Sentences with phrase «over small things»

If you or your partner are criticizing each other over small things like how you dress or the way he eats, then that is a sign your relationship is in trouble.
I DO N'T want our children's memories of our home to be how stressed out I got over small things.
The couples who constantly fight and argue over every small thing are bound to fail.
The usual toddler habits that turn out to be annoying include thumb sucking, crying over small things etc..
We got more expansive and present, and made each other laugh over small things.
I try not to stress over the smaller things in life because the bigger things are what's more important.
We focus on helping couples get behind the dumb and meaningless fights over small things like taking out the trash to understand how deeper emotional and psychological experiences are the real conflict drivers.
His teacher says that he's doing fantastic at school, but he melts down over small things at home.
This post takes you through the brain - based reasons why your child falls apart over the smallest things... and what you can do about it.
You may find yourself snapping at coworkers or family members over small things, not because what they did was so bad, but because you're feeling angry and frustrated inside.
Often couples split over small things, especially after the minor things add up.
I'm fool enough to cry over small things but I was just so upset.
Get someone in office that cares about the native americans and this country and the people who cares about what other countries are doing until they threaten us we are spending way too much time worrying over small things.
The iPad doesn't need to replace a laptop to fit into the broader aspect of personal computing — it has already done so by just being a great tablet — but it feels like the iPad and iOS are at a significant inflection point, and Apple's decisions over small things like gestures will provide early hints at the iPad's future.
The Fix: The solution is simple, although that doesn't necessarily mean that it's easy to stick with: Don't let anger over small things fester.
The same way Fred, married for 40 + years, stated above that arguing over small things consistently wears you both down, «like Chinese water torture,» so do the little favors and displays of affection add up.
On Christmas morning, behavior turns insufferable over the smallest thing, over nothing.
Destroy society by having all the different branches of my religions fight each other over the smallest things 4.
The best sound is the belly laughs — they can get each other laughing over the smallest things.
This may seem like a stretch, but after purchasing Columbus renters insurance, people really do realize how much time stressing over small things had been taking up in their lives.
Fighting over small things, flipping out over misunderstandings, we just couldn't seem to get on the same page about anything.
My client Ann's ex-husband would get angry over small things and then withhold affection (including giving her the silent treatment).
Those stories can help put things in perspective so they can get over smaller things like people making fun of their hair that day.»
And with Watts in the hospital, her body threatening to go into labor, de Gruchy admits she was freaking out over the smallest things, like when Watts told her she'd gone to a hospital support group meeting.
Once I started focusing on what matters and what allows me to make steady and consistent progress in the gym, I not only saw huge improvements but I also stopped being stressed out over small things that don't really matter unless I'm stepping on the Olympia stage or competing in the next Olympics!
It may be over small things.
I've only had a few crying spells — but over small things.
I want a sugar mama who ai nt gonna judge me over the smallest things.
I do my best not to get worked up over small things.
Theron's barely contained streak of anger gives Marlo serious unpredictability; the movie starts with her losing it over small things as well as large things, suffering no fools gladly, meeting and then topping her challenging son's behavior with her own.
As soon as I started accepting things the way they were and just went with the flow instead of getting worked up over small things, I started enjoying my stay much more.
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