Sentences with phrase «over racial profiling»

Facing furor over racial profiling in the arrest of two black men at a Philadelphia Starbucks, the company announced it will be closing its stores on May 29 to offer unconscious bias training.
The arrest of Rashon Nelson and Donte Robinson on April 12 touched off a furor around the U.S. over racial profiling

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Neighborhood social network Nextdoor found itself facing intense criticism last year over instances of racial profiling on its platform.
Stung by decades of controversy over its monitoring of antiwar and civil rights groups, the FBI has been wary of post-9 / 11 initiatives that would draw criticism that its anti-terrorism efforts are based on racial profiling of Muslims.
The Post-Standard endorsed her over Shelley, a former sheriff's sergeant who lost support from his own party when he seemingly came out in favor of racial profiling.
Up for debate is the Community Safety Act, which would create a new NYPD inspector general charged with monitoring the department and providing independent oversight, following growing complaints over racial and ethnic profiling.
After getting pulled over by Long Beach police one afternoon with three black students in my car, I did a lesson on radar guns, which led to a discussion of racial profiling and statistics.
When I compared the number of men who messaged the profiles before and after I added in a racial preference, the number of Asian men who had contacted her EXPLODED by over 3,328 %, from just seven to 233.
And, a 2016 report, which was spurred by a human rights complainant alleging racial profiling, reviewed two years of traffic stops in Ottawa and found that visible minorities were pulled over more often by police despite the fact they were not committing more traffic offences.
High - profile controversies over police shootings, questionable promotions, racial profiling, attacks on law enforcement and race - based incidents have led to an increase in public employees being disciplined for publicly posting commentary deemed offensive or incendiary.
He says that any path to justice will require talking about residential schools; the Sixties Scoop; contemporary child welfare policies executed by organizations like Child and Family Serivces; racial profiling by police and other ways in which Indigenous people are criminalized by the so - called justice system; the ongoing tragedy of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls; all of the forms of oppressive regulation of Indigenous peoples by the Indian Act over the last 150 years.
He defined racial profiling as over surveillance of a particular group by the Justice System than other racial groups.
Such a person must be taken to possess knowledge of the local population and its racial dynamics, including the existence in the community of a history of widespread and systemic discrimination against black and aboriginal people, and high profile clashes between the police and the visible minority population over policing issues.
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