Sentences with phrase «over the course of the study»

Both groups still saw a drop in total and LDL cholesterol levels over the course of the study.
This indicates that participants with higher levels of depression at baseline who received the intervention showed larger reductions in depression symptoms over the course of the study.
Additionally, the project will have an advisory committee consisting of representatives from the injured worker community that will meet several times over the course of the study.
Self - reported abilities and satisfaction significantly improved over the course of the study.
All three interventions significantly reduced distress as well as depressive symptoms over a 12 - month period, and patients maintained those reductions over the course of the study.
Another key finding was that women in the study tended to shift toward the self - improvement comparisons over the course of the study.
Each participant will wear a physical activity monitoring device over the course of the study.
Moreover, although the people in the low - protein group gained fewer total pounds over the course of the study, they weren't exactly healthy.
All food was provided to the participants over the course of the study and included either whole grains or refined grains.
Scientists measured pain and tenderness, psychological levels, and functionality over the course of the study.
The restricted calorie group and the group the did both exercise and restricted calories lost 10 % of their body weight over the course of the study.
The control group was instructed to maintain the same dietary and training habits over the course of the study.
However, this difference diminished over the course of the study, leading the authors to suggest that satisfaction with schools in the two sectors is unlikely to differ in the long run.
But it's not quite as simple as that — the details reveal a rather complex, often uneven count over the course of the study.
As a law student it is likely over the course of your studies you will take a variety of different types of exams.
However, unlike the first sample, members of this group did not show deterioration in their relationship over the course of the study.
The results indicated that relational aggression increased in a linear fashion for girls over the course of the study.
For the subjects who maintained healthy hearts and cholesterol levels over the course of the study but did not exercise, they saw the equivalent of one year of expedited brain aging.
Every state except Hawaii experienced rising diagnosis rates of depression over the course of the study period.
Across that period, charter schools statewide consistently provided greater academic growth than their district peers: on average, charter students over the course of the study saw the equivalent of 34 additional days in reading and 63 in math each year.
Researchers followed 136,000 people in the U.S. and Japan for seven years and learned that those who reported feeling a strong sense of meaning in life had a roughly 20 percent lower risk of death over the course of the study than those who didn't.
The yearly number of discharges with Enterobacteriaceae - associated infections remained relatively stable over the course of the study years.
More importantly, the intervention was associated with overall marriage quality: As in other research, more positive automatic reactions to the partner predicted greater improvements in marital satisfaction over the course of the study.
Protocols evolved over the course of the study with regards to the final library amplification steps.
The new research, published today in the Annals of Internal Medicine, found that waist - to - hip ratio was a better predictor of whether people would die over the course of the study, compared to BMI.
A deeper dive into the media coverage found that depictions of mass shootings by individuals with mental illness increased over the course of the study period, from nine percent of all news stories in the first decade to 22 percent in the second decade.
The fructose diet had no significant effect on fasting plasma cholesterol, HDL - C or LDL - C in either men or women (values for these parameters decreased over the course of the study regardless of diet).
They found that vasodilation was significantly improved in both age groups that consumed flavanols over the course of the study (by 33 % in the younger age group and 32 % in the older age group over the control intervention).
Marijuana users lost about four IQ points over the course of the study.
Some study participants reported stomach upset such as bloating, gas, diarrhea or constipation but these symptoms subsided over the course of the study.
«The women we followed over the course of the study were from natural fertility populations where mothers who bear numerous children receive more social support from their relatives and friends,» explains Nepomnaschy.
Investigators report today that starting antiretroviral therapy early reduced HIV transmission by 93 percent over the course of the study.
«The squirrels learnt to solve the puzzle quite quickly, and increase efficiency over the course of the study to free the nut to eat.
The researchers also found the women who received resveratrol during the study became more responsive to the hormone insulin over the course of the study.
The investigators found that although α - synuclein levels decreased significantly over the course of the study, in agreement with previous studies lacking the longitudinal component, its values did not predict the worsening of motor symptoms (as measured by UPDRS) over Phase I or Phase II.
«Moreover, statin use over the course of the study did not protect against PD, and in fact appeared to increase PD risk in the long term.
Doctors at participating hospitals provided usual care, but at roughly half the sites selected randomly, the cost of anti-platelet medications were offset by vouchers over the course of the study's one - year span.
In smarter children, the cortex grew more quickly and thinned more quickly over the course of the study.
All three doses of bitopertin were well - tolerated and generally safe over the course of the study.
Ideally, A1C levels should be below 7 percent; and there was a 7 percent increase in the participants who achieved this goal over the course of the study.
Households who received the test kits had a consistent reduction in dust mite allergens over the course of the study.
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