Sentences with phrase «over the course of about»

It's the sort of rapid gearshift that few companies ever experience, much less master: over the course of about five years, FouFou Dog (FFD), a Markham, Ont. - based dog apparel firm, has seen its revenue grow by more than 800 % — a steep growth trajectory matched by the company's shift from providing very specialized boutique goods, like jewelry and booties for small dogs, and to a far wider range of products suitable for mass merchandisers and large offshore customers.
«When Samuel Morse showed the world how he could transmit a message through wires, the world responded with yet another speculative bubble.The telegraph spur happened over the course of about 6 years.
I was put on an exercise program by one of my professors which really helped, and we worked up from cycling on a reclining bike for 2 minutes to going on the cross trainer for 45 minutes over the course of about nine months.
So over the course of about 26 hours away, I had time to relax and refuel in the company of my girlfriends, lakeside in Muskoka in celebration of one of their upcoming nuptials.
I live a fairly active lifestyle and have tried so many similar products over the course of about 10 years.
But over the course of about 4 hours, early this morning, I spoke with 29 different radio and news anchors, and shared my easy ideas about packing lunches for back to school.
Over the course of about a half an hour, we had a wide - ranging conversation about school food and all the ways in which our larger food culture affects kids.
Over the course of about forty weeks, the baby grows and matures from those two cells to a fully developed baby and is born.
over the course of about a month, they went away at nap time and eventually bed time.
As of the January filing, Halloran had raised $ 24,035 over the course of about a year and a half, Duane $ 35,230 in about 11 months, Vallone $ 34,700 in five months, and Silverstein $ 8,654 in 16 months.
Goldberg & Iryami is said to have paid Silver money over the course of about a decade, according to the Times.
Over the course of about 7 minutes, it slowly dropped in pitch, rather like the sound of an aeroplane flying past (
So the team used them as beacons to track the galaxy's rotation and sideways motion at four intervals over the course of about three years.
All told, an estimated 4 million cubic kilometers of molten material emanated from Siberian peaks and fissures over the course of about 800,000 years, with about two - thirds of that spilling forth before and during the mass extinction.
The engineers watched as a giant machine crushed a 20 - foot - tall hollow metal can with nearly a million pounds of force over the course of about five hours.
Over the course of about 20 years, women who drank three or more glasses of milk per day were almost twice as likely to die as those who drank less than one, other things being equal.
As the three clinical trials progressed over the course of about 8 years, so did techniques in determining desire, says Kingsberg, a reproductive biology and psychology researcher at University Hospitals Case Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio, and consultant to Sprout Pharmaceuticals, which bought flibanserin from Boehringer Ingelheim in 2011, and was in turn purchased last week by Valeant Pharmaceuticals.
Over the course of about 2 days, the finger - sized fish's mouth migrates from the tip of the head to its chin.
Over the course of about one hour of walking, the system identifies which patterns of support help the person expend the least amount of energy.
The observations suggest that galaxies in clusters evolve from spirals to ellipticals over the course of about 5 billion years.
Over the course of about 100 million years, most of the material in that nebulous cloud accreted into the existing eight planets — four rocky (including Earth) and four gaseous.
Over the course of about 6 months, the team optimized its toy for rotational speed, creating a prototype that worked by pulling back and forth on sticks attached by strings to a paper disk that holds tiny tubes of blood — the repeated winding and unwinding of the strings spins the blood.
Over the course of about a year, his new venture took shape: Perlstein Lab — PLab for short — a for - profit, public - benefit corporation that aims to develop treatments for rare diseases.
They settle down within it and over the course of about 9 hours lay a clutch of eggs, which the male then fertilises.
Over the course of about five seconds increasing numbers of red dots appear outside the nucleus, in the cell's cytoplasm.
This sequence of three images, obtained by NASA's Cassini spacecraft over the course of about 10 minutes, shows the path of a newly found moonlet in a bright arc of Saturn's faint G ring.
Cassini's narrow - angle camera captured the images that make up the movie over the course of about 40 minutes on Wednesday.
Such «polysomnography» studies show how people cycle through different sleep stages over the course of about 100 minutes.
I'd say I consumed a jar over the course of about 10 days, which means I was eating roughly 80 billion CFUs daily.
Over the course of about 10 years, more than 1,700 people who had suffered a heart attack received real chelation therapy, or sham IV therapies, planned once a week for 40 sessions.
If you're not getting enough, then build up to optimal levels slowly over the course of about three weeks.
That said, 20 - 40 pounds of lean muscle built over the course of about 4 - 5 years is a realistic muscle growth rate for those ranging from slightly below to slightly above average genetics.
7/14/07 «My left thigh began to burn over the course of about a week.
I had a number of failed transfers over the course of about a year and a half, and she continually encouraged me to stay positive and that things would all work out.
Their relaxed environment is the perfect date location where over the course of about two hours, professional artists will instruct you to recreate a painting on canvas or barn wood while you sip on your favorite beverage.
I spend 3 to 4 months each year in Beijing for business over the course of about 4 trips.
They've completely rebuilt and remastered the game for PC (sorry, fellow Mac users) over the course of about ten years, and you can grab version 5.0 for free today.
Up to four players play one in - game day at a time over the course of about fifteen minutes.
Leigh's mixture of cheery comedy and frayed nerves makes for an uncomfortable evening, and the story stretches over the course of about a year, with a two - hour running time, and a pace that is slow, sad and thoughtful.
In order to create our museum, we do extensive research over the course of about three weeks.
We developed our first prototype with a single developer (me) over the course of about three months.
Over the course of about a week, I used the web site a dozen or so times to try to buy it.
That's a depreciation of 25 % per mile over the course of about three years.
I rang up the person to tell them this, and over the course of about a week received an increasingly elaborate story about how that wasn't working, they needed the money immediately, there was a fee to fill out that form and they couldn't afford to pay it etc..
Over the course of about a week I self educated myself on Debt Management Programs, Debt Settlement Programs, and the difference between the two.
Over the course of about 20 months DH and I paid off about $ 31,000 of his personal credit card debt (More about that HERE and HERE).
I paid the remaining off over the course of about a year and a half.
Yes, there were some 10 % or more days, but that return is over the course of about a year.
The last time the Fed raised short - term policy rates was 2004 — 2006, during the housing boom, when over the course of about two years it raised their target 300 BP.
The best thing to do is mix small amounts of the new food into your dog's old food, making the transition over the course of about a week.
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