Sentences with phrase «over the corporation»

Why is it reasonable to take over corporations when it is not reasonable to expand organically?
If control over your corporation and autonomy in governing it are important to you, non-profit status may not be well - suited to your needs.
In cases where it is not clear, the unemployment office will often lean towards the unemployed person over the corporation, especially when making a decision on unemployment benefits.
«I plan to stand up for individuals over corporations and oppose his nomination.»
Another way of getting jurisdiction over a corporation in a state, called «tag jurisdiction» which involves serving process on the company in the state, was eliminated for corporations in the 9th Circuit, which includes California, in the case of Martinez v. Aero Caribbean (9th Cir.
The United States has a big advantage over corporations in issuing debt as it also prints the same currency that the debt is denominated in.
She has pledged to devolve powers over corporation tax from London to Belfast if the deal is adhered to.
But a recent Compas Inc. poll of Canadian executives shows they are divided over a corporation's charitable role.
Cook's remarks, made on CBS's 60 Minutes, come amid a debate in the U.S. over corporations avoiding taxes through techniques such as so - called inversion deals, where a company re-domiciles its tax base to another country.
To be clear, the governor will always side with the middle class over the corporations who were given a $ 1 trillion federal tax cut paid for by the elimination of deductions used by many of your readers.
There is a subplot involving Gere's attempts to take over a corporation run by an aging millionaire (Ralph Bellamy)- a man whose lifework he is prepared to savage, even though he actually likes him.
It's Time for Animal Welfare Organizations to Value Dogs Over Corporations 11 May, 2018 It's a common thing for people in animal welfare to speak out about breed - discriminatory policies, whether they be at the county or state level, or even housing restrictions...
You may not have individual control and autonomy over your corporation because your nonprofit is not owned by you or your stockholders.
Oppression applications involving closely held corporations where a director or officer has virtually total control over the corporation provide another example of a situation in which a director or officer may be held personally liable to rectify corporate oppression.
BCRA also impermissibly favors certain speakers over others, not only individuals over corporations but also media corporations over other corporations.
2011), held that a corporation's designation of an agent for in - state service of process does not create general jurisdiction over the corporation, even though there has been a widespread view that this was precisely the purpose behind requiring corporations to do so in order to obtain permission to do business in a state.
In the case of the Royal Mail, the government took over the corporation's pension plan and covered off the deficit in funding.
PSAB has recommended that such expenses be included as the federal government has ultimate control over these corporations.
Listen, as a California resident and a mother, I fight to live in a place that puts communities over corporations and enacts policies that protect my family from the myriad of dangers that come from an industry all too willing to put profits over the environment.
* If you think this is as ridiculous as we do, tell the GOP that it's time they started picking real people over corporations (and real vegetables over slices of pizza, for that matter): *
So they take over the corporation.
In fact, maybe Working Families Party and all the real and / or fake third parties should stay out of every race until it looks like we really, truly have our democracy back — you know fair ballot access, campaign finance rules that favor voters and individuals over corporations, politicians who have some accountability... and no illegal wars, kind of, but not exactly, authorized by a corrupt Congress.
The principal reason companies do equity financing by retaining earnings is that public markets are so capricious; and it tends to be difficult to market equity privately if the purchasers of such equity do not receive elements of control over the corporation.
Management, including the Corporation's Chief Executive Officer, Principal Financial Officer, and Principal Accounting Officer, is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over the Corporation's financial reporting.
She cited as motivation for quitting her objection to «the kind of vehemence and aggressive attack strategy that Exxon has executed over the last year» toward state attorneys general with open investigations of ExxonMobil and over a dozen non-for-profit groups (such as the Union of Concerned Scientists) and individuals who have been in communication with them over the corporation's decades - long role as champion of climate denial.
Special forms must be submitted to the Secretary of State but once he or she is served, the court has jurisdiction over the corporation and can issue a default judgment if the corporation does not appear at the hearing.
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