Sentences with phrase «over space»

The demo shows a team taking over a space station from some enemies.
He has developed powerful tools to measure local and regional exchanges of carbon over spaces of up to thousands of square miles.
It features 20 designers, and their 6 week journey of completely making over the space of their choice.
We have so much to learn from one another, but instead we're like a pair of toddlers fighting over space in the sandbox.
You are the person who has to work here, and taking control over your space is likely to lower your stress.
There were tens of thousands of dating sites in different markets all over the space, and we said we should go after this.
This allows both passengers to use them without fighting over space!
We also continue to battle the concern over space allocations for personal assistants and haven't found the perfect solution yet.
This attention - getting advice is meant to warn passengers exiting the subway car to step over the space between the car and the platform.
A field is a mathematical abstraction — numbers spread over space.
This is largely because «extreme events are not well described by climate data averaged over space and time,» the authors said.
Open work spaces can even increase stress levels given conflicts over space sharing and different understandings of appropriate public behaviour.
Traditional publishers do battle with each other over that space.
These noise management challenges and conflicts over space use have led me to reflect on and question my values and assumptions regarding library space.
So don't skip over the space and solely fill out your work experience section instead.
Try setting this sleek table lamp on an espresso - finished end table in your living room to cast a warm glow over your space.
In general, the trees take over space where native plants should be.
Using a method called «emerging hot spot analysis,» which identifies patterns or trends of events over space and time, he applied crime data from 2005 through 2014.
Well, it ended up in my dining room for a while until I recently made over that space which you can see more of here & here in my recent dining room reveals.
By doing so, they managed to develop distinct type and style over the space of a few generations.
This person should make sure conference areas and break rooms are clean, monitor supplies, schedule maintenance or place orders as needed, and take general ownership over the space.
Why are the structured patterns of matter so constructive over space and time?
I'm pretty sure my kids would flip over the space racer with LEDs.
It's hard to believe that once upon a time Wolves were a highly successful side, and won three titles back in the 1950s over a space of just six years.
We invested about # 15 of our initial stake in a number of players who we thought would only increase in value over the space of the week.
The equation is then solved over space and time in a computer program, this may require sophisticated numerical methods in order to solve complex equations.
It's the same reason that the majority of people in the gym that workout frequently over the space of a year don't improve their strength or aesthetics.
My child self would've gone nuts over this space!
The old jeans were soft, smart and I'd bought about 6 - 8 pairs over the space of 4 years.
Because both dialogue and direction are none too exciting, one's tired eyes wander endlessly over the space base sets.
And remember that you might best meet some learning objectives by producing a string or blend of design models that extend across different delivery mediums, and over a spaced calendar.
Information that is presented over spaced intervals is learned and retained more easily and effectively.
In fact, you're probably better off investing smaller amounts gradually over the space of a few years.
Watch out: another player might swipe coins right from under your nose by racing over the spaces first!
The limitations of physical space alter the battle into a zero - sum game, a struggle over the space assigned to one at the expense of the other.
Equally, how are we to understand the meaning of criticism if that meaning is distributed so vastly over space and time, and not contained in the essay or argument itself?
The artist shoots still life compositions that build narratives over space and time.
Together, these studies all point to an increasingly nuanced picture of permafrost dynamics over space and time, and clarify their link to long term changes in the carbon cycle.
The release of massive quantities of methane into the atmosphere as a result of volcanic activity over the space of a millennium is one possibility.
And since a lot can happen with your health over a space of 20 years, the conversion option is a nice feature to have.
I am just dying over your space and I never use that word!
If you haven't visited for a while & you are wondering why I am making over this space again, you can read all about that HERE.
That term pretty accurately describes the complete lack of order that 90 % of the time takes over the space.
A wood - burning stove in the corner casts a warming glow over the space, which is especially lovely on cool spring evenings.
Maybe then someday we would stop fighting over my space — my country — my religion & would actually be in a position to achieve the universal goal of one world — one family!
I have a few tried and tested «tips» on how to save when making over a space.
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