Sentences with phrase «over the course of the day»

You can always put together milk that you have pumped over the course of the day in one container, after they have reached the same temperature.
When salads were topped with low - fat mozzarella and low - calorie Italian dressing instead of high - fat alternatives, women ate 10 percent fewer calories over the course of the day.
What about if a task for a client matter takes several blocks of time over the course of days or weeks?
The color of breast milk can change over time, but it could also change over the course of a day, or even in the same feeding!
They're designed to give you the right balance of nutrients from a variety of foods over the course of the day.
In this case, it doesn't matter how much protein you eat over the course of a day because it won't get delivered to your muscles.
That responses to insulin would vary over the course of a day makes sense, even if it isn't the way scientists or doctors have often thought about it.
Most studies conducted both in controlled laboratory situations and realistic situations show that skipping breakfast results in lower total energy intake over the course of a day than eating breakfast.
This will naturally boost your metabolism and cause you to eat less over the course of the day.
With this program, the athletes consumed the same amount of carbohydrates over the course of the day as the other group, but in a different sequence.
To maintain good health, it's all about getting a good balance of quality protein over the course of a day.
Mostly calm, relaxed, and slowly taking place over the course of a day.
Others may want to divide their schedule into three medium sized meals over the course of the day while some others may practice eating five small meals during their day.
In the day view, a panel opens up to the right that displays a complete list of all contacts the user is scheduled to interact with over the course of the day.
My custom goals require 30 minutes of running and the watch counts down the minutes over the course of the day while also adding up all of my steps.
This means that fewer total calories might be consumed over the course of a day.
It is unlikely to fall down that much over the course of the day, but it will almost always drop.
This is reasonable assuming a person eats 3 meals and 1 - 2 snacks over the course of the day.
The majority of people think they eat a lot over the course of a day, but in reality they do not.
Divide your total caloric intake into 5 - 6 small meals, spread more or less evenly over the course of the day.
Think of every single physical task you perform over the course of the day.
Take a close look at the people you see over the course of a day.
To respond to thyroid hormone well, the pattern of cortisol over the course of the day must be optimized.
You may also want to work in a few hamstrings stretches over the course of the day.
Keeping a food log doesn't have to involve anything more than writing down everything you eat and drink over the course of the day.
If you pick the right dark theme, you might even be able to save some battery life over the course of your day.
They could also determine individualized light settings and temperature over the course of the day, depending on each person's schedule.
These differences in fat content can vary greatly over the course of a day even among individual mothers.
If your preschooler has some control over the course of his day, he's less likely to feel the need to assert himself in offensive ways.
Regular massages will help relieve any muscle tension that might develop over the course of the day, which can help prevent future pain.
There are also different release formulas that need to be selected, and perhaps combined, to be effective for a particular child over the course of a day.
Visit this quick visualization to explore the data over the course of the day.
Owners pay for a single day of daycare and temperament testing is done over the course of the day.
Your arms are likely the easiest muscles to exercise over the course of the day.
As long as we're supplying our bodies with all of the essential amino acids over the course of a day, we don't have to go to these lengths to be healthy.
Many people could exert much more energy — burn more calories — doing normal daily activities over the course of a day and night beyond what competitive athletes typically burn in their training sessions.
It's only stored as fat if you eat more than you burn over the course of days, weeks, and months.
In other words, these foods are not free; in fact, they can significantly alter your total macros over the course of a day.
Over the course of my day yesterday, I had multiple interactions dealing with different topics where my trend following nature left the people I was talking to terribly confused.
With training in both administrative and clinical positions, you may find yourself doing a large variety of different tasks over the course of your day.
The goal is to maintain blood sugar levels in an acceptable range over the course of the day, by giving injections once or twice a day (usually twice).
There's a crazy mix and with these events occurring over the course of days, it's a fun surprise to see something pop up or to run into one.
Here, you'll see a list of installed apps, along with the percentage of battery they've drained over the course of a day.
The more concealer you wear, the more likely it will become apparent over the course of the day.
People are often unaware of how many they're drinking and how much sugar enters their system over the course of the day.
Typically, soreness builds over the course of a day or two, peaks, and goes away within a week.
These cords stretch considerably over the course of the day by a size or more.
The following chart illustrates the price action in a volatile stock over the course of a day's trading.
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