Sentences with phrase «over teaching»

Continuing to feel the pressure of control over her teaching curriculum, she gave up these positions as well to instead give a free private class to a select group of female students.
It's a worthwhile effort, given the current controversy over teaching evolution in public schools.
Ironically, the very day I discovered that our marriage was lost at sea was the day our church asked us to take over teaching its marriage preparation program.
Since 2010, dark clouds have begun to form over the teaching profession.
These are resources I've tried and tested over my teaching career.
The unions did not, however, seek to gain influence over teaching itself.
And finally I watch over the teaching in the church.
In particular, teachers experience this sensation every time they are pressed into tight corners over their teaching and assessment practices.
Private school teachers typically don't just have teaching certificates, in fact, many private schools value experience over a teaching certificate.
Has this department traditionally valued publication over teaching when it makes tenure and promotion decisions?
55 percent are dissatisfied with some aspect of their jobs, including poor leadership, lack of control over teaching, and too much testing pressure with too little support.
Apart from the controversy over Emmanuel College Gateshead a couple of years ago it simply isn't an issue here — we don't have the same brand of vocal Christianity here, we don't have a written constitution that can be used for court challenges over the issue and we don't have a long history of battles over the teaching of evolution.
The State of Tennessee v. Scopes, or the Scopes «Monkey» Trial, was a famous court battle over teaching evolution in the classroom.
We revealed last week that an RSC had warned a struggling school for allowing teachers too much control over teaching practices, leading to concerns that commissioners were operating as a «shadow Ofsted».
The book covers some familiar ground: professors» emphasis on research over teaching, the domination of science over the humanities, the unseemly connections between college presidents and corporate boards, the eye - popping sums spent on athletic programs.
Wuerl acknowledged the clergy and the faithful have been at odds over the teachings on contraceptive use.
Following majority Lutheran tradition, individual congregations retain significant authority over the teaching and parish life in their context.
The process is reigniting controversy over the teaching of evolution.
, its speech codes, its teacher evaluations conducted sub secreto pontificio, its heated debate over the minutest matters, its hair - splitting fights over teaching loads and research assistants (tenure as benefice!)
BUFFALO, N.Y. — Representatives from the Buffalo Teachers Federation and Buffalo Public Schools met with an arbitrator Thursday, the latest step in the months - long dispute over teaching positions at City Honors.
Increasingly in the traditional and charter school world, school turnarounds have become synonymous with turning over teaching staff.
A free school in West Sussex will become the first in the country to be shut down later, following concerns over teaching standards.
They chose earthly political power and wealth over the teachings of Christ and justifed their actions by creating a pseudo-gospel where having wealth and power is an indication that God approves of how you are living your life.
And that is because he believes that what happened with this pastoral letter reflects a deeper problem: the bishops are losing control over their teaching function in the Church.
A good Christian must follow a Pope over the teachings of Jesus.
Stephen Fields suggests that liberal Catholicism is essentially Protestant, because it consistently elevates private judgment over the teachings of the Church.
Luther was correct when he challenged the Medieval Catholic Scholastics over their teaching that * sin * was man turned down toward the things of earth rather than up towards the things of heaven by teaching that * sin * was actually man turned in upon himself or, as modern mental health professions state «narcissistic egoism, a disorder that closes us off from others rather than opening us up to them.
I find it funny you would take the word of paul over the teachings of jesus.
The popular seminar speaker and his ministry had weathered moral and financial controversies, as well as scrutiny over his teachings, in the past.
An increase in choosing arguments over teaching moments.
And, in light of the furor still raging over the teaching of evolution, the book presents a lot of new evidence about how evolution works at the most fundamental level.
Bad teachers, for example, could benefit from feedback from students, but are much less likely to pore over teaching ratings than skilled teachers.»
Some editions include an autobiographical sketch, in which Schrödinger describes the conflict over teaching Darwin that raged when he was in school, as well as his own fascination with evolution.
Are your current students aware of (or do they care about) the controversy and court battles that erupted over teaching evolution?
Meanwhile, surveys suggest that science teachers face criticism over teaching about global warming, and some states have passed legislation seeking to include anti-climate change material in the scientific curriculum.
Spiritual masters the world over teach that we learn our greatest lessons in our struggles.
I have previously waxed poetic about my joy over the teachings of Joel Osteen.
It stars French - Algerian comedian Mohamed Fellag in a decidedly non-comedic role, as Bashir Lazhar, an Algerian immigrant who takes over teaching duties in a Montreal elementary school after the previous much - beloved teacher hangs herself in the classroom.
States maintain their pension formulas to account for both productivity gains and inflation over a teaching career, and to provide a meaningful benefit to a career teacher.
The notion of extremely well - paid teachers is hard to square with reality, especially the failure of men to take over the teaching field.
Parents protested and the American Civil Liberties Union, fresh from its victory over the teaching of intelligent design in Harrisburg, at the other end of the state, sued.
Emphasize learning over teaching The phrase «teaching and learning» appears nine times throughout the proposal.
Elliott's (1977) advice about improving practice is useful here: there is no structure proposed to be strictly adhered to, rather it is hoped that teachers use this information to gain insight and a sense of agency over their teaching.
The measure of independence is a teacher's assessment of the control that she exercises over her teaching (particularly teaching methods and the organization of material).
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