Sentences with phrase «over the blocks»

To serve, allow the cream cheese to come to room temperature, and pour dip over the block of cream cheese on a serving dish.
It's been interesting how I've come up with ideas and inspiration to get over that block, and I've really been enjoying the outfits I've created from it!
When purchasing a car, one would be able to verify all accidents and inspections over the block chain and transfer the title on site.
You do realize that putting your fingers in your ears while reading comments on a blog post has little practical effect over blocking said comments.
Use the magical wand to wave over the blocks and watch them move even more!
People are increasingly more likely to pay attention to an image online over a block of text, making visual marketing the way to go in the coming years.
A common example include payments made over a block of time following graduation from a university.
It's the ultimate expression of kicking over a block castle when you're done with it, only the block castle is the entire planet.
And it only slows down about 20 percent when going over blocks that are three times higher than its hips.
How to get over this block, that's the tricky one.
In the midst of a heated debate over block size and Bitcoin's future, Bitcoin Core developers Dr. Pieter Wuille, Eric Lombrozo and Johnson Lau have launched a third iteration of the Segregated Witness «testnet.»
He has started to stack, tap, and knock over blocks so I was really excited to try the People Blocks Zoo Animals set of magnetic blocks.
Located just over a block from the beach, the property is perfect for reunions and large family gatherings.
As babies get older they can safely bite, chew, and slobber all over these blocks without a care in the world.
To stretch your intercostal and abdominal muscles, free frozen segments of your thoracic spine, and learn the head, neck, chest, and shoulder movements required for Ustrasana, try backbending over a block.
Simply click on the page to edit it, then hover over the block — whether image, text, spacer, etc. — to edit.
Located just over a block from the beach, our property is perfect for family gatherings and reunions.
When you scroll over the blocks of color, blue representing males and green representing females, the timeline at the bottom displays the age difference between the athletes.
In reality, therefore, miners controlling 51 percent of hashing power would have complete control over the block size under BIP 100.»
Employees often celebrated with «cocktails poured over a block of ice straight into their mouths.»
You can alleviate this issue somewhat by populating the ALT tag with descriptive text so that recipients with blocking on will see your description of the image over the blocked image.
He helped the Pistons reach the playoffs for the first time in seven years and averaged 16 points, a league - leading 15 rebounds, and over a block per game.
Angel Correa spurned Atletico's opening opportunity, lingering too long over a blocked shot from near the penalty spot.
If people try to schedule a meeting over the blocked time, we simply refuse the meeting («due to a prior conflict») which they should have seen when they attempted to schedule our time in the first place.
Your toddler can spread the clay over the blocks or scrunch it in between them to build a tower that's super solid.
We did sometimes hear the neighbors» monitor signal (over a block away), so I assumed they could hear ours if their base was turned off.
Not everyone is voicing alarm over block grants.
Lying over the blocks, you'll be able to relax fully into the pose, enjoying a deeper opening of the heart and throat.
This season I am particularly obsessing over the block heel version; they go with just about everything and add a little bit of height while still being super comfortable.
Jeremiah Kittredge of FES his Mayor de Blasio over blocking NYC charter schools from getting space: Team de Blasio's own numbers show «no room for charters» is a lie.
The main tourist and shopping action takes place on State Street (with ends at the beach at Stearns Wharf), but head over a block to the «Funk Zone,» a former rundown industrial neighborhood that's been revitalized as a destination for art galleries, wine tastings, and hip eateries.
Very inconvenient because the monitors are in the seatbacks ahead so every time someone wants to cross over they block your screen.
or Coin Blocks); doing so before a Super Mushroom passes over the block's center can even change its direction entirely.
Jump down, throw Cappy at a bug and stand over this block to blow it up, revealing the Moon.
Players were able to jump and could throw bombs over blocks by default, making the game feel more like Capcom's future Dreamcast gem Power Stone at times.
Each color represents a different year on the year clock and scrolling over each block reveals a Google Trends score and the week in which the data was pulled from.
The poster suggests that you calculate the total average cloud forcing error over a block of time, not the error in the change in cloud forcing, for which the units would be W / m ^ 2 / year.
- Caprikat and Foxwhelp were granted Blocks I and II of the northeastern Albertine Graben area in 2010, amid competing claims from other companies over the blocks.
The long pipes looking like an A-frame on a ship become a tripod centered over the hole with the electrical winch to drive rope and with sensors (not shown) over a block into the ocean.
Now they are going to try a quaint, 19th century idea: blowing air over blocks of ice mounted under the cars.
Just as one would expect, the «pseudo-proxies» (actually null proxies) performance relative to the real proxies was * worse * on those specific blocks (the ones actually used in paleoclimatology), than on average over all blocks.
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