Sentences with phrase «over that of other books»

It may therefore be asked whether it is the merit of the Bible which secures for it so overwhelming a circulation over that of other books.

Not exact matches

Recently when a customer was dropping Lord of the Rings references, the employee on the other end, who had never read the books, tapped a new representative to take over and continue the Tolkien - themed banter.
In his book, The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg describes keystone habits as, «small changes or habits that people introduce into their routines that unintentionally carry over into other aspects of their lives.»
They - particularly following the lead of Robert Conquest in his 1967 book The Great Terror - presented Stalin as a bloodthirsty, paranoid, political opportunist determined to secure total power over all other considerations.
Facebook, in other words, will have to grow its business several times over, and perhaps become an even larger company (it has roughly 2,000 employees now, to Google's nearly 20,000) to book that kind of income.
The loan is secured by a charge over the book debts and other assets of the company.
While the current price / peak - earnings multiple is already at an elevated level above 18, what I'll call the «P / E equivalent» multiples on other fundamentals are: 21 on the basis of book values, nearly 23 on the basis of enterprise value / EBITDA (which factors in the increasing share of debt on corporate balance sheets), over 25 on the basis of revenues, and 29 on the basis of dividends (largely because dividend payout ratios remain relatively low even on the basis of normalized earnings).
There are lots of investment books that talk about traits of successful investors and characteristics of stocks that perform well over time, but there are few books that deal will the other side of the investment equation, dealing with emotion in real time.
Magazine's «100 Best Business Books» List, the BusinessWeek Bestseller List, amazon's bestseller lists, and garnered favorable recognition in Forbes, Success and over 300 trade and industry journals, and been featured in full page advertisements in airline magazines, financial publications like Investors Business Daily, in Success, in Entrepreneur, and dozens of others.
As long ago as 1966, Philip Rieff's book The Triumph of the Therapeutic predicted that this psychological mode of understanding society and identity would triumph over all other modes.
On the other side of the spectrum, one Australian imitator whom I will not name promoted his self - styled Tocqueville reboot on a website that, when you opened it, auto - played Tina Turner singing «Simply the Best» over a background alternating his book jacket and billowing American flags.
I happen to care that what I believe can be substantiated with verifiable evidence, you on the other hand accept things based off of a 2000 + year old book that can be and has been debunked numerous times over.
Of course there are other reasons for my sporadic blogging this year: a surprise new baby coming which completely disoriented us, a new book to finish writing (and I will share all about that in January), travelling and speaking all over North America, stewarding the message of Jesus Feminist throughout her first year of life, creating the Jesus Feminist collection with Imagine Goods, a trip to Haiti, new opportunities as a writer, three tinies at home with their own lives and drama and growth and change, remodelling parts of our home, marriage, church, friends, life, work, laundry (oh, can we talk laundry?Of course there are other reasons for my sporadic blogging this year: a surprise new baby coming which completely disoriented us, a new book to finish writing (and I will share all about that in January), travelling and speaking all over North America, stewarding the message of Jesus Feminist throughout her first year of life, creating the Jesus Feminist collection with Imagine Goods, a trip to Haiti, new opportunities as a writer, three tinies at home with their own lives and drama and growth and change, remodelling parts of our home, marriage, church, friends, life, work, laundry (oh, can we talk laundry?of Jesus Feminist throughout her first year of life, creating the Jesus Feminist collection with Imagine Goods, a trip to Haiti, new opportunities as a writer, three tinies at home with their own lives and drama and growth and change, remodelling parts of our home, marriage, church, friends, life, work, laundry (oh, can we talk laundry?of life, creating the Jesus Feminist collection with Imagine Goods, a trip to Haiti, new opportunities as a writer, three tinies at home with their own lives and drama and growth and change, remodelling parts of our home, marriage, church, friends, life, work, laundry (oh, can we talk laundry?of our home, marriage, church, friends, life, work, laundry (oh, can we talk laundry?!)
The teaching of purity does not make any human being the judge and jury over others, nor does Deuteronomy, despite what this passage sounds like when you carve it out of the book.
They put over thirty years of research into this book, getting their material from the gnostic gospels, and other writings which were excluded from the King James Bible.
The Donatists, named for one of their leading spokesmen, condemned the «lapsed,» the «traditores» who bad betrayed their faith during the terror of persecution by fleeing or banding over Bibles or other sacred books.
I have learned quite a bit about publishing books over the last 10 years or so, and wanted to make some of my experience available to others so that they also could get their books published.
In these words he disingenuously glides over the fact (known to himself) that the earliest of those «other works,» Shakespeare's Religious Background, was published as early as 1973, when Eamon Duffy was presumably merely a student and when he might even have been influenced by my book» in which I devote a whole chapter to the «English Jesuits.»
This is because, as Greg Boyd points out in his book, The Myth of a Christian Nation, Christianity was never intended to have «power over» others, but is based upon «power under» others.
... yeah suzy and others... I just happen to realize that when monkey devolving didn't quite work out on paper it all changed to single cells and from the slime off of the worlds garbage can and so on... I just happen to know more than you think... In another ten or twenty years the science books will all have a new teaching... the Bible has been around and hasn't changed one word in over two thousnad years..
The strong points of the book are, first and foremost, that it centers on the Cross of Christ as God's means of reconciling us to Himself even as it stands in judgment over our grasping domination of others.
On the other side, the ever - irreverent Wittenberg Door (June / July) dismissed Lindsell's book with a parable about a frightened cub scout who awakened in the middle of the night with a full bladder — but who was so frightened by the «monsters» outside that in the dark he emptied his bladder all over his tentmates.
In John 18:5 - 6 Jesus sais «I AM he» and The power of his declaration of BEING GOD brought them to their knees... This clearly coincides with Exodus 3 when God appeared to Moses and Declared that his NAME was «I AM who I AM» Do you REALLY think that that is not by design??? Is this not also a very clear foreshadowing of the future (Romans 14:11, and Philliapians 2:10 - 11) Please oh please see how the Bible is so intricately intertwined and full of the The masters handiwork... Everything, all of life's questions are all within this book, not other sources, if one but will accept them, pray over them, and get the Lord's guidance... This is why I brought up 1 Cor 2:14, Which you took EXTREMELY out of context in the way I meant it to be discerned, which the verse itself explains I might begrudgingly add... John 8:24 after he tells them I am not of this world.
You need to stop being so vindictive towards others, maybe read a book, go have sex, whatever you need to calm down, then come back and realize that no one is attacking you, im sure people are laughing at this conversation, but not because of what it in but just because its pointless, you bring up the same things OVER and OVER again and then accuse me of having spuratic arguments?
Since the bible is a collection of individual books and letters, etc., written over the span of many years, by many different authors, some of which who wrote anonymously (including the authors of all four gospels), then we might say that it has no purpose other than what people use it for.
A.W. Tozer, in his book, Knowledge of the Holy, addressed this very thought as preeminent over all other thoughts.
Although these essays were written over a span of time and for different audiences, they are held together by K.Cs deep and passionate concern for justice, peace and the integrity of creation, This is a book that should be read and studied by churches, grassroots people, policy makers, theologians and others who are seeking to create a world that is safe for all.
Joseph Smith, who had little formal education, writes a 532 page fiction book with multiple story lines, more than three major ethnic groups that intermingle with one another, creates over 200 new names, many of which have Hebraic origin (Mosiah for instance), writes in chiasmas poetry, accurately predicts latter day pollution, international intrigue, the dispersing of the Gospel message and a host of other fictional and hysterical points was WRONG?
For a listing of Professor Crossan's studies and those of other contemporary historic Jesus scholars, see Historical Jesus Theories, — and the titles of their over 100 books on the subject.
In the 1400's, Pope Gregory and the other heads of Christianity, threw out over 500 books they deemed inconsequential and rewrote what was left.
This reviewer should point out that Berger acknowledges that the book was written over a period of two years «in moments snatched from other busy activities as a social scientist.»
The warnings against Jehovah's Witnesses have stacked up over the past decade in particular, with dozens of regional charges of extremism and more than 80 of its books, pamphlets, and other texts (including its magazine, The Watchtower) banned in Russia, according to The Moscow Times.
Others of my generation who had also grown up in legalism regarding or abstention from alcohol perhaps, and so were exploring their emancipation with micro-brews and homemade wine over thick theology books and bible studies and hymn - sings.
And I think it's a book written by men, translated many times over hundreds of years by other men, and as far removed from the word of any actual god as can be.
On the other side are the liberal intelligencia (within the Church) that make the Bible over into an irrelevant book of an ancient era.
Here's a quote from William Stringfellow's book, An Ethic for Christians and Other Aliens in a Strange Land: ``... the basic conflict among all principalities remains, though it be subdued or concealed for awhile, because the only morality governing each principality is its own survival as over against very other principality, as well as over against human beings and, indeed, the rest of CreaOther Aliens in a Strange Land: ``... the basic conflict among all principalities remains, though it be subdued or concealed for awhile, because the only morality governing each principality is its own survival as over against very other principality, as well as over against human beings and, indeed, the rest of Creaother principality, as well as over against human beings and, indeed, the rest of Creation.
Though not directly stated anywhere, Peter Enns appears to be a proponent of the idea that the Bible is a library of books written by various authors from various theological perspectives, who are in dialogue with each other over the nature of God and what the human response to Him should be.
Well Bob, and others check your own resources, and look it up, the meaning of The book of Daniel, and in Daniel 11 vs. 39,43, that tells us of this antichrist that rules over many, prophesied for this generation the fourth kingdom in the vision of Daniel 2 vs. 40, of mankind, and his future.
In answer tothey not him.There is no place in the book, the Bible, that says the planet is only 6000 years old, it is the word of God, just because the Bible has been misinterpreted by men and women over the years does not make it (the Bible) a work of fiction.The Bible has been proven to be more accurate and unchanged than any other text of antiquity.Case in point Kedorlaomer.
The book details literally thousands of healings all over the world that were attested by clergy and others.
There is a lot of farcical chin - pulling in the book over various «possible candidates for nothingness» and «what «nothing» might actually comprise,» along with an earnest insistence that any «definition» of nothingness must ultimately be «based on empirical evidence» and that ««nothing» is every bit as physical as «something»» — as if «nothingness» were a highly unusual kind of stuff that is more difficult to observe or measure than other things are.
Although his work penetrated more deeply into the issue of transcendence over against immanence, Altizer was joined in his quest by other scholars and particularly by the American Jewish educator Richard L. Rubenstein, who maintained that «after Auschwitz,» the title of his book on this subject, 27 it was no longer possible to entertain the idea of a Judeo - Christian God presiding over the affairs of humankind.
As the above verse speaks of us leaving out the foundation of the Holy Books and dispute over that no one has knowledge of other than GOD the Creator of Universe the GOD of Abraham and the Sons of Abraham...!
Through collecting and reworking many of his previously published articles, Ford will attempt in this new book to formulate the requisite complementary natural theology for Whitehead's cosmology in historical conversation with, and in dialectical opposition to, a number of contrasting perspectives on creativity, temporality, immutability, theodicy, and technical (internal) problems in process metaphysics put forth by Robert Neville, Norris Clarke, Donald Sherburne, and other colleagues over the years.
Speaking of scientific method, many of the events recorded in these books were repeated over the years by others and added to the collection.
Its almost as if over the years that the various books were written, they were copying off of other religions rather than describing the same God.
For example, it was several hundred years before all parts of the Church accepted the Epistle to the Hebrews, and other areas of Christendom did not accept the Letter of James or the Book of Revelation for over 400 years.
Since 1960 over two hundred books and countless reports have examined either single congregations or their species, and any new work such as mine gratefully follows the tracks that many sorts of explorers — consultants, management specialists, sociologists, psychologists, ethnographers, historians, and others — have already laid down.1 Prior to 1960 the investigation of the local church was more occasional, and except for a few books written to enliven parish programs2 and the pioneering sociology of H. Paul Douglass, 3 the analysis occurred primarily in Europe.4
what other 40 authors writing over a period of a millenia and a half could have a document which is historically, ethically, philosophically, and religiously one book... it is a miracle to hold a Bible in one's hand....
In describing and accounting for the lives of the Religious Right, which we define simply as religious conservatives with a considerable involvement in political activity, the book and the series tell the story primarily by focusing on leading episodes in the movement's history, including, but not limited to, the groundwork laid by Billy Graham in his relationships with presidents and other prominent political leaders; the resistance of evangelical and other Protestants to the candidacy of the Roman Catholic John F. Kennedy; the rise of what has been called the New Right out of the ashes of Barry Goldwater's defeat in 1964; a battle over sex education in Anaheim, California, in the mid-1960's; a prolonged cultural war over textbooks in West Virginia in the early 1970's — and that is a battle that has been fought less violently in community after community all over the country; the thrill conservative Christians felt over the election of a «born - again» Christian to the Presidency in 1976 and the subsequent disappointment they experienced when they found out that Jimmy Carter was, of all things, a Democrat; the rise of the Moral Majority and its infatuation with Ronald Reagan; the difficulty the Religious Right has had in dealing with abortion, homosexuality and AIDS; Pat Robertson's bid for the presidency and his subsequent launching of the Christian Coalition; efforts by Dr. James Dobson and Gary Bauer to win a «civil war of values» by changing the culture at a deeper level than is represented by winning elections; and, finally, by addressing crucial questions about the appropriate relationship between religion and politics or, as we usually put it, between church and state.
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