Sentences with phrase «over stimulation»

The primary goal while exercising is to avoid over stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system.
Be careful not to pump too often as for some moms this can cause over stimulation and make more likely.
In terms of intellectual development — any intellectual stimulation is very tiring for babies at this stage — breastfeeding skin - to - skin will all prevent over stimulation and encourage brain development.
Listening to music is a pleasant and effective way to relax and though musical over stimulation will not physically harm, it may make a baby feel overwhelmed.
We are almost set up for this type of response because we live in a time of over stimulation where we constantly need to go from one thing to the next.
The «lock and set» greatly reduces the chances of over stimulation by allowing the user to lock in a desired stimulation level.
For those reasons, processed foods may cause inflammation and over stimulation of the immune system which, after longer exposure, may contribute to a chronic disease.
Simply stimulating a baby with a fast changing view may achieve the effect of distracting it in the short term but too much imagery with no perspective can result in over stimulation of the baby.
I just saw some cool oars at Home Goods (one of my favorite accessories stores) I think my blood pressure goes up from over stimulation in that place, seriously, its kind of sick.
For children with sensory disorders, processing stimuli from all of the senses is overwhelming; they often withdraw to avoid over stimulation or self - sooth with repetitive behaviors.
Some individuals, Vendramin found, value stability over stimulation.
Almost as if through constant over stimulation we need to be retrained to trust what comes from within.
Candice employs the physical movement and breath work of Yoga to aid her students social - emotional development, helping them cope with over stimulation and academic pressures.
Chances are Aunt Betty will not be getting up with your child when he gets up at night from over stimulation and nap deprivation.
Some of the draw backs of use of pitocin are: over stimulation of the uterus which can cause danger to mom and baby, more painful contractions, which then leads to a need for an epidural which has it's own host of negative side effects, increased risk of low apgar score and NICU admission.
A theory that relates to this, however, is that colicky babies are more sensitive to over stimulation than average babies, and hence need more peace and quiet.
Situational, in response to over stimulation, low frustration tolerance & need for immediate gratification; rage reaction is usually short lived
The right kind of music is value added, the wrong music creates chaos and over stimulation and sometimes tears.
Neurotransmitters, which carry messages to every organ, muscle, and gland, are affected by poor nutrition, medication, heavy metal toxicity, and over stimulation, which can impair the function of all systems.
Could it be over stimulation or under stimulation?
The lessening of estrogen levels results in an over stimulation of the sympathetic autonomic nervous system, which causes non-threatening irregular heartbeats and heart palpitations.
This over stimulation of the cow's udder causes it to become infected, thus requiring antibiotics.
Children are incredibly sensitive to stress and over stimulation in their environment and their illnesses are often, though not always, a reflection of their efforts to cope with stress.
Current research has revealed a direct relationship between sex hormones that were converted into sex hormone metabolites due to over stimulation from masturbation or sexual activities.
Over stimulation, authoritarian parenting, constant criticism and incongruities of observation (the myth of the perfect family, empty promises, and addiction) are all damaging to this chakra as children develop into their early teen years.
Any over stimulation of the eyes, ears or other senses for a prolonged period of time is sure to deplete the energy management systems of even the strongest of individuals.
Any tips to prevent that feeling of over stimulation?
Decreased attention span (28 %) Hardware and software issues (17 %) Lack of fine motor skills development (16 %) Damage to children's eyesight (12 %) Risk of over stimulation (10 %) Carpal tunnel and repetitive strain injuries (7 %)
Dogs may urinate out of submission, over stimulation, or stress.
There are two causes of Cushing» s: a tumor on the adrenal gland or over stimulation of the adrenal glands by the hormones that control them that are regulated by the pituitary glands.
This leads to an over stimulation of the adrenal glands where excessive amounts of corticosteroid hormone are then produced.
But his profile has risen considerably in the past five years as critics, curators and the art world at large have warmed to his densely congested paintings and drawings, which indulge an esthetic of over stimulation.
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