Sentences with phrase «over processed hair»

It made my very dry and over processed hair soft and silky again!
Over processed hair lead to thinning of the hair and hair loss.

Not exact matches

«People would observe my process and say, «Wow, most people are pulling their hair out — they're over budget, they've got construction delays.
This process extends to the halibut that was now tiring and allowing me to reel it in as the Osprey's captain, Josh Churchman — a man in his fifties with a stubbly beard, graying hair, and a faded baseball cap — leaned far over a gunwale with a net.
«The hairs will then start to shed over the next week or two and the use of a rough loofah is recommended to help this process,» says Patel.
So let's say you fill it with a few high histamine foods; then you feel it up with stress; then you fill it up to being exposed to animal hair (dander); then pollen season starts; and woah, we're right, right, right at the top; and then we eat an apple which is not high histamine, it doesn't cause inflammation, in fact, it's anti-inflammatory; and suddenly we spill over because the active digestion itself is an inflammatory process.
I'll be sharing my process and tips on curling (accumulated over many frustrating hair experiences) in this post!
During the wash process, I was able to prop my feet up and unwind for a few minutes before we moved over to the styling station, which is complete with mint hair dryers, might I add.
After one wash it made my over processed dry hair feel like new.
Similar to the pastel hair process, your base color must first be bleached out (unless your natural hue is already light) before the bolder tones are applied over the top.
I think that, as a result of the 3 perms I did in the past, the bottom half of my hair got really weak and brittle; I've been consistently getting a ton of breakage, and the hair felt super dry still (even though it hasn't been processed in over a year, and I use very little heat on it).
Although some may argue otherwise, to split hairs over whether such methods are meaningfully different adds nothing to the process of learning to be a teacher.
This shedding process is not like those breeds that leave hair all over your house.
Among the first papers he incorporated into his artworks were small rectangular tissues known as «endpapers», which, more usually, are folded over the ends of hair during the perming process.
Over the years, Ms. Antoni continued to produce strong process - oriented work with her own body, using her long hair as a paintbrush in her «Loving Care» works, and her eyelashes as paintbrushes in the arresting series known as «Butterfly Kisses.»
It's not coal to liquids per se that is hair brained, it is that we would subsidized such an expensive, carbon intensive process, if indeed we have any money left over after our ethanol subsidies.
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