Sentences with phrase «over mankind»

That said, I have very mixed feelings about this re-imagining of the series — while the tale of Mundus» control over mankind using deception is one I found very compelling, the game also has a much coarser tone than its predecessors, with a lot of swearing and sex thrown into the mix.
Facebook must be regarded as one of the largest companies in the world in terms of its spread and with all the access to people's lives, they possess a certain power over mankind.
Some people hate them because they are still waiting around for the Messiah to come and usher in the new Kingdom they were promised where they rule as Kings and Priests over all mankind...
In this chapter, a rebellious angel, Satan accused God of being a liar and questioned God's right to rule over mankind (Verse 4).
The way the story is told, mostly through NPCs dialogues, also helps immersion, allowing them to slowly learn more about what happened since the Dragonlord's victory over mankind.
The Everestlike issue that now towers over mankind is life — its quality, perhaps even its survival.
The sway of alcohol over mankind is unquestionably due to its power to stimulate the mystical faculties of human nature, usually crushed to earth by the cold facts and dry criticisms of the sober hour.
He exalted the supremacy of king over all mankind, His power fashioned in the image of Christ; the Pope also was subject to the royal power.
At the same time there is the disturbing vision of Isaiah (ch.53) of the Servant of God oppressed, his life made a sin - offering, reigning over kings only because he has first gone down into the dust of death... There is the anguish of Psalm 22 with once again its prophecy of a worldwide and religious dominion over all mankind after and because of the passion of the Witness of God.
Acting on the conviction that the Popes as vicars of Christ had authority over all mankind and could assign the civil rule over all peoples to whom they would, in 1480 the Pope granted to Portugal a monopoly of trade, colonization, and political dominion in non-Christian lands from West Africa to the East Indies.
In its place, sin has taken over mankind and «The Creator «is not happy about it.
The martial artist and actor, who served in the Israeli Defense Forces, not only thrills when she boldly wades into battle, but she also perfectly plays the character's fish - out - of - water naivete about humans, whether Diana is delighting in her first ice cream cone or grieving over mankind's nastier shortcomings.
In time, however, the class crescendos in a heated debate over mankind's inherent good and evil.
He didn't want to die and he didn't want the world to blow up (as it seemed it any day would), but he couldn't spend too much time thinking of the shadow of death hanging over mankind.
All that being said, all that negativity over Mankind Divided's also ran attitude, I still had a good time and MD isn't a bad game.
The radiant eyeball floating atop the pyramid on the back of the U.S. $ 1 bill is called the «Eye of Providence» and is meant to represent the eye of God watching over mankind — while most people are familiar with this symbol because of the dollar bill, the entire arrangement (the pyramid, the floating eye, the triangle) is actually the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States and not just a design found only on currency.
somebody told me he owned this magic spear that gave you power over all mankind.
Can you site chapter and verse for your claim that the Jews were promised «they rule as Kings and Priests over all mankind...»
The Sabbath day restrictions were not to rule over mankind, was was to be a blessing, to help us enjoy life more fully.
The way the story is told, mostly through NPCs dialogues, also helps immersion, allowing them to slowly learn more about what happened since the Dragonlord's victory over mankind.
I trust in God over mankind and believe in His word, that is all the knowledge I will ever need.
I just know to trust in Him over mankind.
I'll take my cue from Him over mankind's ANY day.
Even Paul and Augustine are in reality Hussites... I am so shocked that I do not know what to think when I see such terrible judgements of God over mankind, namely that the most evident evangelical truth was burned in public... Woe to this earth.
Here, the tedium (with the help of onscreen text) labors to explain that the Knights Templar are in a centuries - long pursuit of the Apple Of Eden (a metal doohickey of a MacGuffin that is, confusingly, the thing that got man cast out of Eden, yet is not an actual apple), which will give them control over mankind, eradicating free will.
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