Sentences with phrase «over nuclear proliferation»

First, the tail risks (low - probability, high - impact events) in the global economy — a eurozone breakup, the US going over its fiscal cliff, a hard economic landing for China, a war between Israel and Iran over nuclear proliferation — are lower now than they were a year ago.

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«70 Acting on this belief, Wallis led his Sojourners community in over forty public actions during the first six months of 1977, protesting such issues as the use of torture, the proliferation of nuclear armaments, and the government's repressive housing policies.
The original application for the GE Hitachi plant in 2009 set off a protracted debate over whether the NRC, headquartered in Rockville, Maryland, sufficiently weighs proliferation risks when licensing new types of enrichment technology (See «Laser plant offers cheap way to make nuclear fuel»).
As nuclear technology spread beyond the major superpowers, this potential application led to worries over uncontrolled proliferation of atomic weapons to other states or even to terrorist groups.
The academies» study also stressed that concerns over proliferation of nuclear weapons may continue to outweigh the need to reform Western export controls, at least until Russia establishes effective export controls of its own.
And I haven't even begun on the issue of nuclear proliferation, aided the world over by the promotion of nuclear power!
The EU has significantly tightened its sanctions regime against Iran over the last two years in order to end the proliferation of sensitive nuclear activities and to halt the program the Western world fears is aimed at creating a nuclear bomb.
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