Sentences with phrase «over the decision»

If spouses wish to have control over the decisions made about their property or to manage the risk at potential separation, it is imperative to have an agreement before separation becomes an issue.
Another voice has also joined in opposition over the decision of teachers union officials to participate in the march.
It gives them control over decision making for themselves and their family.
This helps it to acquire prestige — and ultimately some degree of power over decisions.
The entire system relies on the knowledge that no single entity can control the majority of the network power, and therefore can't have undue influence over the decision.
But there is also the political case: employees should have some say over the decisions which affect their lives - and few affect them more than decisions made in the workplace.
Following criticism over the decision last year, prosecutors said police arranged the sting without their knowledge and there were other proof issues, but police pushed back saying they had presented enough evidence.
Others are focusing only on the artificial intelligence software that allows the car to take over the decision making on the road.
His team say he wants to take more time over the decision and take it as part of a wider shake - up of party democracy.
While you are alive, you and your spouse have control over decisions about your assets and retirement income sources.
The elders and pastors of that church tend to have considerable say over decisions in the school.
However, some of the businesses have raised questions over this decision saying that involving a regulatory framework in the cryptocurrency industry could possibly increase the compliance costs.
Even as home values have significantly dropped since our closing date, I can honestly say we have no financial regrets over our decision to buy when we did.
Do parents actually sit around fighting over the decisions others make?
When a person has full legal custody, this generally means that she has full authority over decisions regarding a child.
She did not have autonomy over every decision the city made about growth.
He was informative and there to answer my questions, but he let me take my time with the car and really think over my decision without hovering or putting pressure on me!
Their parents usually lived with guilt over their decisions — second - guessing themselves and somewhat ashamed of the fabrication, both surgical and social, they had imposed on their sons....
At all levels of the system, participants should maintain choice and agency over decisions that affect their lives.
He would go over the decision «100 times» but expected he would back his initial judgement.
I think schools would definitely improve if these types of teachers, who exist at most schools, were permitted to have more power over decisions at their school sites.
Because the law allows employees to sue over decisions that may have been made many years back, companies will need to document pay decisions and keep good records on worker pay.
I struggled over the decision to spend so much for a car of this type but SO glad I did.
The leaders must set the tone, but all must take ownership over the decisions made.
People who want to work have become dependent on government assistance — as evidenced by the huge battle over the decision to not extend benefits to the long - term unemployed.
The more we sign over decision - making powers to market forces, the more this is replaced by «money talks».
She admits to some anxiety over the decision to leave her university PR position for the corporate world.
If my mind and my body are in conflict over a decision, I'm developing the trust in my body that tells me so much more than the changing answers of my mind.
Many of us labor over decisions like this constantly.
Even when I have spent nights lying awake, overcome with stress and torn over a decision, He has helped to bring me peace when I ask for it.
If you take a stand on something as a brand, be prepared to face close scrutiny over your decision.
The church can model an ability to stand in solidarity with one another while acknowledging the depth of struggle and serious differences over decisions that are made.
It is not just a difference of opinion over decision making in a congregation.
We want our clients to keep at least some control over the decisions being made about how their future lives will be shaped.
The finding shows we may have greater control over our decisions earlier in the day and soon after we wake up, regardless of when we prefer to sleep.
Always take some time to think over your decision away from the dealer.
Parents fear that they may see their child less than they want and may lose control over decisions such as where the child goes to school.
This definitely helped aspiring lawyers such as myself who often second - guess and deliberate over every decision they make, unsure if it will prove successful.
For example, some parents with joint custody choose to elect one caregiver as the primary decision - maker regarding educational matters, while the other maintains control over decisions surrounding religious practices.
Rumors and speculation over the decision had been circulating for months, but a lot of fans were still angry about it.
In joint legal custody arrangements, both parents have equal say over decisions involving the child, such as education and medical treatment.
The desire to be loved, to create closeness, look good, feel good, be remembered, or belong has a powerful influence over our decisions.
In fact, employees are not the only ones reacting to this; the internet is buzzing with criticism over this decision.
Take your time over the decision and learn as much as you can before you decide.
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