Sentences with phrase «over method»

Schools and teachers have a lot of control over the methods of evaluation.
There is no crime, only a contract dispute over the method of payment.
Following last week's controversy over the method used to kill thousands of dogs and cats, the county commission decided to name the group members.
I think there's been a tendency in thinking about methods to prioritize cheap methods over methods that might be more expensive.
Overall, while I am a fan of the high protein content, I'm not necessarily cheering over the methods used to obtain such a powerful protein punch.
By focusing on the results over the method, you focus the reader on the value you've delivered to the organization.
Unfortunately, casual observers often allow that battle to serve as a substitute for understanding the disputes over methods and data.
Unlike the French Press, there isn't a way to push down the coffee to speed up the process, and the pour over method does take a little longer.
The degree of control exercised by the putative employer has proved a long - standing and key indicator, often focusing upon the nature and degree of control over the method of work.
This complexity necessitates further attention to questions of criteria and method not only, let us note, in theology but across all the modern disciplines where the inevitable strife over method shows no sign of abating.
In the debate over Planned Parenthood's legal compliance, and in the quibbling over the methods of the Center for Medical Progress, the people performing abortions should not be forgotten.
De Blasio's political activities are being scrutinized by federal investigations over the method of helping Senate Democrats take over the chamber in 2014 — namely through a series of massive donations to county party committees, which then disbursed funds on behalf of individual candidates.
Debate continued this week over methods of cutting the public sector debt.
Thursday's vote ends a monthslong showdown between NIFA and the GOP lawmakers over methods to balance next year's budget.
A geeky channel that obsesses over methods to make math easier!
I grind my coffee beans myself and do the European pour - over method then add a bit of chocolate stevia with my cream or ghee.
The two men clash over methods and the limits of the law, Keller starts drinking again, and we, the audience, watch supposedly good people behave atrociously and supposedly bad people suffer.
Following concerns over this method of achieving integration through bussing students to schools outside of their neighborhood, a more positive approach was born.
I found it easier to stretch my students over the method writing aspect part of this midule so you'll find a heavy focus (and accountability) for a written report at the end of the required practical.
This then leads to discussion over methods you could use to answer numerical questions such as (2 +3)(1 +2).
The 35 members of a committee charged with devising a teacher - evaluation system for the plan are sharply — and some suggest irrevocably — divided over the methods and criteria to be used to rate classroom effectiveness.
There are a few popular ways to invest your money to earn some residual income, and I'd like to briefly go over those methods here...
Perhaps this is an accolade deserved by the designers who carried over those methods into an «economy of borrowed ideas», without regard to whether or not the knowledge discovered would be of direct practical use.
We've done a proof of concept for the update, which shows a number of benefits over the method in the paper, but to do it properly requires the whole HadCRUT4 100 member ensemble which is computationally demanding.
Partner responsible at trial for Lending Tree's infringement and validity case in its patent infringement lawsuit against Zillow, Adchemy and NexTag over a method for generating on - line mortgage leads.
For example, there are many free multiple quote car coverage landing sites out there, which offer some advantages over the method of visiting every online provider's web space and soliciting a quote that way.
However, questions are now being raised around the world over its methods - including the use of data harvested from people's Facebook pages.
On Tuesday, two European privacy watchdogs rebuked Facebook over the methods the company uses to collect data about its users.
The main difference between Chemex and other pour over methods is the filter.
Their debates over method are mostly the old religious arguments carried on in a new idiom.
Google chose to ban the game that the botnet was planning on running within because of controversy over this method.
The fact that you can find the standard deviation of a set of non-random numbers doesn't tell you anything helpful when it comes to measuring actual temperature within tenths of a degree from historical data based on antiquated equipment with little control over the method of collection and huge gaps in the areas measured.
Frankenthaler, energized by Jackson Pollock's all - over method of painting, pioneered the technique of pouring paint onto unprimed canvas early in her career.
The Aeropress is a ground alternative for those who love Chemex coffee, but who can't get the hang of the pour over method.
Chemex / pour - over method: Fit a Chemex / pour over with a filter.
If that does not happen, and the EP vetoes the proposal, the EU will use the «roll - over method `, where the previous budget is used (increased with an inflation of correction of two percent) in a month - by - month budgeting of the EU's expenditures.
In fact, This many high - end coffee shops use the pour - over method.
Have been wanting to experiment with a pour over method, particularly if it means getting this adorable gooseneck kettle.
Lately, I've been handcrafting my coffee at home using the pour - over method and it's quick, convenient and the flavour is great.
I like the aspect that Dr. Chen reiterates over and over the methods, content, examples, theories that are necessary for those who will enhance the lessons for all their dual language learners!
Each drink is carefully crafted via the pour - over method, leaving you with the very best cup of coffee in all of Des Moines!
Andrew Ehninger is a Salt Lake City abstract painter with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree who works his canvases in an all - over method, using layers of paint and medium to create depth and texture.
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