over a ledge knowing that if I take too much of a lean, I could tumble,» he says.
I couldn't push any of the other teams over the ledge, though, including the Twins.
repeat behaviors that produce a desired effect, such as dropping a toy over a ledge so that you can pick it up
He took me to a room... and hung me over the ledge of the building and said if I didn't do what he wanted, he'd let me go.»
Sometimes you wil be travelling down a rock face, gazing over a ledge to shoot the hiding enemies below, or even more mind bending, shooting your way upwards, only for your enemies to come falling towards you.
A man jumps over a ledge on a very tall building to retrieve an arrow with a thread attached to it.
VIOLENCE / GORE 6 - Two men fight using spears and swords, punches and kicks: one man is slashed on the face and we see a bloody gash, one man is slashed on the leg and across the abdomen (we see blood), and one man is stabbed in the abdomen and the chest before being thrown over a ledge and falling a great distance, presumably to his death.
A man jumps over a ledge when a security guard appears on the roof of a very tall building.
She leads him to the roof and snares his foot with a rope trap, and as he is dangling over the ledge, she goes to take his mask off, only to be grabbed, stabbed, and... dead.
For months afterward, the teenager would stand on the roof of his aunt's five - story apartment building, curling his toes over the concrete lip and fantasizing about diving over the ledge.
He stuck his toes over the ledge and jumped into the brisk morning air.
Unless you have had a couple of trips out to Indo when it's properly pumping, or can say that you regularly fling yourself over the ledge and into some of the meanest barrels around, you won't be ready for the Cribbar.
Pick up the Bomb Flower and toss it over the ledge in order to break the rock blocking up the cave from earlier.
Perhaps you might be on one side of the room and see a goon moving along a walkway on the opposite side, so you grab them with your Batclaw, pull them over the ledge and off the walkway and watch them fall to their doom.
The climbing was brilliant here too as it can be used to perform grab kills to pull opponents over a ledge.
Before entering Union Cave, there's a hidden Great Ball just over the ledge to the left of the Entrance.
Pick up the bomb flower and toss it over the ledge to blow up the giant rock — causing water to fill up the area.
The sensors were a little finicky, causing me to fall before I took that one step over the ledge, and I found that the peripheral vision on several Acer headsets I've seen during my time at Build was slightly blurry compared to what you might get on higher - end devices like the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift.
Shaw says the biggest rush of the event was the moment he went over the ledge of the building.
You need a lil window seat (they attach ~ clip over the ledge of the window) for kitty to sit on in there =)
A shower streams over a ledge into the pool, creating a stunning feature within the already breathtaking pool.

Not exact matches

«You're constantly surveying the landscape for a ledge you can bounce off or a wall you can run up or a handrail you can flip over
At the last rock of the last ledge of the last climb, retreat blocked, he went to the edge to look over his days and ways.
Unable to dig a deep hole for burial because of an underlying ledge, Michael turns over the topsoil and scatters his mother's remains.
And if you worry about vegetable plants taking over your tiny window ledge, keep in mind the dwarf varieties have been developed specifically for people like you who have limited space.
Expending considerable ammunition, six or eight shooters can get their limits, often from the same ledge, by midmorning — if not through shooting skill, then by the sheer numbers of eiders swinging over their decoys.
While most duck shooters snuggle deeper under the blankets, the Maine seabirder gets up at 4 a.m., drives his boat through swells that wash over the decks and turn them into sheets of ice, sets his trawl line of decoys, anchors in the lee of a ledge and covers his boat with rockweed.
From this new place, from this last ledge before Michelle leaps into the pros and adulthood, then maybe marriage and children, she looks over at Pat.
Michigan forward signee Brandon Johns had a big game in East Lansing High Schools win over Grand Ledge.
Among fliers, the common park pigeons are often known as «commies,» and editorials in the racing - pigeon press are sometimes given over to denouncing the commies that loiter on the ledges of public buildings.
Same thing goes if your stairway design includes a ledge, decorative iron, horizontal rails or anything that can be climbed to get up and over the top rail.
They have a number of safety benefits such keeping your baby walker from going over the edge of the top star or over other ledges.
Storteboom snaps on a pair of latex gloves and stretches over the frozen ledge to fill a sterile plastic jug with water.
Sea cucumbers, or holothurians, normally seen crawling incredibly slowly over the flat abyssal plains of the ocean floor, were found on steep slopes, small ledges and rock faces of the underwater mountain range.
I not only train athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and the general public, I'm also a professional stuntman, who consistently has to enhance speed and agility to jump off walls, over people and objects, as well as reach to ledges to pull up.
As a former athlete, I can tell you there are many advantages of barefoot or «zero heel» shoes (quicker acceleration due to simple physics / range of motion, less ankle sprains because there is no «ledge» for you ankle to roll over), but most importantly, as we get older it's better for our joints and low back.
I put nails and shards of glass all over the window ledges.
One thing keeping me off the ledge due to my zero eHarmony dates is I've had some luck over the past month with dating through other avenues.
One thing keeping me off the ledge due to my zero eharmony dates is I've had some luck over the past month with dating through other avenues.
Philippe leaps over the side of the roof to nab an arrow, to which a fishing wire that will help bring the steel wire across the gap is attached, but then we get a moment in which the teacher must go to ledge to tighten the wire.
► A man challenges another man to fight for a throne: the men fight using spears and shields, punches, kicks and head - butts (we hear crunching and they both end up with bloody faces) as guards with spears surround the fighters and push close to a ledge over a high drop off; one man is stabbed through the shoulder (we see blood) and one man holds the other around the neck until he taps out.
Joe, for example, has been spending his life fighting tooth and nail against his gayness, but when mad missus Harper (Mary - Louise Parker) finally topples over the loony ledge, he loses his grip on all things straight and embarks on a man - hunt.
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